Let me say in the beginning that I'm no expert when it comes to computers. I'm just your average homeowner end user but several years ago I got tired of the hassel of always having to buy this or that for Windows and I had an old HP case that lightning had ran in on and pretty much fried everything inside. So, I gutted everything out and bought new components and built my own computer from TigerDirect. It's not blazingly fast by today's standards but if I take a notion one day I might just push it out a little and see. So far, for the last few years it has ran flawless with none of the things that Windows is constantly asking for you to update. Boots up in less than a minute. I tried Ubuntu and Freespire, but didn't like those. The only problem I'm having right now is both my printers are HP, one hardwired, one wireless, act like they are running out of ink but I know for sure they are not. Both are fairly new and both are All In Ones, different models. I've still got to try my laptop on them and see if it will produce a good printout. It runs off of Windows. My son uses it for school work. But when it's all said and done, Linux is the only OS for me between the two.