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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. The tab was on my friend's '99 and on my '09 so I guess it's on all of them.
  2. While working on a friend's bike the other day, he mentioned that the choke wouldn't stay on by itself. After doing some searching on here, I couldn't find an answer as to how to get it to stay on without simply standing there holding the choke knob out. So I decided that there might be others out there with the same problem. Here's the solution. If you lay down on the floor and look up at the choke knob, just behind it(towards the rear of the bike) there is a hex nut that is held in place by a flat thin locking tab. It looks like a very thin flat washer. See picture below. All you have to do is take is a flat blade screwdriver and straighten out the tab that is holding the nut in place. Then with the appropriate wrench or even a pair of plyers, tighten the nut just enough to start holding the choke linkages in place. This shouldn't take tightening but maybe one flat on the nut. Afterwards, bend the tab back over at any place it's most convenient. Now your choke should stay on until you push it back in. Don't over tighten or it will be hard to push back in.
  3. If I were in the market for a NEW bike, that's exactly what I would look at first. It's P-U-R-T-Y.
  4. From what you have said, I suspect your problem is for some reason your float needle valves are not shutting off the fuel. Until this is corrected, your bike is going to continue to flood, which is why it is smoking. This is why it is overflowing to the ground. When you switch it off, the fuel pump quits trying to keep the bowls full, so it quits overflowing. If the bike was a simple system without a fuel pump and just gravity fed, then it would continue to leak until all the fuel was emptied out of the tank. It may be as simple as a piece of trash between the needle valve and the needle valve seat. Try using the handle of a screwdriver and tapping the affected carbs before switching the pump on. Then do the same again while the pump is filling the bowls. If you get lucky you may dislodge whatever is keeping the needle valve from seating. But if this doesn't get it, then I see no other recourse but to pull the carbs. Keep us informed.
  5. Come on guys, it's the beginning of summer and you're all sitting around here smokin' something and figuring how fast the universe is moving when you should be out riding!!! Let's go, winter's coming very fast!!!!
  6. This bike was bought from a guy out of Havanna, Fl. It's a '99 with about 18k miles on it. The pinstriping reminded me of Jaybird's handiwork. The guy that bought it lives within 15 miles of me and we got together today for about 4 hours for a mini MD and general BS section just to get acquainted. Real nice guy. His and mine are the only RSV's around me. The saddlebag hinges have the inserts that I've seen like are on Freebird's bike, without the engraving. I'm just thinking this bike has made it up to Don's at some point in time. It's running a little rough but we're gonna run some Seafoam in it for awhile and see it it'll clean it out. I did a carb sync and it runs much better but they were way out. It's been sitting up for awhile. If running the Seafoam in it doesn't do it then we'll take the carbs off one weekend and give them a really good inspection. So, what say ye, anybody recognize this bike??
  7. Don, I will pay more if you think it will keep the riff raff out! I'm gonna say one more thing and then I'm through. Many of the members on this site are also members of the PGR. And everything you do for the PGR is at your own expense. Until someone like this has a need to give back a part of himself to help others he will always be there to come and go about stirring up trouble! He needs to re-evaluate who he is. And by that I mean who he is deep down inside. I'm sure he could have contacted you(Don) or someone else on this website and tackfully asked the same question, but instead he wanted to do in an open form just to see our reactions. Now he's free to move on to stir up trouble elsewhere. I'm done and Don, thanks for all you do.
  8. You know, you're a real piece of work! I sat here and read all the responses that my Family members gave you and you still don't get it! I'm a member of other sites as well but until you've been a part of the Family, you just don't know what it's like. There are members here who ride just about any kind of bike you can name and when we get together it just doesn't matter. You say you ride chopped Jap bikes that aren't as expensive as what ride. Have you ever seen one of these 1st Gens before it has been completely gone through by one of the members here? Some of these bikes were bought at little to no expense and today they are as good if not better than when they were first built 25-30 years ago. They were built by people who didn't have much money to put in a bike but they could see the potential in the bike and over a period of time with the help of Family are riding today. You just don't have a clue. If you or any of your friends would like to join our group, you would be welcome and we would help you just like we help each other already. But if your sole purpose in life is to incite the Family to anger, then it would be best for you to just ride on down the road. But remember, there's a pretty big group of like minded people here so if you're broke down by the wayside one day don't be surprised if a Venturerider stops and offers some assistance. If he does then you won't care where the membership dues go..
  9. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that:
  10. Very nice!
  11. Bump!!
  12. bump!
  13. She got my heart, I mean, Vote!!!
  14. If you guys ever do break down and buy a 2Gen, you'll wonder "What took me so long?"
  15. You might could try a "Bike Condom".
  16. Hey Walt, I'm impressed!!!!
  17. I thought it kinda humorous that at one point in the article he called it a "V-Twin".
  18. Yep, that's the same with me and I'm running Linux Mint. Brian hold down the shift or control key and click it again. See if this lets you open it up.
  19. Good read, thanks for posting.
  20. Ok , one other thing to look for. If the floats are hollow like the used to make them years ago, the floats themselves may be filling up with gas and falling open if the floats have a pin hole in them. This would have the same effect as float levels set way too high. Also this model may be like the 2gens that come from the factory with the float levels set too high. The manual is wrong on this. Goose has a write up in the Tech section on a better way to set the float levels without getting them too high.
  21. Does this model have the carburetor heater circuits? I don't know exactly how those things work but maybe there's something like a temperature controller that has gone bad and the heater circuits are running continuously and not cutting off? I'm just guessing. Maybe Goose or someone else will chime in on this and explain. Keep us posted and good luck.
  22. I agree.
  23. This is what I am also currently using.
  24. I'm with you Brian. I see no earthly reason to try to make the fuel boil. Maybe this something new they teach in some of the hi-tech schools?
  25. Why would you want to change the headers unless you definately know that someones sells a set that flows better? If it's just the sound you want to change, save the money for something else and slap a set of mufflers on it and go. There's about as many choices of mufflers as there are people that can answer the question. Just how much noise you want to hear is the only thing in considering which to buy. Usually you don't even have to rejet the carbs to change the mufflers.
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