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About kj4v

  • Birthday 11/05/1955

Personal Information

  • Name
    Ken Veit


  • Location
    Calhoun, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Ham radio, riding Blue Thunder
  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 midnight Blue
  1. So what is going on? I must have missed it.
  2. I am really only concerned with oncoming traffic with my pulsing light,So when I get behind someone for a long time I will just go to low beem and cut it off. Then when I get back into traffic oncoming I turn it back on. It is optional and a person can be courtious about it. I have run one for 5 years on a 2nd gen.
  3. What I want and what I get never coincide with each other!
  4. 10 am to maybe 3pm on the times
  5. We've got a TV shoot with Discovery Channel coming up on Tuesday December 6th for any of you that want to get your mug/bike/car on TV. Just come on out to the Gap and they will be shooting us shooting you all going by. We need some subject material! And it would be nice to have a mix of bikes, so don't be shy about bringing out your cruiser/touring bike/dual-sport whatever. Keep it sane, they're just looking for casual riding/driving and we don't need the place portrayed a tool's paradise any more than it already is. Go to killboy.com
  6. Above and beyond the call of duty.You Rock!
  7. Where it the eat and meet Sunday muffinman
  8. Craig and I were sitting at a red light in Rome,GA yesterday and saw a group of 4 ride by and 2 of them were new venturers. 1 Gold/black and 1 cherry/black I think. was it anyone from here?
  9. Darn Mike, That is bad, but could have been much worse.Fenders replace easy but it will be a mess to deal with. I would go get 2 estimates and call the persons Ins. they won't want you to do it yourself and the check will be in both your name and the persons who is supposed to fix it. It would be nice to get the fender and pocket the labor and it has been done many times under the table. hope to see you at Vogel.....Ken
  10. You meet the nicest people on a Venture! I stole this from somewhere else, but is very cool!
  11. Awesome paint job!
  12. ok,I found some on pinwall for 200.00,ouch! Does anyone have one on here for less?
  13. nope 04 model
  14. Don't know how or why,but the head broke on my radio where it has the inserts and screws. I did a temp fix but my question is can a person buy just the housing and change it out?
  15. I was looking at Rolling Thunder pictures ans saw the back half of a 04 white Venture with an American flag on it. Was this one of ours?
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