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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. You know the rules..., no pictures, it didn't happen!!!
  2. I did the same thing years ago after pulling the head off my dirt bikes(2-strokes) and cleaning the carbon buildup. Yep, held the headgasket over the kitchen stovetop burner to make them swell back up. By the way, I never changed the washers on either my Vmax or my Venture and never had a leak. To each his own.
  3. I traded in my RSV and VMAX last October for this and have been loving it ever since. 2018 Ultra Limited.
  4. Yep, I used that when he first came out with it. Very handy knowing what's in every position when you have to do it again.
  5. I don't want to grow up. I'm a Toys-R-us kid at almost 64!!!!
  6. Well I rode little bit yesterday to close out 2017. Then today put a little over 100 miles on the bike for the first ride of 2018. Started out it was 37° here in middle GA and 39° when I got back. Great day! Hope ya'll had an equally great day. Didn't see another biker at all during the ride today. Got back home and sat down to some mustard greens, black eyed peas with onions, cornbread, fried pork chops, and some homemade soup. I hope the rest of this year is as good as today. Happy New Year one and all!!
  7. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ya'll from McRae, Ga, USA.
  8. Happy Birthday Evan. May all you days hereafter be blessed.
  9. Back in my day the speed limit was 60 mph in the daytime and 50 mph at night.
  10. Back in my day we got up before dawn to do chores before going to school. Back in my day we did our chores when we got home from school. Back in my day we did all our school homework and got it checked by our parents or bigger siblings before going to bed.
  11. I absolutely loved that clip. I heard that way back when, and I still get a kick out of hearing it again. Growing up on a farm, I always loved it when I got a chance to go to a tobacco or livestock auction.
  12. Too pricey for me. There's too many good "used" bikes out there with the V4 to go take a gamble on the new bike. If I was to go buy a new bike it would probably be a GL1800 Goldwing.
  13. The screws are made to accept either flat or Phillips head screwdrivers. I happened to have a long flat, so that's what I use. As a matter of fact, I keep it in the case with the Carbtune.
  14. I bought an 8inch slipstreamer in dark tint a couple of months back but didn't like it so I took it back off, if anyone's interested.
  15. I use a long flat screwdriver.
  16. I think maybe it was combination of the new bike and looking where you don't want to go. Several years ago I was in a similar situation after not having ridden a bike for a few years. Luckily I didn't crash, but I just couldn't seem to find a way to get the bike to go where I wanted it to go. I think maybe in his mind he was so scared of running off the road that he became fixated on the edge of the road and could not come out of that "trance" in time to recover.
  17. We made it through the rough stuff here in middle GA. Power was out about 6 hrs here. Some down the road from me still out since about 6 this morning. Lost a few trees,lots of limbs down, few shingles blown off the roof, some vinyl soffet blown out, one gable vent blown out. Yea, we got lucky. Or maybe someone up above was looking out for us.
  18. Kirby

    Prayers up

    For all my neighbors to the south of me. Stay safe you guys.
  19. Well I just got the bad news from the dealer. Rod bearing on #2 cylinder. I'm just flabbergasted. Really, the noise to me sounds like it's coming from #4 ! Dealer doesn't talk too favorable about a rebuild. He mentioned me looking for another engine. I think I'm gonna get a 2nd opinion before that happens. I told him this was almost unheard of for these engines, especially with only 98k on it!
  20. When I installed mine several years ago it was off by 7.8%. I'm running an Avon Cobra AV72 on mine. When I ran the BF Goodrich car tire I had to recalculate. I don 't remember what it was. I still have it program into the 2nd spot on my Speedohealer in case I ever switch back.
  21. I know what you mean. I scheduled to carry my bike in the shop ahead of time and guess what, it's still sitting, waiting to be looked at a week later. Up until now it's been a daily rider.
  22. Nope, I just changed the oil last weekend. I was trying to rule out using a Wix filter last time, so last weekend I changed oil and filter. I had never used a Wix before. I knew other's had used one with no problems. Turns out it wasn't the filter.
  23. Problem is, it only does it when accelerating and slowing down between 20 to 55 mph. Running down the hiway you'd think there's not a thing wrong. It's kinda like spark knocking , but only on the front right cylinder. Kinda like an exhaust rattle if you know what I mean. I've pried,pulled and shook everything I could get a hold of trying to figure it out. Even pulled the clutch cover to see if one or two of the bolts that holds the Barnett clutch together had maybe backed out or broken. Nothing. While it sits idling you don't hear it. When you just rev it up you don't hear it either. Upon acceleration it sounds just like a valve tapping. It might have something to do with oil delivery, because if you stop for a few minutes then crank up and go again, it doesn't make the noise for about 1/2 mile or so. But I think if it were that, then I'd hear it when sitting still.
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