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Everything posted by theportunionkid

  1. On my 83 it leaked where the wires came out of the front cover. took a couple of tries to seal up with silicone. Biggest hassle is getting it good and clean &dry before sealing.
  2. Not sure of the best way to put the drive shaft back in but my rubber boot is extremely difficult to put back on. So I thought I would pass along a trick. I take a long screw diver stick it in the drive shaft housing lift the output shaft up were it comes out of the u-joint then I slide a large zip tie (3/8" wide that's long enough to reach) under the output shaft then pull the screw driver out. That holds the output shaft up just enough that with just a mild amount of profanity applied you can wiggle the driveshaft in then slide the zip tie out while holding the driveshaft in place so it doesn't drag out with the zip tie. Once again thanks so much for the help. With out this wonderful site and the great people that belong my venture would have been long gone.
  3. @RDawson @saddlebum @Squidley Thanks so much for the help. I got her put back together all seems good. Test drive was relatively short but she's quieter and shifts better than she ever did. Squidley had the output shaft brake off at the nut that holds the U-joint on at 27,000. Wasn't real noisey but she would still go for about 3,000 then the seal started leaking. replaced. Saddlebum I did check that. My harbor freight stethoscope sure helped isolate the noise. Not sure of the best way to put the drive shaft back in but my rubber boot is extremely difficult to put back on. So I thought I would pass along a trick. I take a long screw diver stick it in the drive shaft housing lift the output shaft up were it comes out of the u-joint then I slide a large zip tie (3/8" wide that's long enough to reach) under the output shaft then pull the screw driver out. That holds the output shaft up just enough that with just a mild amount of profanity applied you can wiggle the driveshaft in then slide the zip tie out while holding the driveshaft in place so it doesn't drag out with the zip tie. Once again thanks so much for the help. With out this wonderful site and the great people that belong my venture would have been long gone.
  4. thx again RDawson got both shaft and final drive delivered for $58
  5. Thats what I was thinking neither part is available thx.
  6. My 83 venture just quite going forward, lots of grinding. about an hour surfing thru tech talk (1st gen) pointed me to isolate problem. Drive shaft were it meets final drive. shaft and coupling gear toast. Drive shaft easy but coupling gear looks pretty tricky, per tear down instructions in manual. Can one get the coupling gear off easily? Manual exploded view looks like yea maybe. Then the big question locate parts. Big thanks in advance.
  7. I need side stand and bolt for my 83. I'm pretty sure it is interchangeable. live near Indy
  8. In need of side stand and boltfor my 83 venture. live near indy.
  9. need a side stand and bolt for 83 venture live near Indy
  10. Oldest son found it when trying to diagnose prob on venture. One of the best things ever!
  11. Has any body tried wet sand clear uv spray coat trick on dash lens's? did it on jeep cherokee, worked pretty well. Thinking about trying on 83 venture.
  12. Think his name is Robert. He is a walking encyclopedia of motorcycles. Especially Japanese makes, models, and their problem histories.
  13. Every time I ride the venture I am thankful for this site, because without it I wouldn't be riding my beloved venture. Thanks to all that contribute.
  14. Broke a 1/4 moon shape out of right side of my sacrum cracked tail bone 36 years ago. flew off my 900 kaw landed ass first on a tree stump. Still hurts. But that almost killed me. Glad it wasn't still a tree. Anyway, I ride 83 venture stock seat with back rest. When I'm having back probs down low, I put my feet on back pegs for a little while seems to help. Don't know if that will work on a harley. Good exercises for relief; lay flat knees up feet flat use stomach muscles to push small of back against floor, hold for few secs release slow. Repeat several times. Next bring one knee the the other, up pull gently to chest till u feel stretch keep other leg straight point toe, again sev reps. When u get up roll over come up on all fours like dog w back flat try to touch right ear to right hip then same on left. Best on carpet or thin pad but I've done them on side walks when i need relief. Hope that helps
  15. I think you should should look at it like, "what that little nail saved you." Because it's all in how you look at it. Glad you, wife, and venture are ok.
  16. My 83 frame cracked had it welded with motor in. Removed swing arm drained fluids and hung it like a big fish to get to under side. only held short while. bought used frame had all welds beefed up then did the swap.When pulled motor from orig frame cracks were around back side motor mounts. Put progressives front and rear all good now.
  17. Had bottom out issues after progressive front and rear. Discovered cntr stand spring weak. Took black 12ga solid copper house type wire (about 12 inches) tied it from stand out leg to passenger peg bottom with quick wrap of wire. problem solved! just a quick unwrap if I need to use center stand.
  18. I think you feelings and ideas are spot on Don. Time will inevitably reduce our #'s but not our enthusiasm. Unless Yamaha gets their heads out of the butts and bring back the venture.
  19. friend of my older sister rode a 50cc harley to our place late in fall, weather turned bad he left it there till spring, I was sixth grade or so he said I could ride it. Shifter was on handle bar, clutch side. The bug had bit me! 1st 350 Kaw twin 2 stroke, 1970- 650 triumph,1976- 900 Kaw, 83 Venture stnd.
  20. I had same issue with my right bag had to drill rivets and use long extension w/8mm socket gently hold bag halfs apart remove cover and latch to get it open. took lock and tumbler apart and found basically what Great White said. I didn't shim but cleaned up slot and lug with dremmel and a file cleaned and lubed reassembled. When I open or close bag I hold down on key and tumblers when turning them, while squeezing bag closed, to reduce friction on lock mechanism, so it does not slip out of slot. Then I switched locks left for right. Don't use left near as much.
  21. Just put mine back together,(83 standard) had same problem. 1st I missed putting strap on tube under right stat housing mounting bolt, holds tube in tight. Could not find o ring on parts fische either, matched at NAPA. larger rad hose on stat housing clamp was not tight, was dribbling down looked like was still leaking where tube pushes in to stat housing, until from fooling with tube and pulling on hose it really started leaking. tightened clamp all good. Didn't have prob getting oring in, but hole in stat housing is larger where tube goes in then gets smaller and fits snugly around tube about 1/2" in where o ring sits. tube has to be straight in line to slide in there. I put o ring on the tube and put light grease on it 1st time it went right in. Then, Thinking it was still leaking put a light coat of high temp silicone on it to help seal it,discovered lose hose clamp.
  22. skydoc has a replacement fuse box in classifieds worked well comes with instructions worked well for me. Also electrically challenged
  23. Read on here once upon a time that possibly over filled reservoir when hot fluid expands causes slave cylinder to release clutch slightly cause slipping.
  24. Make 2 lists, on one, put the pro's, the other, put the con's and usually it will make your decision easy. Gods guidance be with you.
  25. Kevin, I bought my venture std new in 1983 ser#JYA26H005DA001130 mfg date 1/83. I also had the frame crack issue twice. Welded the first then hit serious pot hole on freeway, found another frame at Pinwall Cycle, re-enforced/welded and switched out frames. serial # for that one is; JYA26H008DA004184 It was a royale. Lower frame rail was not included so not sure of mfg date. Thx for your efforts on this. Best Regards Jamie
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