When I first got my RSV I hated that thing and couldn't get use to it. I was always finding neutral at the wrong time. I liked to have dropped the bike several times because of it. I kept saying I was either going to cut it off or buy an extra one off Ebay and cut it off to use in it's place but never did either. Then one day I developed a bad case of the gout in my left big toe. Now if any of you have ever had the gout , you know how painful it can be!!! You can hardly stand a sock to be on your foot much less a shoe! And to try and shift gears, well, that's just impossible. For about 2 weeks I came to appreciate the heel and toe shifter. I won't ever be without it now just because sooner or later old ageitis is going to show himself again. Anyway, think about this before you cut it off or replace it if you are prone to this ailment!!!!! BTW you can learn to use it when you have to.