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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. Yea that!! I'll bring one too!!
  2. Kirby

    oil filter

    Hey Don, Up until I started learning a little bit more about the filters that are available I used the PH6017A on my bike. For the last several changes I've used the Super Tech 7317 from Wally World with good result, by that I mean no apparent problems. Don't know about the one you're talking about. My opinion is, "If in doubt, don't!!!" At least until you find out better.
  3. Actually, just hold down the "select" button for more than 2 sec. and the clock will appear until you push the "select" button again. If you want to reset the clock , then you have to hold down both buttons.
  4. No, I made them according to instructions found on the site.
  5. Ditto to the above. I did test drive a blue pickup once, on the way back to the dealer my qwife told me it was teal green. Go figure!
  6. I can still turn the bars all the way left and right. They just hit the switch cover and it give enough not to limit travel. I quess I'll either learn to live with it or take them back off. If I had known about this beforehand, I might not have done it.
  7. My granpappy always told me, "If you play with fire, you're gonna get burned!"
  8. Don't really know who makes them, they are for sale on EBAY. They look real good as far as fit and quality of product, I just didn't expect them to hit. Quess I'll have to be more careful about things that people rave about before jumping in next time!
  9. OK I'll try that but I'm thinking that they are the same. One's just chrome plated and the other isn't.
  10. Sweet!!
  11. You sure are a lot of help!!!
  12. The chrome is also plastic and it gives but just wondering was there something I missed when I did the install.
  13. I just installed a set of 1.5 inch risers this morning and have a problem with them hitting the chrome cowling around the key. Haven't worked this out yet. Hoses and cables tight, but OK. I posted pics on another thread this morning.
  14. Ok, I put some 1.5 inch risers on my bike this morning and it was a PITA to do. All the hoses and cables seem to be OK but I found that when I turn to near full lock on the bars, the handlebar clamps hit the center console next to the ignition switch. Does anyone have a remedy for this?? It has already marked the chrome in that area!! Pics below.
  15. Kirby

    Brass caps

    Thanks, this is about what I thought. I was reading about the caps on another thread the other day and it made me think about something that happened right after I bought the bike last year. When I first bought it, it was backfiring, so I took it back to the dealer for them to check it out. The mechanic SAID he richened the mixture up a little because these bikes come from the factory set up on the lean side. Since all this has happened I have synced the carbs and took other means to get rid of the backfiring. Anyway, to make a long story short, I was lying on the floor yesterday looking over the bike with a flashlight and happened to notice the brass caps were still on the carbs and there was absolutely no indication that they had ever been taken off. This was just one more instance of this particular mechanic's saying something he did but now I've come to believe he didn't.
  16. Kirby

    Brass caps

    I just want to throw something out here and see what ya'lls answers are. Here goes. How hard is it to put the little brass caps back on the idle mixture screw on the carbs of a 2nd Gen after you make an adjustment??? If you were a dealer, or someone that works on these bikes, would you even bother?? Could you even tell if they have ever been off??? From what I can see they are probably a PITA to get off, much less put back on.
  17. I've been thinking about buying an American flag to go on the right side of my bike. I also thought about really pi**ing a lot of bikers off by buying a Japanese flag to go on the left side of my bike. Now, at least I know where I can get them from!!!
  18. Ya'll should really be ashamed!!! I mean, bragging about hitting a peasant..., or was that pheasant??????
  19. It's hard to believe we can send a man to the moon and back safely(many years ago), and the greatest minds in this country along with others haven't put an end to this saga in over 40 days!!! My question is this, If they can cut off a pipe underwater(a mile deep) using hydraulic shears, why can't they use the same equipment to pinch the pipe closed or at least slow the flow down to a trickle????? I hope to God I'm wrong about this but I really think someone is just dragging their feet!!!
  20. Kirby


    Thanks fellas, good info!!!
  21. Kirby


    Thanks, I'm probably gonna try a set of these. What about the rubber cushions between the fairing and the bars? Do you have to make any kind of alterations for them??
  22. Kirby


    Yea, That's the one's!!! Thanks
  23. Kirby


    Has anyone tried these on their RSV??? Sorry , can't get the link to work. They're on EBAY Item #200477756054
  24. This trip is looking better, job wise!!!! Hope to be there!!!My plans are to leave S GA on Thursday morning.
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