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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. I've been running 45-47 psi in my BFG since installing. Hardly ever think about it anymore.
  2. Enquiring minds want to know!!!!!!!.
  3. My 09 was the same. I put one in the spot you mentioned above. Like you, I had to enlarge the hole to accommodate the plug.
  4. Looks like my Ram mount. I like it. Holds great!
  5. Me too! Holds great!
  6. Me too! Holds great!
  7. Welcome Wayne(georgiaboy). I knew if you ever came on here you would find all the answers to your questions. Maybe that's an exaggeration???????!!# Anyway , you'll get some kind of answer. (hehehe) Welcome to the nuthouse! Looks like you've already saved enough for the $12.00 subscription. Again, WELCOME
  8. I tried a bluetooth adapter on my bike and it would only come through one speaker. What did I do wrong? It works fine in the house on my computer speakers.
  9. I had an 18x36 ft inground pool for many years. We got tired of it so I filled it in and planted a garden in it. Get a lot more use out of it now.
  10. Mike, it could be that your battery cables are not clean and tight enough. Mine was doing the same thing. Clicking(by that I mean once for every time I hit tbe start button) when I hit the start button and maybe next time it would crank normally. I wasn't noticing any other thing that would relate to the battery. So I got to looking for the click sound when it did it and noticed my battery felt like it was making the noise. I cleaned and tightened the cables and it hasn't done it again. It's been several days and about 600 miles since I tightened it up.
  11. Why not just pour the mix into something else and save it for what it was meant to be used in. Then refill the can with the correct fuel for your bike and put it in the trailor?
  12. Just do it. It works great. Been using it for several years. Oh, almost forgot to mention. Dynabeads work great for balancing, but RideOn balances and seals for small nails and such in the 3-inch tread zone. Don't try to use both at the same time though. One or the other.
  13. Beware!!!!!! Purolator filters no longer fit our bikes. Do a search on this site to find out why. I don't know about their motocycle specific filters.
  14. Sounds like you've got too much oil in the crankcase. Shouldn't fill over half way up the sight glass with the bike standing straight up. If too much oil it will puke it up into the air plenums under the tank and then drain back though the vent hoses to the ground.
  15. Drain it all out and check the filter. You may have 2 o-ring gaskets on there. If not you'll probably have to find the correct filter. A K&N 303 I think will work. Purolator changed the design to their 14610 and 14612 filters so now they won't pull up to compress the gasket. If you try to ride it like that you may pump all your oil out down the road somewhere, not to mention getting oil all over your back tire! That could turn into a bad situation real quick!!!!
  16. That would be my concèrn also. Miģht be better to capture oil draining back down from the cam towers and channel it to the clutch.
  17. Still got the original battery in mine also. It's an 09 with 88,000 miles on it.
  18. My 09 has 88,000. Replaced clutch with Barron's. Other than that, fuel pump and tires.
  19. Pictures???????????????
  20. WW tires on a black bike (or car) make me think of a man wearing a black suit with pant legs rolled up about 3 inches, black shoes, black tie, top hat and white socks. Then again, if that's your thing, OK. I'll keep the black walls or maybe on certain bikes some RWL. To each his on.
  21. Yea, what he said!!!
  22. I took the wind deflectors off the forks and the lower deflectors from the bottom of the fairing last summer and found out real quick that the bike looks great without them but the air turbulence and noise was way too much for me. I put them back on after only a couple hundred miles.
  23. Might wanna straighten out those saddle bag rails. Nice bike, but I'm like you, lose the white walls.
  24. When you get it fixed put thumb nuts on it so you won't need a wrench any more. That way you won't be breaking them again.
  25. Thanks, that's what I thought.
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