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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. Over the past 2 years I've lifted mine 3 times using this method. If you do it correctly, it works.
  2. Yea, I had missed the old fart too!! I guess we all need a little "time off" from time to time.
  3. D404's came on my bike new in 2009. I don't think they would have come on the bike if they were too light of a tire for the bike. I think some have got them confused with the Brickstones. IMHO, they are a good, reasonably cheap tire that wears reasonably well. I don't remember the exact mileage but I believe I got around 14,000 miles out of that first set. Granted, I'm no canyon racer either! I changed tires to E3's and now Avons because of the recommendations for a better handling tire from the folks on this website and you were right! If tire prices continue to rise I just might have to go back to them simply because of price. I generally go through 2 sets a year on the bike since I ride year round. Just my:2cents: worth.
  4. Jeff, I think I paid 127.00 for mine with free shipping. I'd not sure, but it sounds about right. I'm kinda tight wadded anyway. I know I didn't pay regular price for it. I think it was a Christmas special or something like that. Just checked, it was 127.00 total!!
  5. The hole in the bottom of the trunk is plenty big enough( 1", I think") to get the small end through and run it forward. The rubber grommet they send with the unit will wrap around and fill the hole afterwards.
  6. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that: Mine would cut off while riding along then start right back up after a few minutes on the side of the road. Bypassed the pump, no more problem. Replaced pump. All good since.
  7. I've been using Mobil 1 15w-50 Fully Synthetic in both my bikes for years with no ill effects. Probably gonna have to go to the Rotella T6 next though. Haven't seen the Mobil 1 on the shelf in quite a while. I think they must've quit making it.
  8. 1st Gens= Yamaha's futile attempt to build a Tupperware Bike!!! They eventually abandoned this for one with more class, hench 2nd Gen. :dancefool:
  9. And according to some, the officer riding the second bike was to not block traffic when the bike broke down!!: :crackup::crackup:
  10. I haven't seen one lately other than my own but I did stay at a Holiday Inn once!!!
  11. Some of us have to work these crazy hours! :crying::crying:
  12. Hey Randy the SS1000 that several of us did a couple of years ago was all interstate. We started in Newnan, GA on I85 went up to Atlanta , took I20 over to Columbia, SC, north on I77 up to Statesville, NC, then west on I40 to Nashville, TN, then south on I24 to I75 south in Chattanooga, TN , then down to Atlanta, and back to the start at Newnan. Total mileage was somewhere around 1,050 miles. Just don't do it when it's raining like we did. It's all pretty good road.
  13. You should check them at least every time you do a carb sync, which should be at least once a year!
  14. Yea that!! The biggest difference between the bike and a baby is you can't ween the bike off it's formula!!!!!!!!:crackup:
  15. Hey Tom you know I'm good for a place to store stuff!!! Hint Hint!!!
  16. Man, I can't even get off work to go to Rome, much less get ready for a BBG. But hey, one of these days..,
  17. Well???? Inquiring minds want to know!!!
  18. I always thought you have to determine how good a rider you are before you can decide on the size of the door!!! :crackup::crackup:
  19. Hey, that's a good idea!! I might try that when I get around to it. I'd want it to be hot when switch to the accessory position. By the way, did you get my PM I sent you a few days ago?
  20. All in fun, brother. All in fun!!
  21. Just remember the story about the Tortose and the hare.
  22. Long as you don't hit the kill switch, you'll be OK!!!!!:dancefool::dancefool:
  23. All the pwer comes through the cbus cable that is supplied with the unit. The unit switches off with the ignition switch but there is always some residual power going to the unit I guess for the memory because it picks back up where it left offwhen you turn it back on. The later units come with a toggle switch that is located near the unit so you can totally tuur it off if you are going to not use the bike for several days. I ride every day so I just leave mine on and so far no problem. They (the company in Spain) sent instructions as to how I could wire in a switch but I need to split the fairing again to do that or else unhook the battery. I just bought some new speakers for the bike so one day when I get around to installing them I will put a switch in the unit and wire it to the handle bars.
  24. I've got one and love it!! I used a mp3 player for a couple of years but got tired of having to take it off and put it back on every time I stopped on the road somewhere for any length of time. I ordered the Venturemp3 from a company over in Spain and they sent it right on. Cost was I think 127.00. It takes a little while to install but the procedure is pretty straightforward. It uses the CD hook up in the front fairing or either the cassette player hookup also in the front fairing. I had already remove the CD player so I just plugged in the supplied cable and ran it to the trunk where I affixed the Venturemp3 to the inside wall. Do a search for Venturemp3 on here and midnightventure has a video showing his installation. It is powered by the bike so you don't want to leave it plugged in unattended for more than 4 or 5 days. It takes it a while but it will drain the battery if the bike isn't ridden for 4 or 5 days. Check it out. You'll like it!
  25. Attaboy Carl!!!:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: I suppose now you'll be deleting all the 2 gen posts!!!!!
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