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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. Twigg I enjoyed the report and am glad you made the right decisions. You can always try again, but if you had pushed it, and failed you might not have that opportunity again. After all, it's about Safe Riding. Glad you made it back in one piece and look forward to reading about your next adVenture!!
  2. I installed the Mic-Mutes a couple of years ago and now I wonder what took so long. I love 'em. If you've got a passenger you'll both appreciate them. I don't use my front and rear speakers much but listen to everything through my helmet headsets and it makes all the difference in the world.
  3. Well has anyone heard from twigg yet????
  4. Kinda looks like a 1st Gen. I guess all those older, faster models have to be chained up to keep the from running away?????:dancefool::big-grin-emoticon::fiddle:
  5. Good luck and pay attention to the road. I'll be rootin' for ya!!!
  6. My #4 cylinder sits on the crankcase!!! Must be a 1st Gen if the cylinder is sitting on a stool!
  7. You have my deepest and most sincere sympathies.
  8. AMEN!!!
  9. That's pretty good!!!
  10. Yep, I ain't gonna call it a "wimp", 'cause it's earned it's reputation but, it won't hold a candle to this with a helicopter engine. This comes from someone that owns a VMAX.
  11. Kirby


    What's a Facebook???
  12. Man that's just what I've always wanted.., a house underground!!!!!
  13. Maybe the dealer can get you in touch with the previous owner and you could ask him a few questions. I would want to know above all else when the last time the valves were adjusted, if ever. If you can't get the right answers or no answers, then walk away!!
  14. $3.75 around these parts and headed up.
  15. I've been looking at this helmet for some time now. Just haven't got up the nerve to pull the trigger yet. I've been using a Vega Summit II for about 4 years in the winter. It's given me good service but it's about time to change. It's getting a little ratty. My only complaint with it is it rattles a good bit from the top air vents. As far as air flow, it has great ventilation in the summer. I keep everything taped up during the winter because the air flow will freeze the top of your head. Most of the time when the weather warms up I just put on my shortie GMAX 35x and go.
  16. I'm in also. PP sent.
  17. I was going into DT's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
  18. Kirby


    I guess you hit the kill switch again huh? Stopped everything dead in it's tracks(abdominal)!! Well some of us have to take a little Metamucil now and again . It's a B--ch getting old ain't it? Get well, my friend!!
  19. Where's the cassette player?????
  20. Seen around since August 13, 2009. Haven't attended to a lot of the meets , but I'm on here at least once a day. Made the last 2 MDs at Freebird's. I just like to get on here and listen to what this bunch of idiots has to complain about everyday. Reminds me of the comic strip, "Family Circus". I work from dusk to dawn so most of the time I'm either LMAO or fighting back a big ole lump in my throat. You guys are "good medicine". Keep it up!!
  21. And I would say that they must've gotten the 2 Gen right, 'cause look how long it's been running unchanged, since the beginning, 14 years! Now that's not taking anything away from the 1st Gens, but they did make a few changes to them. In it's time, I agree, it was ahead of it's time. On the same note, look how the 2nd Gen has been holding it's own against the competition! And it would be even greater if it had just a few updates! I didn't think Yamaha should have ever dropped the 1st Gen, but they did. Now it looks as though the 2Gen is headed down the same path. I just hope the next version is something we can all be proud to call a VENTURE. After all, whatever it is, it'll have some big shoes to fill!! And personally, an air-cooled, belt drive V-twin just ain't gonna measure up.
  22. I got a 99 right now. It is awesome. Check out my profile pics.
  23. I've been using Dyna Beads for a couple of years now in both my bikes and have gotten good results. There's nothing wrong with the old method of balancing your tires. It, like you say, has worked for decades. As far as expensive is concerned.., what does it cost and how long does it take to balance a tire the old way? Dyna Beads can be installed through the valve stem upon mounting or thrown in before seating the beads by using the plastic bag(which weighs about as much as you breath) they come in, which is left open at one end. There's no adjusting the weights or anything like that unless you have a tire that is really bad out. Just put them in and forget them. You can only hear them if you have the bike turned off, and the bike up on a stand, while turning the tire(sshhh). The first time you hear them you might think that you brake pads are barely touching the disc. It's actually quieter than that. Clumping?? Never had that problem, but then again I guess they would if you put some type of tire sealant in there with the beads. As a matter of fact I usually use a small hand vac and remove the beads when I change tires and reinstall them in the next tire. By reusing them the initial cost is nothing compared to having a shop do all this for you. Getting stuck in an air valve? Yea, it might occasionally happen. It's happened to me once in the last 2 years. Remedy- Just check the pressure with the valve stem at some other position than 12 o'clock or 6 o'clock. The one time it happened with me, I decided to check the air while the valve stem was at 12 o'clock. If you have a compressor handy, just hit it with a shot of air and it will blow the bead out of the way. These beads will never wear out! They are made of ceramic so they are very hard. After many uses from one tire to the next they still measure the same size as when they were first installed. I checked this out early on by using dial calipers. There is no "dusting" from the beads turning to smaller pieces. The inside of the tire doesn't show any sign of wear. They come out looking just like they did when put in. Advantages? Ease of use, rebalance each time your tires are run, you don't have to worry about loosing a weight, and economical in the long run just to name four. Disadvantage?? The only thing I can see is you can't use some type of tire sealant with them or certainly they will clump! I'll never go back to the other method. Your findings may be different. They work for me.
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