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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. Well, as usual I'm gonna be different. I love the pillow top seat! My wife and I rode in an Iron Butt last year and the seats never gave the least bit of a problem. I also rode up to Don's Md in Ohio from south Georgia (920 miles in fifteen hours) and my backside wasn't hurting at all. I ride the bike all the time, every day, rain or shine(33,000 miles in 16 months) so maybe my backside is a little tempered from being in it!! I also have the Diamond R pillow top backrest and the only thing I don't like about it is, it gets hot on warm days.
  2. With all the responses about what to put in the place of the cassette player, I've thought several times about trying to find a gps system that would fit in that hole, be waterproof, and have a motorized screen that would come out to view. Otherwise it would be hidden inside the dash like the cassette player. It would probably cost an arm and a leg, but at least it would be useful!!
  3. :mo money:We'll try not to hold this against you!!!
  4. I'm glad ya'll had this post. I'm gonna have to repack my RoadHouse mufflers in the no-to-distant future.
  5. 'compatibility mode' = Put in gas and ride!!!!
  6. Hey Greg, man I was just thinking about you today and when I turned the computer on I just saw your post. Man I hope everything goes well with the surgery!! I hadn't heard anything from you in quite a while and was just wondering if you were still alive. Ha Ha Seriously, get well soon and maybe we'll take another ride after Christmas like we did last year. Knowing you though it won't take you that long to be back in the saddle.
  7. Man you're really asking for it!!!
  8. I beg to differ on this. I have had the 1.5 inch risers on mine since last June and they work fine. You will just have to remove the rubber grommet from underneath the chrome cover. This will let the cover, which is just as much plastic as the black ones are, move a little more freely. Be forwarned, you may have to fiddle with your cables, handlebars, and control units to keep enough slack in the cables without them binding at full lock. Also , you may need to do something to keep the fairing dampeners in place so the fairing won't vibrate and possibly cause so unforseen damage there. Below are a few pictures of what I did. I didn't like it too well at first because the risers hit the chrome cover but I got use to it and now I wouldn't have it any other way. Do a search on risers on this website and you will find a lot more. Good luck!!
  9. If your charging system is checking OK, and your battery is checking OK when the engine isn't running, then I would suggest that you pull the battery out and take it to someone who can load test the battery. Sometimes a battery will check good, but when a load is put on it, it will die. Just my worth. Good luck with finding the cause.
  10. I didn't know the VROD had a reverse!!!!!
  11. I'm gonna relay to you the message I got from someone on this website many months ago. The hinges are bent, just gently, but firmly, raise the lid back up to verticle. The hinges will bend back. Don't ask me how I know!
  12. That's why I still have VMAX and a 2nd Gen RSV in my stable!!! One's for gettin' there. The other's for gettin' there fast!
  13. Obviously , you haven't ridden an '09 Seashell/Raven S model!!!
  14. If the floats won't "float" then one or more of the carbs will do exactly as you have described, although it is highly unlikely that more than one is damaged unless someone damaged them during an earlier disassembly!
  15. More than likely you have a stuck float, trash under the needle valve, or the float is set way too high!!
  16. I caught a glimpse of a Venture (2nd gen)passing through Mc Rae, GA this afternoon as I was heading home from work traveling north on US441. Was it someone on here??? They were riding 2-up.
  17. I have a small amount of whine on mine. It's an '09. Usually it's just at a certain rpm. That rpm is usually somewhere in the "around town" speeds in 3rd or 4th gears!
  18. Me too!!!
  19. Last spring I was coming home from work and a deer was grazing on the side of the road just over a hilltop near where I live. He wouldn't have it any other way than to come across the road in from of me. I slammed on the brakes and got down to maybe 25 or 30 mph before running into the side of him. Messed up the from end of the bike a little. After getting the bike fixed I installed the deer whistles. I can't say they helped one bit! So I took them back off after reading some of the studies that have been referred to on this website. Oh, and as to the reference about loud pipes and running lights, I think deer will get use to those also but I still have both! The lights help more than anything else other than paying close attention to the sides of the road!! I missed a 6 pointer and a couple of buttheads just this morning by not more then 15 feet on the side of the road grazing!!
  20. I don't think he has ever been clear headed!!!
  21. Yea, I thunk I already seed dis muvee!!!
  22. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that:
  23. I've been running Mobil 1 15w-50 Fully Synthetic for nearly 30,000 miles in my '09 and won't run anything else!! However Wally World seems to be phasing this oil out of their inventory. May have to go with another brand if I can't find it in another store. Just my worth. BTW, my owners manual recommends the following oil: Yamalube 4 10w-40 or 20w-50, SAE 10w-40 or SAE 20w-50. Recommended engine oil grade: API service SG type or higher, JASO standard MA. It also states: In order to prevent clutch slippage (since the engine oil also lubricates the clutch), do not mix any chemical additives. Do not use oils with a diesel specification of "CD" or oils of a higher quality than specified. In addition, do not use oils labeled "ENERGY CONSERVING II" or higher. The last sentence is probably the most important!!!!
  24. How do these mud flaps attach???
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