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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. We all have opinions, but to hear from the actual previous owners is the purpose of this survey. I want to hear why YOU gave up YOUR harley! Thanks guys
  2. You were probably riding too slow!!:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  3. I've used Mobil 1 15w-50 in both my RSV and Vmax for a total of 54,000 miles with no problems at all. I always make sure not to get anything that has "Energy Conserving" on it.
  4. Now this is the kind of response I wanted to hear. You all did good. I think a lot of first time buyers would love to have read someting like this before that first purchase. Might not have changed some minds, but then again it might have! It has helped me to get a better understanding of what I was seeing when I look at the want ads. Thanks to all of you!! Are there any other previous owners out here who have a story to tell????
  5. I see ads all the time where there are a lot of Harleys for sale. My curiosity wants to know why. This will apply to PREVIOUS HARLEY OWNERS ONLY!! I don't want second hand info either. I don't want to know about the guy down the street or someone's brother-in-law who may have owned one. I think it would be interesting as to why people give up their Harleys. Is it because of money problems, the bike itself, service, maybe it was because of a death in the family, or whatever else? So, if you have previously owned a Harley and given it up for something else, tell us why. Personally, I've never owned one so this does not apply to me. We all have opinions, but to hear from the actual previous owners is the purpose of this survey. Above all else, THIS IS NOT ANOTHER HARLEY BASHING SESSION!!!!!!! If it turns to that , I'll ask Freebird to take it down!!!
  6. Never thought of this. I'm gonna try this out. Looks like a good idea!!! Thanks
  7. I understand what you're saying. I wasn't trying to hijack your thread either. Just posting something new that I been working on. The cassette player looks interesting, I even marked it so I could take a closer look at it later. Thanks for the post.
  8. This is something I've been working on. You and others mightr be interested in. Check out #12 post to the end . http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=44875
  9. Just thought I'd bump this back up because it's new from #12 post. Some might be interested.
  10. Kirby


    Same here. Why did I come back????
  11. Vmax is MAX RSV is Big Gal
  12. My Vmax does it from time to time if the oil level get's just a little bit low. Someone said it was a "poor man's shift light". No worries. If it comes on and stays on, that's a different matter!
  13. That's a great idea Owen!! Now all we need is to find someone that has one laying around..., maybe one from a wrecked bike??? Anybody?????
  14. This message was just sent to me from the sales rep. He tried to post it himself but was unable to do so. Michael I tried to post the following on the board but cannot seem to log in Hi All My name is Pete I run BikeMP3.com we are the originators of the GL1800 MP3 players that you have seen around nearly all the companies you see selling them originally came through us, however most are now buying factory direct. There is us and Uniq Technology who we work very closely with who to my knowledge are actively involved with further development of these products. If you look on the GL1800 board you can reference us there so you know who I am and how I work. I have to say that you all seem to be well informed of the specifics of the audio system on your bikes, I really wish it had been this easy when I did the GL1800. The GL1800 system is not compatible with the Yamaha in fact its almost not compatible with itself hence some of the issues you may of read about. In terms of your bikes we have a much better chance of an almost flaw free solution, I say almost because what you must understand is that anything we get to work will be a workaround solution, your audio system dates from before the arrival of MP3 and was never designed to accommodate an MP3 player or the advanced functionality that we have all come to expect from one, such as TEXT, PLAYLISTS etc. That said there is a good chance that we can get a MP3 player to mimic the CD changer, now how may DISC/FOLDER/FILE combinations we can get it will depend on the radio, I am thinking it will be minimum 6 FOLDER with 99 TRACKS in each but as with the GL1800 that could turn into 999 FOLDERS with 999 TRACKS the only limitation being the display. As has you have identified your audio system is Clarion and communicates via a BUS system called C-BUS this has been replaced by Clarion with CeNET now they have added some legacy support and manufacture a convertor unit however that unit is only designed to allow the use of a C-BUS CD changer with a CeNET radio it will not work for our purpose as we need the reverse of this process. I have spoken to my factories and other sources nobody at this time makes anything that will directly work or convert C-BUS to CeNET although most have addressed CeNET directly. Let us explore the options..... Try to program one of the current units that we have to work with C-BUS, well that cannot happen as most of the modern protocols are pretty similar or close enough that the communication chips in the unit can handle multiple protocols in the same unit, unfortunately C-BUS is not one of them. Have one of our manufacturers make a dedicated production run of units with C-BUS compatible communication chips, For this to be viable we are going to have to guarantee and pay for 5000+ units to be made, which I don't think in the short term is a good business decision as the take up on the GL1800 unit thus far between all the companies selling it worldwide I still don't think has hit that number, hence why some of the glitches with the current production units are tolerated until sales volume increases. My choice for this project would be to "Translate" C-BUS to another protocol that our MP3 player can understand, this would mean a second small unit along the length of the connection cable, now as luck would have it I do have such a design sitting waiting for a project like this that I can bring to life, it would make the cost of the units to a package price of not more than $160 delivered most of the GL1800 units can be bought for between $95 and $170 So really the ball is in your court so to speak I am willing to get the prototypes together and let them be tested, I would need a local bike with a willing owner to help out, and I would need feedback from owners to know if this is a product you would want and use. Thanks for reading and ride safe Pete BikeMP3.com
  15. Thanks ya'll. I hoping someone that's located near Lakeland , FL will chime in because this guy is willing to work with us to try to come up with a "modern" improvement to our "aged" design. I like the idea of a unit that can be locked up in a saddlebag or trunk so you do have to worry so much about someone stealing it or having to remove it if you're out shopping somewhere. Also it would turn off and back on again with the ignition and be accessible through the audio system much like the CD changer, only it won't skip, and it would hold a ton more of music. I could myeslf ride down there on the weekends, but that is about 450 miles from here. But if I knew for sure we could get this accomplished without me losing my job, I'd go down there and camp out on his doorstep. This is something I think all who own this bike would benefit from, not to mention future owners.
  16. Ok guys, after talking to the sales rep for the following website for a few days about something that will work on our bikes here is his reponse. I need your input on this. Especially those of you who are more electrically saavy. http://www.bikemp3.com/GL1800-Digital-Music-Player-All-In-One-With-Enhanced-Audio-HGW-IPD-V1A.htm Initial request: I asked: I have a 2009 Yamaha royal Star Venture and am looking for a product such as this to replace my CD changer. Can you help?? After much corespondence: He responded: Hi Michael My thoughts are that our initial offering will be our V1 unit which is our most popular for the GL1800. I am pretty confident that your radios are nearer industry standard than the GL1800 unit so we should not see some of the communication issues seen with that bike. (About 30 units in 1200) As I said retail will be increased due to the extra interface required so a budgetary retail will be $159.99 delivered in the lower 50. Although after testing I may be open to doing a group buy at a lower figure if we can get the numbers up. http://www.bikemp3.com/GL1800-Digital-Music-Player-All-In-One-With-Enhanced-Audio-HGW-IPD-V1A.htm Loading/programming will be exactly the same for your bike here is a video for the GL1800 basically the same. (see the section after the installation) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ty0QMLUc5RE Installation method needs to be confirmed once I can get hands on but should be almost identical as the GL1800 with the obvious location changes but should be plug and play. Operation again will be like your current CD changer or very similar and depending on the programming of the bikes radio I am hoping to make the AUX input on our unit active on your bike, if this is the case I may also be able to offer a built in Bluetooth capability. At the present all this is subject to getting hands on a bike and trying things, I am hoping to have hardware in hand to try within weeks and will need a cross section of owners (say 6) with different vintage bikes willing to install and test for us (Obviously they get to keep the final production units) First up I will need a cooperative local owner who I will need to visit a few times and is mechanically comfortable with the workings of his machine and does not mind installing and uninstalling a few times. So really the ball is in the court of the owners I am willing to take on the project if they want it and I know from past experience testers are not normally shy in coming forwards, although the local guy needs to be a little more into things Regards Pete BikeMP3
  17. I did the clutch in my Vmax last year and saw that they were indexed also. Never understood that either. But like others have said, put them back in according to the manual. I guess if you don't know why, sometimes you have to follow blindly. Who'd a thunk it???
  18. With a cold engine, it takes longer to let the engine warm up than to do the actual carb sync. Stealers are doing just that..., stealing!!
  19. Sounds pretty steep to me. Is fuel coming out of the overflow vent? Sounds a lot like something may be under the float needle seat thereby causing the fuel to flow continuously. Try opening the drain screw on the bottom of the bowl and letting it drain while at the same time tapping on the bowl with the handle of a screwdriver to loosen whatever it is. It just may bcome out with the draining of the fuel then. Hope this helps.
  20. Kirby


