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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. Kirby

    Clymer Manual?

    I haven't used a Clymer Manual in years but back in the day (early 70's) when I bought a bike that was the first thing I did was buy a Clymer manual. If I bought a car or truck then I bought a big Chilton's repair manual for those. Clymer manuals used to have lots of pics which were very helpful. Like was said before you can never have too much info.I remember they always cost a little more than you mentioned. Most started at 20 to 30 dollars.
  2. Kirby

    Tire Question.

    Motorcyclesuperstore has filled a lot of orders for me from tires to tools to helmets to riding gear and they have always been fast and very helpful. I've returned stuff to them simply because I didn't like it for another and they have always treated me right. I always check with them first!!!
  3. Yea, Mine took a spell like that!!! New modem, no more problemo!!!
  4. You got it!!!!
  5. Avon AV71 Cobra 150/80R-16 Front Tire This is the "R" he was talking about and yes the Avon link shows this in the tire sizes. If it doesn't have an R in the size it isn't radial. Look under Cobra for the tire mentioned.
  6. Yep! R stands for radial. V and H are for speed rating and 74 and 80 are for load rating.
  7. Kirby

    "BigGal" 2009 RSV S

    From the album: My stable

  8. Good question! I'm curious also.
  9. I agree! It looks neater!
  10. I agree with all about the load rating of the E3. I hadn't checked the load rating of the radial as compared to the E3 bias ply. Good point!!
  11. :bang head:Me thinks you're being had!!!!
  12. I ran an Avon Cobra radial on the front during the time I was trying to get the CT to work since the CT was a radial also. Couldn't ever get the wobble out so after 1500 miles I ditched the rear CT and tried a Continental bias with the front radial. Result: it road good but the Conti didn't last but about 6,000 miles so I went with the E3 on the rear. I got about 15,000 miles before changing it out because of a long trip I was planning to go on. The Cobra got a cut in it at around 20,000 miles so I replaced it with a E3 bias to match the new rear bias E3. I wish I could get a Cobra in a radial for the rear . I'd buy a set front and rear in a heartbeat.
  13. Ok, so nobody caught it !!! The rear of the RSV is 15" NOT 17" rims. I went into the other room and it dawned on me what I said . I ran back in here to see how many caught it but none did. It is 15 inchers!!!
  14. I haven't seen a radial that will fit the stock RSV rim for the rear! 17 inch I believe. But if you have, please post a link!! I'd be interested the next time I have to change out!!!
  15. I tried the CT for about 1500 miles with the Avon Cobra radial on the front. Couldn't ever get the wobble out so I went back to the E3 on rear. Cobra was very good for the front and got about 20,000 miles before it got cut and had to replace it. Wish Avon had the Cobra in a radial for the rear of the RSV. E3's on both ends now.
  16. I thought it was a self portrait!!!!:rotf:
  17. Yea I felt like cutting it off a time or two!!
  18. Ok there have been a lot of pros and cons on this topic so here is my worth. Right after I got the RSV, I also got a bad case of gout in my left big toe. For those of you that have ever had this you know how painful it can be. Here I was with a new bike and couldn't bear lifting the shift lever with my toe, so I trained myself to use the heel shifter. I had thought about cutting it off before, but now it's there if I ever have another bad bout with MR. Gout!! If I can possibly ride, I'm a gona!!! Speaking of which.., c'ya!
  19. As some of you noticed last MD I have Roadhouse mufflers on my 09 RSV. They have always had a nice deep tone to them but not overly loud. Well, all that changed and things got progressively louder to the point it was annoying to say the least. So, I ordered some ceramic muffler repacking off the internet and decided to tackle the job of repacking the mufflers hoping to get back to that deep mellow tone. Most of the steel wool insulation that came in the pipes had already burned out so I wrapped the new stuff around the baffles and reinserted them back into the cans. I was very disappointed!!! They were actually louder than before I repacked them!! Lucky for me, I still had the original mufflers, so I put those back on until I can find the oem packing for the Roadhouse mufflers. When I first started the bike after putting the oem(Yamaha) mufflers on it I thought, "Man this sure sound anemic"!! But after riding it for the last couple of days, I kinda like the quiet! Now, I said all that to say this. If any of you decide to tackle repacking your mufflers and want to buy the ceramic insulation because it has extremely high temp qualities and won't burn out, DON'T!! But if you like it obnoxiously loud, then by all means, go ahead and purchase this material. But until I get mine(Roadhouse mufflers) to sound like they did when I first bought them, I'll be riding around as quiet (stock oem mufflers) as a mouse!!!
  20. You know what they say about the weather in GA.., "If you don't like it, stick around 'til tomorrow. It'll change!"
  21. Do you check your tires for balance after mounting, or do you just take it for granted that they're "close enough"?
  22. Yea! What he said.
  23. I was just wanting to know what you meant by "quality tires". I thought I might have missed something in my search for the next set for the my bikes. I average at least 20 to 25 thousand miles every year, which sometimes lead to several tire changes within a given year. I can't ever remember, with the exception of one or maybe two times that any of the tires I've used didn't need at least a little balancing! I'd say you've been very lucky or maybe you do have that little bit of extra knowledge in selecting a "quality tire".
  24. Please explain about "quality tires". It's been my experience for the last 40 years that you get a lemon in just about anything that is mass produced!! The point is, we have to overcome those "lemons" to make them "serviceable".
  25. This might be something that someone might want to set up at Don's MD next summer. Maybe even a demo on doing the clutch??? Just some ideas to throw out there. What'ya think Don???
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