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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. As usual, I'll have to wait until the date draws closer because of work, but, yea, I'll put it down on the calendar. Worked out last two years and had a ball. Thanks for posting don.
  2. Don't think the wiring will take it. I just wired in a separate aux. plug for just that purpose. Located it just below and behind the front seat on the left side sitting on it. No more worries!
  3. Good to hear, Tom. Glad things are looking up for you.
  4. What I do is blip the throttle while holding the clutch in before putting it in gear. Since I have to back out of the carport, this works for me.
  5. It doesn't get too hot to ride for some of us!!!
  6. Well I guess I bragged a little too much about the player in a previous post. After sitting for 6 days without starting I went out this morning to ride the bike to work and the battery was almost drained. They told me this would happen if I didn't unplug the player if left unattended for several days. Anyway, when I got home this evening I put the bike on the charger and it charged right back up. There was a suggestion in the box that came with the player that if I wanted to install a switch to turn it off completely, I could contact the seller and he would send a schematic to show how to do this. For now I have disconnected the player head and will plug it back in only when I know I won't be letting the bike sit for any length of time. So, to make a long story short, unplug it if you aren't going to ride it for 4 or 5 days.
  7. I just received a new Avon from Jake Wilson last week and the date on it is 2011. I think it's a keeper!
  8. Thanks for the video Bill. I got mine installed last week and have enjoyed it ever since! It's so nice to be able to not have to unplug the mp3 player and stash it in a secure place every time I decide I might want to leave the bike and go inside a store. And it starts right back at the place where it was turned off at. I had to buy a good sd card to get it to play right. The first one I tried didn't work right so I "borrowed" the spare one from my wife's digital camera. After that it worked just as it was advertised. I put mine in the left saddlebag where my cd changer used to be because when I ran the wires for my rear led lights, I used the hole in the trunk to run the wiring for that through there and I didn't want to upset any of that wiring trying to get this hooked up. Anyway I'm enjoying this new toy immensely!!!
  9. Actually, you can split the fairing and find the wire to the auxillary port that goes into the back of the cassette player, put a splitter in the line where it joins together, and run a separate wire out through the steering neck and along the handlebars to where ever you need to plug in whatever it is you're trying to play. Then you can just leave the player door closed all the time. By the way, with this tip, you just saved enough to pay for a year's subscription!! So go ahead and make it permanent. This bunch of idiots will save you a bundle.
  10. We don't have a lot of Ventures in this area that I live in, but spotted a beautiful black Midnight in Broxton, GA yesterday just before lunch time pulling into a service station. Was it anyone here? This is on US 441.
  11. Unless he has a problem with vertigo or other medical condition..., uh no, that's just wrong!
  12. In my opinion, I think it makes people forget how to spell correctly. They do this because they are lazy and they don't want to think about what they are about to say, they just want to give a response. Just as cursive writing is quickly becoming a lost form of writing, so is the overall ability for people to spell correctly. I hate it when people that I'm working with are constantly sending and reading texts. It's as if these people have no idea that their phone is actually a TELEPHONE! You can't tell me that the text can convey the same message, faster, with feeling, that a simple call will. This is how a lot of misunderstandings get started. Then it takes even longer to try to get things straightened out. Examples: Look at this forum. How many times have people gotten their feelings hurt because of a message that was taken the wrong way?
  13. Tom it was a privilege for me to help out. You just need to be extremely careful in all you attempt to undertake for at least another month. Get well soon my friend!!! Hope the next few days are enjoyable for you.
  14. Check the connection at the player itself. When you unplug the player, the cd option won''t show up on the master control. I don't know if there is a separate fuse for this or not. Maybe someone else will chime in soon. Good luck.
  15. I ordered one yesterday and received confirmation that the order was shipped today along with a picture of the actual package with my address on it. Will take awhile to get it through customs. Anxiously awaiting!
  16. Good luck, hope it works out for you. The tire looks great!
  17. My wife and I stayed there a couple of years ago, maybe 3. It was nice , although a little pricey for the time. The lady that ran it was very nice and even helped us find a room somewhere else the next year since we just dropped in on them and didn't have a reservation. What impressed me most was each room has it's own garage for your bike. Last year I stayed at the San Ran motel in Robbinsville. It was old but clean. Just my .
  18. May be air in clutch line??????
  19. George this sounds a lot like the philosophy a lot of companies are trying to go by nowadays. It's called JIT. Just In Time demands that every part of a factory deliver JIT. No stocking up on parts or overrunning of parts. This also means that all of a company's venders abide by the same philosophy. In a perfect world this would be great, but...,
  20. You have definately got something wrong with your fuel sending unit, in my opinion.
  21. The way mine works is when I get down to about 2 bars left on the fuel gage, the trip meter switches to "F" and the mileage starts counting up. About the same time the fuel light comes on dimmly and gradually gets brighter. If I use the petcock on the fuel tank, about 7-8 miles later, the bike will start to die so I have to turn the petcock to reserve. At this point I usually can go about 40 more miles before running completely out of gas. Most of the time I just rely on the fuel gage and light and leave the petcock on reserve. With the light and the trip meter, I really don't need to use the petcock, after all you don't have one on your car or truck, do you? Sometimes we just need to pay attention to the mileage we have already put on the tank of gas.
  22. Yea, what he said!!!!
  23. Ok, so I guess I don't need to come up there Saturday and bring it down to my house?
  24. I mostly don't use a Gps but I have a TomTom 330s in my saddle bag just in case there is ever a need to find my way home. It isn't waterproof without the ziplock bag. It's hard to see in bright sunlight. But it is pretty reliable.
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