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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. I bought a used outlet, the same as the one in the fairing, off of ebay from Pinwheel cycles for less than $10.00 including shipping. I just haven't had time to install it yet. But yea, the hole behind the seat doen't look to be big enough. May have to increased the size. I was going to use an inline fuse and come straight off the battery for it when I got around to the installation. Let us know how your's works out.
  2. My wife and I are planning the 4-state ride. This will be our first!
  3. My wife hates it but I call my bike "Big Gal". My Vmax goes by "MAX"
  4. Kirby


    Many thanks to all you who have shed light on this subject. I really appreciate it. This looks like one of those things that I'm gonna have to do a lot of comparison shopping on! At least now I have a few of the most popular models to reference.
  5. Kirby


    Ok here's a question that's probably been asked a thousand times already. What is a good cheap gps that works well with the 09RSV? I'm kinda old school and use maps normally but lately everyone is encouraging me to bite the bullet and get a gps system for my bike. Which one and what features to look for? I have Roadhouse mufflers so the bike is a little loud. I don't use the helmet intercom system either. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hey guys I just sat here for the last hour and a half looking at all the pics and all I can say is WOW! I know someone's finger must be pretty sore but Great Job! I really enjoyed meeting you guys in Rome. Hope sometime in the future we'll get to do again.
  7. Well today I went 500 miles to and from Rome, GA from my home in Mc Rae, Ga to my first VR M&E at Fuddruckers. Met a great group of people and can't wait to do it again.
  8. When I first got my RSV I hated that thing and couldn't get use to it. I was always finding neutral at the wrong time. I liked to have dropped the bike several times because of it. I kept saying I was either going to cut it off or buy an extra one off Ebay and cut it off to use in it's place but never did either. Then one day I developed a bad case of the gout in my left big toe. Now if any of you have ever had the gout , you know how painful it can be!!! You can hardly stand a sock to be on your foot much less a shoe! And to try and shift gears, well, that's just impossible. For about 2 weeks I came to appreciate the heel and toe shifter. I won't ever be without it now just because sooner or later old ageitis is going to show himself again. Anyway, think about this before you cut it off or replace it if you are prone to this ailment!!!!! BTW you can learn to use it when you have to.
  9. :Avatars_Gee_George:OK, here's a crazy question from a Crazy Frog. Since the inside rear pad wears faster than the outside, has anyone ever tried swapping the rear pads around so that both will wear out at or near the same time??? Could it be a problem getting them to reseat????????
  10. Just a quick question guys. Why do the inside rear pads wear faster than the outside rear? I had the right bag of my 2009 RSV the other day and noticed this. The bike is 3 months old with a little over 8,000 miles on it! Is the a common wear factor?
  11. Up until a few weeks ago my primary bike was a 1999 VMAX. For those of you who know what this is, in a dragrace between red lights it's probably unbeatable. Even now since I bought the RSV I have to restrain my right hand. It's a tough habit to break. Lot of fun though. Some of the other bikes are pretty fast, but autos stand little chance. For the most part, I have to remember "I'm not on the Vmax so just let it go". I still have the Max so on special occassions I put on the fullface helmet and start grinning.
  12. I was tossed back and forth the same way until I found my 2009 RSV. By the way WANDERER, where did you get that picture of my bike? Just kidding. Mine looked like that until I added the backrest from DiamondR Accessories. That made all the difference in the long rides.
  13. :grandpa:Just throwing my 2 cents worth in. I've used Mobile 1 fully synthetic 15w-50 in my Vmax for over 2 years (36,000 miles) with no problems. When just bought this new 2009 RSV I started using the same in it. So far, after 2 months and 6,500 miles, no problems. Just make sure whatever you use don't use "Energy Conserving" oil.
  14. Kirby

    My Latest "Venture"

    2018 Ultra Limited
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