    I ain't saying nothing, I'm just saying. http://www.rockymountainatvmc.com/productDetail.do?&navType=type&priceRange=allPrices&navTitle=Tires+and+Wheels&webTypeId=229&webCatId=8&brandId=77&prodFamilyId=19446#vehicleSelect
  21. deleted
  22. You know, it's funny that this subject has come up, on this day. Today a couple of friends and I went for about a 200 mile ride this afternoon and it was a beautiful day to ride. I guess all the riders were out enjoying the day just as we were, possibly some were returning from Daytona. I try my best to be couteous to all I meet along my travels and today was no exception. But , there are those out there who act like they think their crap doesn't stink just because they ride a certain "American made" bike. You know the type, all dressed out in their leathers and name brand getup. They are like a rolling advertisement. All that stuff really doesn't phase me one way or the other. What really gets my goat is they want to try to look down their noses at you when you pass by and give them the courtesy wave. IMHO, They are just showing their ignorance of bikes and bikers!! If I were to have taken a poll today there would have been maybe one out of ten that would have even acknowleged by waving back. I pray to God, that if I ever get to be like that, some of you good friends and fellow bikers will bring it to my attention and help me to snap out of it!!! I'm out there on the road to have fun and help those I meet along the way. I am making payments on my RSV. I could have been making payments on an "American made" bike just as easy. I got the best on the market, IMO!! I'm gonna get down off my soap box now.
  23. The last thing that I can offer that your Dealer or PCW can't, is if during the install you have a question, or a problem with any of the kits I sell, you can PM me or call me on my cell phone (my phone number is in my profile) and I will stop what ever I am doing and give you my undivided attention until your question is answered or your problem is solved. There are quite a few members here that will attest to that fact. :sign yeah that::amen:
  24. Kirby


    Well I haven't used a tent since 1990 and Desert Shield. Now I'm thinking I may want to try it on some of my riding adventures. Any of you got any recommendations as to the type of tent I should look for?? I want something that will pack up tight because I don't have a trailer yet for my RSV. Just maybe for 2 people. Any suggestions???
  25. Money sent, 1 lg, no pocket. Thanks Don. You still da man!!!!
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