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About saga5

  • Birthday September 17

Personal Information

  • Name
    Gerald Sorci


  • Location
    Hesperia, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Golf..This Forum <g>
  • Bike Year and Model
    2004 V-Star 1100 Classic
  1. Don, Even tho I haven't visited this great site for ages, I couldn't let your post go without at least one response, so I want to say I'm sorry you had to go through all the frustration and hope all is working again. Wishing you good health and better weather. Thanks again for heading up this super forum. Jerry (saga5)
  2. Hope the weather holds out for Dale and you have a uneventful ride in the van. Please give a hello to Don when you get to Oberlin.
  3. I couldn't agree more
  4. I'll try to keep this as short as possible, but it's something I've wanted say for a long time. I joined this wonderful forum in '06 (forget how I even found it) CRS ya know . I have a V-Star 1100, so most of the help info doesn't pertain to my bike, BUT it's the members here that keeps me logging in. I did find a V-Star 1100 forum for the kind of help and info I might need from time to time, but believe me, VR. org's members are truly family, and I know you know what I'm talking about. Mostly I just log in to catch up on all that's happening, and am content to "lurk" and still feel that I'm very much a part of this group. Our hearts go out for those in need or who have lost loved one's, even tho chances are we've never personally met them, and help is always offered. My close friends could never imagine what a bond there is on this forum, and I'll just keep that "our" secret. So......I just want to thank ALL of you that make this the best motorcycle forum, and a special thanks to Don and the moderators for their devotion to this forum. My best to all Jerry
  5. Sorry you've lost a good friend. So nice you were able to talk to him shortly before his passing. Condolences to you and his young family. Jerry
  6. Brad Prayer's and best wishes to Lonna's mom. My bride went through that several years ago, and so far so good Special thanks to Freebird for posting the link also A click a day may keep a surgeon away for someone Jerry
  7. No Steve....that was me ^^^^ btw...hope you're getting settled in. The best to you and yours Jerry
  8. I found a site that may be of interest, and I'm going to build one for my V*1100. Hope it's helpful to you Jerry http://www.nightrider.com/biketech/bikelift.htm
  9. So sorry to hear you lost your friend, but glad to hear you were able to visit with him. I'm sure his family will remember fondly you making the trip to see him, and hopefully the healing process will be swift. God Bless you and his loved ones at this trying time. Jerry
  10. I'll 2nd that ^^ Jerry
  11. Goose, It takes a good man to fess up to being negligent (twice no less) . You may never know how much you posting this may help others to look closer at their tires. A big thank you, and so glad you were able to dodge a big mishap. I can see where a center stand could make checking the WHOLE tire easier.While on the Death Valley Ride, my friend Jack has a center stand on his bike, and I noticed him spinning his rear tire to check it after we arrived in Pahrump. It made a impression on me for sure, even tho I'll confess I've never yet moved my bike to inspect the whole tire, and guessing we're not alone in that department, and your post got my attention I'd also like to thank you for making that PGR run even tho you knew you had tire issues. ^5 to you Jerry
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