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Everything posted by screamstone

  1. Hey gang... Looking to replace regular bulbs with LED's... What base do the front blinkers use? I found a good thread but it says unknown for the front blinkers. I'm looking at these: http://www.customdynamics.com/motorcycle_led_bulbs.htm#Genesis_LED_Clusters_ but don't know which ones to use. I'm going to get dynamic clusters for the rear, the tail light LED cluster, and the running bar with blinkers I've seen everyone posting about. rs
  2. Dunno if it's true, but I've heard that if they REMOVE anything from the bike (even removing the casette player) then they have to reapply for all the trade papers to sell in the US. So the tape player will stay until they're ready to make enough changes to justify the expense (which I imagine would be a newer, larger engine with FI, Avon's on the rims stock, and a venturerider.org guardian bell on every bike given as a gift from Mr. Yammy himself... ) They can add things, but not remove anything (carbs, casette deck) from what was the "agreed upon" bike to market with the existing paperwork. again, don't know how legit this info is.
  3. Yeah, I just found the images- I guess I used the wrong search words the first time. I get how the switch and how "reserve tank" works- it's just the bottom of the normal tank with a lower draw. I did just start hearing the ticking lately, which I hadn't heard in the past, I'll try to find that article. THanks so much for the info!~
  4. Ok... so I've had this problem a few times since getting the bike: I'll be riding and everything seems fine, and the engine simply stops running. Acts like it's out of gas. it's happened 3 or 4 times- and it seems like turning the fuel petcock back and forth is solving the issue: Here's the question- I think it may be simply me not understanding how the reserve/main tank work together. 1. Does the fuel guage show the total gas or just the main tank? THe other day it cut off with a bar left on the guage. Switched it to reserve and back again a couple times... and it seemed to work again. 2- if someone could explain the relationship between the 2 fuel tanks, the petcock and the gas gauge, I think I would be able to troubleshoot better. rs (I know I'm probably spelling petcock wrong... I mean the tank chooser switchy thing- That' a technical description...)
  5. Here's all the halco par's at 1000bulbs... http://www.1000bulbs.com/search.php?search_data=par36&cat=%22%22 So I like to keep mine on all the time as riding lights- so that I look bigger than a motorcycle (especially with the trailer.) I should use 5 or 8 degree spots??? and for those of you that have them switch with high/lows... how do they come from the factory or it a mod to get them to switch? I think mine are on all the time with the manual switch...
  6. Cmon everyone!!! Don't ruin yours, Let's trade... We can both overnight it. THen you'll have a nice chrome shifter for your RSV for just the cost of overnighting (or priority if you're patient!) your nasty toe-heel lever!! Show the new guy some love! I really want a H/T shifter:bighug:
  7. Hey! I have a toe only shifter (aftermarket, chrome, no black rubber on the shifter). I'd LOVE to trade ya for your heel toe!!! rs
  8. I WANT THAT!!! Please list a parts list! Love the light bar under the trunk, and love the blinkers/runners/brakes. So the blinkers hold the super cluster things? What is the light bar on the trunk and what's in your tail light?
  9. I just looked this thread up on snopes. Apparently, this is in fact a hoax thread. The original started in 1997 and was supposedly about a raccoon. This is just a new twist on an old thread hoax.
  10. http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?sku=203168228&listingid=25101611 For less than $25 here!!!
  11. screamstone

    sigs and avatars

  12. Made connecting flight by 30 seconds!!!
  13. Crap. Still on the runway and should have had wheels up 20 minutes ago. Dunno what I'll do stuck in atl!!!!
  14. Waiting to fly up and pick up my new MM. Sleeperhawk is picking me up and I guess a small gaggle of ventureriders are going to the Harley dealer to see the baby get a proper home. I can't figure out if I'm more excited about the bike or meeting all these great, generous people! 4 hours and counting.
  15. The description says "It has a flexible clear membrane front, which allows operation of buttons on the device inside the case." I'm pretty sure you can operate all but silence and volume buttons on side with this case...
  16. Thanks for the info gang! I picked up some 12v outlets to wire into the trunk to keep my camera batteries charging, and I may grab another cord for my GPS to keep it permanently wired. If it would run off a dang USB I have a charger that plugs into the iphone AND has and extra USB outlet for charging, but my GPS goes into "download" mode with USB... I'm considering another usb unit just for the bike. prob a cheaper one than the zumos and rider 2's- I'll use a ziplock for rain and save a couple hundred bucks... anyone know a cheaper USB powered GPS?
  17. For the record, that made me LOL... Good one mom!
  18. Let's not should on each other here... It's a shoulddy thing to do. A litle harsh sunman... We all have our own convictions and our own ways of handling things. If I had a passenger that could have been endangered also, I wouldnt' have gone back. I'm also an animal lover, but like it's been said before, People come first for most of us. It was an accident with an aggressive dog. I've never seen a dog go for a 40MPH vehicle head on.. normally just that "run on the side of the road and bark" thing. Go back to a dog like that, aggressive to begin with but now hit by you? That's just asking for a mauling. I'm all for animals just like people. Some people are on death row because of what they've done or get shot committing a crime. Same with animals. To say that their decision was a "pussy thing to do" is lame. You weren't there, it wasn't your family. Just like you said, there was a host of unforseeable situations... like the dog was rabid, trained for fighting/attack, etc.. Going back to check on an aggressive dog is as stupid as going back to check on an alligator or bear. There's nothing you can do anyway with an aggressive animal. If it's dead, it's dead. If not, you will be as soon as you check on it. I'm sure if the dog was not attackinglike it was, they would have stopped. That was easy to read between the lines in the original post. Be safe everyone. Some dogs DO bite the hand that feeds, but they ALL bite the hands that they're trying to bite!!!
  19. looks like I'll be fully covered! I'll be taking notes and paying close attention on Saturday!!!
  20. alone coming back, feel better that way. And checking the bearings- where do I take it for that??? I'm a total trailer noob...
  21. When I pick it up, I'll take better/larger/more shots and share them on my website... I'll post a link here...
  22. Hey gang! I purchases a 2000 RSV MM edition with a trailer. I've never ridden a bike with a trailer and I am flying up to pick it up in 2 weeks... What's the safest way to pull it? Should I load it down a little or keep it empty? I read the trailer thread in WH and I'm just a tad nervous (not from his story, but the people that say pulling a trailer is inherently dangerous.) This is the rig: http://www.thundertowerharley.com/new_vehicle_detail.asp?sid=08798334X8K16K2009J1I06I28JPMQ1604R0&veh=644&pov=1345399
  23. thanks for the question and input so far... I'm looking for the exact same answer! Will b e watching this thread closely! I found the headsets mentioned above on ebay (pair) but they're for open face (3/4). here's a link to a site that has a ton of intercom helmets... http://www.wingstuff.com/pgroup_list/electronics/244_goldwing_Headset/des/?page=2
  24. I'm not on there... but I'm new. I have an 00 MM RSV. Is this something that will be good for my bike? (excuse noobish question please!)
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