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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. Aww, c'mon Goose, ELABORATE!!!!!
  2. Hey Don, Where else can you go to be entertained on a daily basis for a measley 12 bucks a year?? Heck, it's worth 12 bucks just to hear a cetain fella from Texas rant and rave every now and then!!!LOL:stirthepot::stirthepot::whistling:
  3. Two options you may want to consider: 1. Get a pillow top seat off a 09. 2. Get a different A$$!!!
  4. Hey Ted, Man I'm sorry to hear about the bad run of luck you're having. I know you really like that bike. That color being the fastest anyway, you know!! If I had the money I'd buy it myself then give it back to you. If you can think of anything I might be able to do to help, just say the word. I sure hope you get back to work soon. I was just telling a friend the other day with this economy like it is, I'm afraid we haven't seen the worst yet!! Anyway, if all else fails, just come over sometime and I'll let you ride mine if the same doesn't happen to me! Good luck , my friend.
  5. Wait for it!! It's coming!
  6. I think the GSP just likes to try out those Chargers and Mustangs!!!!!
  7. Check the ones that got replaced. I'll just about bet you the new ones leak too!! I told my dealer about this when my bike was new and he ordered new ones. Come to find out when the new ones arrived, he did a pressure test on them and they leaked just like the old ones did. I told him that I wanted it noted on my record that if the pipies burned out or caused any other problem that it would be at their expense and he said OK. The Y-joints leak because they are crimped insted of welded together.
  8. I tried a Continenetal Tour TK17 once. I bought this tire because it was suppose to br "long wearing". It had all the good qualities that you need from a MC tire. The only thing is, it didn't last even 6,000 miles and it was slick as an onion. I put on an E3 and it now has over 9,000 miles and still has over half the tread left. If someone doesn't ride that much, Contis are good, but I ride over 20,000 miles a year.
  9. My experience has for years been Fire Fox works!! It works when IE won't!!
  10. Kirby

    2011 venture?

    Me thinks yer riding yer RSV like it was a Harley. Maybe yer lugging the engine, otherwise they shouldn't have anything on ya!!! Just my worth!! IMHO
  11. You know, if you had spent one more nickel on the paint job, you could have gotten a Yellow One!!!! Is this what happens if you use too much Lemon Pledge????? :banana::rotfl::rotfl:Seriously, that's a great job!! I like it!!!:thumbsup2:
  12. You may have to put a short term thread out there to catch everyone's attention and in doing so, direct them back to this thread. There may be others who know their name is on the list as mine is, but haven't looked at this particular thread in a great while. I just assumed whoever had the videos would contact me when it was my turn. I've been on the list since the beginning or close to it and am still patiently waiting. Anyway, thanks for your involvement in all this.
  13. Took a 3 day trip up to the NC-Tn mountains last weekend and met this guy and his wife up on the Cherohalla Skyway. We sat there and talked for maybe 30 minutes. Real nice couple. They are from Kentucky. I invited them to join us on this forum since we are having a lot of GW owners and a new segment for "Wingnuts" . If any of you live close by them, tell them I said "hi" and encourage them to join us. BTW, he said his Honda GW Quad was one of only 7or 8 in the US, he thought.
  14. I have a 2009 and it whines a little as it gets hotter. So, no, I don't think they've fixed the whine. I thought about the sound deadening covers too, but it will have to be something that won't come off and contaminate the oil.
  15. I'll bet you even used the kill switch didn't ya!!!
  16. Have it replaced if it is still under warranty!!
  17. I got only 23 out of 35.
  18. Randy, I'm glad you got the overflow fixed. I have one concern that bothers me though. I don't know for sure but it seems to me if you introduce compressed air into such a small chamber as the bowl, you could possibly run the risk of crushing your floats. Now if you still want to use compressed air for this purpose, IMHO, you should start by opening the drain screws on each bowl, then using a very small burst of very low pressure. Basically all you are needing to do is dislodge something from between the float needle seat and the float needle. This will allow pressure and the contaminant to go straight out the drains. Then before closing off the drains, put the inlet hose back on and let the fuel pump flush out the bowls.
  19. I guess there are thousands of people who would like to own one of these. I just not one of them. Sorry.
  20. Ditto on all the above!!!
  21. Kirby

    Cooler Rack

    Hey Monty, I like that!!! Especially the lights. It all looks really good to me. About the only neg thing I would question would be the "swingable" (if that's even a word) hooks. I suspect after a while they might get loose and rattle if not used when not carrying a cooler. But then on second thought if you don't have something on the rack, you probably won't even have the rack on, right? Anyway, looks good man!!
  22. I looked at one of these a few days ago while I ws getting a new fuel pump put on and was not real impressed with it. There was a 1700 Vulcan sitting next to it and it (the KAW)LOOKED better, but I really didn't care a lot for it either. Both of them looked cheap to me. I asked the dealer was this going to be the bike to relace the Venture and he told me he didn't think so. Hey, he's just one dealer and as many have already said, Yamaha is pretty tight lipped about what's coming down the pipe. I also looked a a new GW but, I'm not exactly thrilled about that one either. Right now, I'm pretty much satisfied with my 11 year old 2009 model. It has it's quirks but, IMO, it's still the best deal out there. A 5 year unlimited mileage warranty goes a long way!! It's all about whatever flicks your bic, floats your boat, or blows your frock up!!!
  23. Yamaha got the RSV right back in '99 and the rest are just now catching up!!! I think this says a lot for the forsight of Yamaha way back then. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!
  24. Just keep reminding yourself how long you had wait last winter for it to warm up!!!! Go ahead and RIDE!!!
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