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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. Ok I. I'm just gonna throw this out there and see what kind of responses I get back. I took my bike up to a dealer today to ask them to figure out the noise I was hearing. They told me it could be the timing chain guides. They said these bikes wear out the timing chains, tensioners, and guides. I've never once heard of this on a 1st gen , much less a 2nd gen. I know It's possible, but still anyone else ever run into this? Sounds to me like someone's blowing smoke.
  2. I generally add back the percentage of correction to get thempgs.
  3. Been running the Speedohealer for several years now, works great. After reading other's comments , I may have to try out the Drd next time. Sounds simpler to set up.
  4. The stop linkage is bent. Just gently lift up on the lid and they will straighten back out. It should lift up to 90 degrees. Been there, done that!
  5. Thanks Dion, I thought it might be something on top as well but it only does it after warm-up. Seems to be rpm related.
  6. Bike is 09 with 98,000 miles. Couple of questions: 1. Does the water pump on the 2nd gen make a tapping noise before it goes out? I've got a tapping noise coming from somewhere on the right side. It does it when changing gears at 1500 to maybe 2500 rpms(I'm guessing since I don't have a tach). It doesn't make this sound when in neutral and revving the engine I thought to start with it was the last gas I put in it. That's when it all started. So I drained it all out and put in some hi-test no-knock. Regapped my plugs, synchronized the carbs, and cleaned my air filters. I looked all under and over for anything loose but couldn't find anything that might be rattling. 2. Could it be a clutch bolt backing out? I've had zero problems with the clutch since I installed the Barnett kit many thousands of miles back. I thought it might be a valve problem but It's been only 10k miles since last adjustment. Bike runs very good and returns 38-42 mpg. All plugs are firing, new plugs in less than a month ago. Gonna get a new gasket and pull the clutch cover next. All comments are appreciated.
  7. And men used to complain about their wives sitting at home watching soap operas! Go figure.
  8. Yeah, same here. I never touch the choke until the temp drop below 50 degrees.
  9. If load test on battery checks out OK, then check the connection to the starter solenoid. It's down there behind that plastic cover on the left side behind the rear floorboard. Mine got to doing the same nearly a year ago. I cleaned the connections, put it all back together, ordered a new solenoid switch. The new one is still in the trunk!
  10. Could be a leaking valve cover gasket on right rear cylinder. Just saying.., Check to see if the oil is getting on rear right exhaust header. May be burning off while you ride then running down after bike cools down.
  11. Thanks guys. I've been making it fine without it. I don't use the petcock unless I'm removing the tank, but I do use the fuel gage in the dash as well as the odometer. I'll probably just continue without it.
  12. My red low fuel light has stopped working. What should I check? Is there a fuse for this? Everything else is working fine.
  13. Kirby


    [ Oops, thought you were talking about the metal side covers. Sorry.
  14. Kirby


    There's only one holding the side panel on. The one towards the front of the bike is a dummy. Just pull out on the front of the cover after removing the back screw.
  15. Not trying to hijack the thread but, I too, am needing to hear your thoughts about the Hagon shock. Pros and cons from all of you that have replaced stock shock with Hagon for your Venture. I'm needing to replace mine also.
  16. From the'83 model up to the last, they were all 4 cylinder, shaft driven, water cooled. These things were the heart and soul of the Yamaha Venture. I'm not saying anything negative about the new bike, because I haven't seen or ridden it yet. It may turn out to be a truly great bikebut, as I said before, imo, they shouldn't have named it a Venture. It may well turn out to be the greatest thing to go Venturing on, but again, imo they should have called it something else because the Venture line is dead in my opinion.
  17. Haha , I'm thinking I should order the plastic parts and make my 09 RSV into a 2017 Star Venture. Only got 97,000 miles on the old gal and she'll still do over a 100 corrected mph in 4th gear. I like the looks and the features of the new bike, but they never should have named it a Venture with the v-twin engine. Just my 2 cents worth.
  18. I just took a permanent marker and blacked out the white letters. You might have to touch them up from time to time, but that's not a biggy.
  19. I work with a guy who saw time in Iraq and Kuwait ( I think). About 5 years ago he fell off a ladder and messed up his heel bone. He tried to use the VA hospital as he was a vet. They told him that he made too much money where he worked today for them to help him. Wtf!!!!! I guess it's turned into an indigent care facility now. I myself served 12 years in the GA Army National guard. Got called up for Operation Desert Shield. Never made it overseas. War ended. After 12 years of sevice I can't even get a free car tag or driver's license. I joined the American Legion several years ago. All it seems they want is more money. Nothing I've seen them do has ever made it down to us in the Reserves and Nat. Guard. I applaud all of you for your service, especially those of you who looked death in the eye and said "Not today". But just once would I like to see just a small drop of appreciation trickle down to the rest of us. I salute all those that served and are serving actively. You truly deserve all our honor and respect. It's the system that I have very little respect for.
  20. My 09 still has the original Yuasa in it and I load tested it not long ago. Still checks out good with 95,000 miles on it. But then, it doesn't get to sit still very often.
  21. Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you all have a safe and Happy New Year.
  22. One thing I do remember, I didn't have to remove the stator cover. Like someone else said, you have to turn and twist the slave cylinder to get it out, but it can be done. I didn't bother with rebuilding, I just replaced with a new one from either Ebay or Boats.net. (I don't remember which) That being said, you need to make sure that the problem is with the slave cylinder. It could be something else such as a loose banjo bolt on the line coming from the slave cylinder. Diagnose then cure!!!!
  23. I don't remember the details, but if you'll do a search on clutch slave repair or replacement, there should be plenty of info available. That's how I replaced mine. If I knew how to direct you there with a link, I would.
  24. I agree. Check the oil line coming down from clutch slave cylinder. I had a leak like this several months ago. Turned out to be the slave leaking. Good luck.
  25. Yea, what he said!!!!
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