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About tvanallen

  • Birthday April 12

Personal Information

  • Name
    Tim Van Allen


  • Location
    Plano, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 Yamaha Venture
  1. Sad day in many ways, I dropped the Venture off at the dealer today as a trade in on the new Yamaha Super Tenere due in in a week or so. I am ready to do a little adventure riding before I get to old . A trip to Alaska is on my bucket list as well. The Venture was an awesome bike that did everything I wanted it to do, took me from Dallas to NY State, Blue Ridge Parkway, Dragon's Tail, Custer S.D. and surrounding states more than once, a trip following the Mississippi River, and much more. Always had it serviced at the dealer and never had a single warranty issue in 6 years. Anyone interested will find it at Stadium Yamaha in Irving, TX. Fastest color, Quicksilver, 40k miles, new tires, new battery, just serviced. I cleaned it all up and rode it in and almost couldn't drop it off, it rode as good as the first time I took delivery. I big thanks to all those on this board that go out of their way to help others with advice and photo's of installs, etc. It's been a great ride. I am just glad that Yamaha made my next bike so that I didn't have to go to BWM. See you down the road! Tim
  2. Guys the first request I got at 10:34 was to donate it to the Cody international Rally Raffle table, say that 3 times fast. I am happy to do so. Those of you interested in it will have another chance. Yammer Dan...sorry I do not know the answer to your question.
  3. Ha! Nice try...it will work just fine on the Tenere.
  4. I just pulled the trigger on a new Yamaha Tenere and will trade in the Venture. I had ordered the Buddy Rich cable to hook up my Garmin 665 but will no longer need it for that purpose. Because of the generosity of so many on this board, sharing ideas and how to's...I am going to send this to the first person that expresses interest, postage paid. Just send me your address (PM if you like) and post on the board that you took it so I don't get lots of disappointed interest. You guys have been an awesome resource in the enjoyment of my Venture these past 6 years. Thanks.
  5. I found this Texelent® Bar Mount System but in emailing the inventor found out that it is designed to work only on Gold Wings. I like the idea of a bar that traverses the handle bars that will allow me to use RAM mounts to attach the various accessories I have attached to the handlebars. I also want to have my Garmin 665 top and center in my field of vision. Anyone have any ideas on an alternative? Thanks.
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