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Everything posted by wrongway2

  1. Thanks very much for the responses. So it appears that I'm looking for fuel at about 150 miles which is about what I've been experiencing. Maybe there's a Venture tank in my future. thanks again Greg
  2. I've done numerous searches but much to my surprise I can't seem to find much on the actual fuel range of the RSTD. I realize it will vary depending on a number of issues but I'm trying to get an idea. I always seem to be stopping for gas while on a trip but maybe it's the nature of the beast. Anyway, on a full tank of gas, how far can you go. thanks Greg
  3. Once I got her to understand that I only needed slight pressure on the brake lever it was nice to have her help. Here's hoping that it lasts but even if it has to be done once a month it's well worth it having brakes sound like they're supposed to.
  4. I don't post often because I'm so technically challenged but I figured it was a good time to post this as riding season is upon us (finally). Every since buying my 06 RSTD used I've been plagued by the brakes. The sqealing and the quish quish noise described in previous posts drove me crazy. It sounded like a bike that was ready for the scrap yard. Anyway, I had new pads put on this spring and same issue was back withing 40 miles. Having read this in a post from last year, last night I went out and soaked a rag in brake cleaner and spun each wheel while holding the rag on the rotor. On the front I put a soaked rag between the pad and rotor and had my wife apply light brake pressure while I spun the wheel. I then took the bike for a 50 mile ride and to my surprise it felt like a new bike. Hopefully it will last for a while and then I'll do it again. I was shocked at how black the rags got from the crud on the rotors. ride safe Greg:cool10:
  5. The bug on my screen has been an irritant to many a cat from what I've been told. But it's my bug and he likes it here. After drilling the hole bigger on the shorter kickstand there's still lots of metal left around the hole.
  6. You're right (again) Freebird. It's a 12mm hole in the stock kickstand.
  7. unfortunately I don't have a drill bit that fits exactly. 3/8 is smaller than the hole. I have a drill bit that I think is 1/2" and it's too big. I guess that leaves 7/16" but I'm not sure. Sorry Greg
  8. Hi Cb: The part number is the same for the factory kickstand on my 2006 RSTD and your 2005 Venture. I guess if you're putting your bike on a lift and removing the stock kickstand first, it'll be easy to get the hole size. I've still got the stock kickstand so when I get home tonight I'll see what size drill bit fits the hole and I'll let you know. If somebody gives you the answer first, I won't bother. Greg
  9. That's an awesome looking bike. Although I haven't seen one live yet, it's already on my list of bikes I would like to have. Please keep us posted on your likes and dislikes.
  10. I hope you're as happy with it as I am Cb.
  11. I never measured but I had 30 lbs and when i let it out it looked like about and inch. Definately enough to be noticeable when you sit on the seat.
  12. I've now had the shorter kickstand on the bike for a couple of weeks and it's perfect. No more watching where I park. I ordered the kickstand for a 96 or 97 (same stand) Royal Star. The mounting holes are smaller on the earlier model stand so I just had the dealer drill it out. Still lots of metal around the holes.
  13. I bought my royal star last year and couldn't ride very far on the stock seat. Because of reviews I'd read and their money back policy, I ordered an ultimate seat and ended up returning it after a week. For both my wife and I it was worse than the stock seat. We now have a Mustang seat (front and rear). Very very happy with it.
  14. I never thought to ask what size bit they used but the shorter kickstand hole is a fair bit smaller than our stock on. there was still lots of metal left after enlarging the hole so they said no worries about strength.
  15. I received the kickstand that I mentioned earlier in the thread. It's now on the bike and the lean angle is perfect. No more worrying about it being too upright. The only thing is that with the early Royal Star kickstand, the mounting hole is smaller so the dealer had to drill out the hole to get the stock bolt through it. Also, as mentioned earlier, I ordered the new spring and it was required. I'm now a happy camper.
  16. I just installed the Kuryakyn sound of chrome 2 weeks ago. It's nice having the tunes. I had it installed so that there's a connection plug for the ipod in the saddlebag and another plug under the speedometer. Although there's not a lot of base, I'm happy with the system and can hear it at 70mph. It has a built in amp so no hunting where to put the amp.
  17. Thanks guys: The dealer said he'd install it for me free but he's 40 miles away. I think I'll be taking the ride since nice weathers here and I seat easily.
  18. Please let me know the procedure once you know. I have a shorter kickstand on order but have no idea what's involved in changing them. Mine is an RSTD but i'm sure they're a similar set up thanks Greg
  19. I'll let you know as soon as I get it on the bike CB.
  20. Here you go: http://www.partforyamaha.com/pages/parts/viewbybrand/2/Yamaha.aspx kickstand part number is 4NK-27311-00-00 $106.75 I also ordered a new spring simply because the one in the picture looked shorter than the stock spring (I'm sure it's the same though). Spring is 90506-29358-00 and is $7.26.
  21. 2" shorter and completely interchangeable from what I've read, yes.
  22. Ok, so the bike is now lowered and I haven't noticed any negative impact as far as the handling is concerned. I'm running with no air in the rear shock and the stock kickstand is working ok as long as I'm consious of the way the ground slants. I'll still watch for a shorter kickstand from an early royal star so that I don't have to be careful about where I park. Anyway, I love the lowered look and the fact that I can flat foot the bike.
  23. Yes, let us know how it works CB.
  24. Thanks Steve. I appreciate your input greatly. Greg
  25. I've read all the posts I could find and never did find a clear answer so here goes. I have a 2005 RSTD and for height reasons I'm getting a barons rear lowering kit put on in the next week or 2. I've read about the adverse effects but am going ahead with it. The bike already stands fairly straight up on the kickstand with the stock suspension and zero air in the rear shock. My concern is that by lowering the back, the bike will stand even more straight up on the kickstand. When I expressed my concern to the dealer he showed me the barons kit and said that a particular piece in the kit would compensate for this. I emailed barons and unfortunately the person either wasn't up on this subject or was just trying to get rid of me because he gave me a part number for a road star kickstand. So has anybody lowered their RSTD with a barons kit without altering the kickstand??? I know that I can buy a kickstand from an earlier royal star and it's 11 1/4" long which is about 2" shorter than mine but I'm not sure if it's needed. thanks for all your help Greg
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