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Everything posted by csogbk

  1. Great Job!!
  2. Who did your decals? I wonder if they'd do a "Lawman's Edition"??!!
  3. Kite you're going to kill me when I make it to your garage, theres a ton of stuff I'd like to learn!!!
  4. Nice Caravan!! Windshield looks great too!
  5. I'd like to read it too but as a law enforcement officer who does narcotics enforcement I dont care to post my address on the Net. Would someone please Pm when I get to the top of the list? Thanks!!
  6. csogbk

    Good morning

    I just picked mine up too!! Same color!!! The speedometer on mine does the same thing, I chalked it up to being an electronice guage, its not gonna move like one in the car! Congrats!!!!!
  7. I'm new to the Ventures, I've only had mine for a week. For slow speed riding/manuvering I always add some rear brake, a technique taught in the police motorman's course I took. The same instructors teach civillian riders. The course is in Northern VA, not too far from you. It stresses survival and slow speed manuvering. I live fairly locally and could help you with finding lodging, or heck I have a guest room too. The course has Road Kings you can use so you dont risk your big bike. Heres the link below: http://saddleupva.com/cart/index.php?main_page=index
  8. Ken, hang in there brother, thank God they did the cat scan and found the clots! My family and I pray for your wife's speedy recovery!
  9. I'm a police lieutenant in charge of a shift, but I get to ride her home here in about an hour!
  10. Thank you for what you're doing! RLTW!
  11. Give me a shout (# in my profile) when you're in the DC area, I'd be glad to M&E and ride with you a bit! Have a safe and fun trip!!!
  12. csogbk


    From the album: My 2009 Venture!

  13. csogbk

    My 2009 Venture!

  14. Found this today from RAM Mount, which will hold my Iphone 3g with Otterbox Defender case. Looks like this is what I am going to go with: http://www.ram-mount.com/NewProducts/FingerGripMount/tabid/1872/Default.aspx
  15. First off let me publicly thank KiteSquid who lives close by and was good enough to entertain alot of questions over the phone today. I'll also preface this by saying I am mechanically challenged to say the least. I am confused about the method of breaking in my 09 RSV. Thus far, I have been following the Yamaha manual's instruction of not using more than 1/3 of the throttle. However this keeps me humming along at a constant speed of 55 or so. It seems from other reading this is not good for the engine. Alot of people indicate to just drive it like you normally would, some say vary the speed and all agree change the oil at the recommended 600 miles. Any help, thoughts, tips, advise would be greatly welcomed!
  16. Thanks, I looked at that box also but it wont allow you to use the Iphones touch screen to advance or pause, etc.
  17. csogbk

    09 Venture

    Congrats!!! I got mine (raven and red) last saturday!!!! Its awesome!! Can't wait to be done with the break in period!! No more than 1/3 throttle is tough for 600 miles, this bike wants to go!!
  18. I have a Iphone 3g in an OtterBox case. I know RAM makes a mount but all that is pictured is an Iphone without the protective case. Anybody have one mounted or any solutions? Thanks in advance!
  19. Have you contacted your local JAG office since all this stemmed from actions taken during your deployment it may covered and legal services provided to you by JAG!
  20. It is raining so incredibly hard here in DC I didnt want to risk it until I had a chance to ride her a little bit under better conditions!
  21. Brought my brand new Venture home this afternoon, parked her in the garage, threw on my uniform and hauled a** into the city for work!!! The 5 miles from the dealer home were the smoothest, most comfortable I've spent on a bike! Hoping for some slow time tonight at work to start to read my manual. Any break in hints or tips would be greatly appreciated. I know I've already left my fuel selector valve on in my garage, hope its ok till my wife gets home! Pics to follow tomorrow!!
  22. Thanks ebat, the reach dosent seem bad (keeping in mind I've only sat on the RSV in the showroom) its just I can't turn the bars fully without moving my knees. I am hoping to be able to rotate the bars enough to give me the room I need without the risers but suspect it wont be enough.
  23. What a great place! Thank you all so far for your assistance! I hope the loan comes thru!!
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