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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. Yea, what he said!
  2. I've been thinking of removing my cassette player. Question is, Does the hinged door come off with the player? I'd like to keep the door if at all possible.
  3. Purolator PL14610 and PL14612 used to work but don't anymore. They changed the threaded end from concave to convex flange so now they won't seal the O-ring now. We had a long discussion about this several months ago.
  4. Nah, throw the bum out!!!! Nice bike Dion.
  5. Unless it's on the Interstate going in the opposite direction, I always pull over as a sign of respect. I don't do many interstates, but will pull over on all two lane roads.
  6. I , too, have been toying with this idea. Will be watching this thread.
  7. I do the same thing with my 09 RSV. The only drawback to the saddle bags on the RSV is the internal locking mechanism. It takes up a lot of space in the bag.
  8. Paris is being attacked by unknown terrorists as I type. Seems they are experiencing a level of terrorism such as we did back in 2001 in NYC. Pray for them!
  9. I had the same problem when I installed the VentureMp3 player. I just installed a relay in the power supply line to cut off the power when the bike is turned off. Problem solved!
  10. Better not git yer ponytail tangled up in that back tire!
  11. Question is, Did you find and remove the missing pin before buttoning everything back up????
  12. On another note, unless someone has removed it from the bike since it was new the wiring should already be on the bike. It originally was routed into the left saddlebag from the backside. The 09's came standard with the cd changer, or at least mine did.
  13. If the cd changer came on the bike as my 09 was then it is controlled through the radio pod on the left handlebar. If it isn't hooked up, then it will not show it in the control pod. I took mine off several years ago, so I'm not sure if it will even show up without a disc in the drive. Anyway, it(the changer) should be connected by a large round cable(C-bus) that runs forward to the front fairing and is connected to the audio harness up there.
  14. Down south it's always "Co-cola". Doesn't matter what it is....,Sprite, Pepsi, Mt.Dew, Dr.Pepper.
  15. Apologizing
  16. Before splurging on a new pump, bypass it and see if the problem goes away. If it does, then go buy a pump. If not, look elsewhere.
  17. Guilty!
  18. My #1 pet peeve is people that tailgate. I call it the NASCAR Syndrome. If all the multi vehicle pileups were truly investigated, following too close would be found to be the cause of the majority of the wrecks. #2 pet peeve is people that can't throw their trash in a trashcan, but instead throw it out along the highways. This includes pickup truck drivers who just throw that soft drink cup or beer can over in the back so it can blow out in someone's front yard. #3 is grown men that can't direct their flow INTO the urinol, but instead urinate all over the floor! #4 is clothes hangers..., you can never pick up just one. They all have to tag along.
  19. If it idles, it's getting fuel to the carbs. May not be getting enough for off idle, but if fuel is suspect check bowls by draining as someone else has already stated. since it was parked wet, check for water in gas. IMHO
  20. What would you call it?? BOSS HOSS BOSS????
  21. Hey PUC, back in 2010 my bike which is an '09 had around 26,000 miles on it when the fuel pump failed. I called the dealer in Macon, GA and asked if I could purchase one from them and they told me yes but unless they did the installation it wouldn't be covered under warranty. So I called V7 Goose out in Texas about running the bike without the pump. He told me it would run fine as long as I kept a couple of gallons in the tank so it would have enough head pressure to keep the carbs filled. Now if anyone knows V7Goose they know that there's probably not a more knowledgeable person out there for these bikes. So I took him at his word ,did the bypass, and headed out to the dealer the next evening when I got off work. I haven't tried to run one like that since that time so I know it will work in an emergency.If mine ever fails again, I now have 82,000 miles on it, I may just bypass and see how it will run all the way down to empty. Like you, I'm curious old rascal myself.
  22. I did a 100 mile run several years ago at 65-75 mph to try to get to the dealer before he closed. Bike ran like a champ. You have to keep a couple of gallons of fuel in the tank because I think to keep enough fuel flowing. I think the reason is that the float bowls are above the lower part of the tank.
  23. Two words, bypass pump.
  24. Kirby

    Won't start

    Try draining the carb float bowls first to see if you have water in your gas. Then you may have to drain the tank. If no water or other contaminants in the float bowls, you may have to pull carbs and clean out the main jets. Good luck!
  25. Don't know for sure but it sounds like you are running the float bowls dry. Maybe a kinked fuel line, bad fuel filter, or petcock not flowing fuel fast enough.
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