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11 Good

Personal Information

  • Name
    Ronald E Santure


  • Location
    Barryton, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Wood working as a hobbie
  • Bike Year and Model
    RS Venture
  1. how did you see your rpms when there is no gage . and how did you spray it . I haven't seen it in a spray can. ron
  2. are they easy to get off:cool10:
  3. Changing for fir:cool10:st time anything I should know like how to do it
  4. I think the name should stay the same everyone has had a different brand of bike. This was the name when you joined and it should stay the same . There is always other groups to join if your not happy here . Just My thoughts Ron:cool10:
  5. Whistler


    I would in a hear beat the wife what's to trike it out so she can drive it then I'd go get another ride ron:whistling:
  6. Whistler


    Had it taken in to worked on and they said a fuse and the light and everything works good. If it was just a fuse it should go all at one time instead of over 2 days Ron
  7. Whistler


    No checked all fusses and still good . This all was in 2 days when I stop some where and get back on the bike there would be something else out..Ron
  8. Whistler


    Had a problem this weekend lost everything the right turn signal went out then the neutral light and then the left turn signal and the next morn no brake lights after breakfast the speedometer the mileage gage nothing left . Had it tuned in July and I think they pinched a wire and finally wore through and ground out some where under the gas tank . any one have this happen before. Ron
  9. I ride with the great lakes voyagers and we are having a AVA rally there next year (American voyagers ass )Kaws. the tail of the dragon and all. a great place with great country side. If any luck we all can meet ron:whistling:
  10. Whistler


    Broke my windshield yesterday and got one ordered but where can I get the plastic peace that is on the fairing. Broke a few tabs and need to replace it. ron:whistling:
  11. I know the feeling the wife and I jot back Friday afternoon . We did 1,200 miles in 5 days down to Logan Ohio and back most of in the rain But it's still fun.. Ron:whistling:
  12. Going north on m66 just north of Remus, Mich had trailers on the back of them ... Is there anything going on that didn't get posted Ron:detective:
  13. Glad to hear you got back safely. Hope to see you at the next rally.
  14. I ride a 09 Venture and I always surprise my self. I also ride with the great lakes voyagers and we had our yearly ava rally Down in Logan Ohio. Ran into another venture rider from Indian It was good to see some one else that rides the same brand. Anyway going down and coming home I had bad mileage 162 when I hit the reserves maybe 36 or 37 per mile. I get home and lower the air in the rear shocks from 20 to 5 and averaging 60 to 65 and I was surprised to see I got 45. Things I'm always learning. weather or not it had something to do with it or not it surprised me Ron:whistling:
  15. From reading this post is it telling me to stay in 3rd gear cause I don't go to over drive until at least 50 . It seems you are at higher revs in a lower gear witch should use more gas I get 37 at the most unless I'm doing 75 or 80 Ron:detective:
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