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Everything posted by csogbk

  1. I just recieved my Kuryakyn Half Cover yesterday and its an excellent fit, seems to be very well made, packs small in an included stuff sack, has a felt like liner for the fairing and windscreen. Dont have to fold down antennas either. $44 and free shipping. http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/detail.cfm?action=reviews&model_ID=42&Category_ID=78&manufacturer_ID=16&product_ID=11769
  2. Looks great Soldier / Medic! RLTW!
  3. Store a bike during the winter?? Hmmmm, interesting.....but why?
  4. Freebird, we got our mugs yesterday!!! Thank you!! Mine is in my patrol car and has kept my coffee hot on the mean streets of Washington DC for about 5 hours now, as advertised!!! Awesome!! Thanks!
  5. PayPal sent for two mugs! Thank you so much!!
  6. KiteSquid has an old Harley! He's very knowledgeable!
  7. My wife brought my dog home from the shelter while I was recovering from a near fatal military parachute accident and from that day my dog hasnt left my side. When I got home from Iraq and later A-Stan, my dog gave me the cold shoulder for 30 mins then was curled up beside me.
  8. Two second gen pins please!
  9. I have this same problem on my 09 RSV, I know the carbs are in sync because KiteSquid so graciously helped an old Army guy out and took care of them for me. Its not a bad backfiring, just occasional, and every now and then I get a whiff of gas as well.
  10. Freebird I'd like one for sure, two if finances allow...
  11. I'll also take two!!
  12. csogbk


    Carried one in a body armor holster for a back up weapon for a number of years, I now use the Ruger LCP for my back up and a deep concealment weapon off duty as well. Note to all, check your local laws for concealed carry requirements! Above all, be safe!
  13. Congrats!!!!
  14. Thank you all for your insight and replies! I have about a 30 min ride to work and of course pleasure riding every chance with much longer trips. Usually, the Gerbings pants, turned off are plenty to keep my legs warm, I can only imagine with the fairings on my RSV its going to make a big difference anyway. I dont anticipate riding with all three items on and running full blast, quite frankly the Gerbings will cook you even at low settings IMHO. More concerned about my bike if I forget or somehow crank all three up for a while or something. The Gerbings overpants really dont generate alot of heat but did keep me comfortable into single digits last year. I was able to ride my Suzuki C50T with all three on full blast, but of course no radio, carb heat, passing lamps etc on that bike.
  15. I just purchased my 09 RSV last month and as the temps turn somewhat cooler I am looking at installing my Gerbings. I have the pack that connects to the battery and controlls two inputs with adjustable knobs. Does anyone know off the bat if the 09 RSV will support that much power useage (ie jacket liner, gloves and pants)? I have no passing lamos or anything installed, would perhaps plug my ipod / gps in the accy. plug, I know I could add up all the watts but was hoping someone already knew?! From the Gerbings Website the following watts are used, I would assume when the item is on at full power: Jacket 77 Watts Pants 44 Watts Gloves 22 Watts
  16. Good Luck and ride safe!! I can't wait for one to come up around me, or I suppose I could get off my lazy butt and organize my own!! Let us know how it was!
  17. csogbk


    I was at the Pentagon eight years ago today, I jumped on an Army air ambulance at Ft. Belvoir as a Special Operations Combat Medic and worked the Pentagon for days. About a month later I was on a frigid mountain top a world away calling in air strikes. Since, I've been overseas numerous times and would gladly return on a moment's notice. Please take a moment to remeber some fellow Police Officers, from New York City's famed Emergency Services Unit. These brave officers met a NYFD Captain who was coming DOWN from one of the towers and told the officers to get out, the building would soon collapse. The ESU Police Officer in charge replied "I know Captain, hurry and get out" and continued to climb up, helping people down as they climbed ever higher. God Bless America and all Her Fallen Heros..........
  18. I would like too see pictures also, I looked but didnt see the one for $70, can you post a link please?
  19. This thread is worthless without pics!!!
  20. Gary, thank goodness you are ok from the accident and we'll be praying for you during your tests! Hang in there!! Continue to get better, I know how hard it can be, I had to relearn how to walk after a parachute accident broke all the bones in my right leg into small pieces!
  21. I have Gerbings gloves, jacket liner and pants. The main reasons I went with them is 1. a local dealer and 2. a huge police discount. That being said, I rode almost every day last winter, with temps down into the low 20's and was never uncomfortable. The gloves will cook your hands, the pants make it just tolerable and the jacket liner will have you sweating. YMMV.
  22. First of all, thank you for your service from a fellow Vet. There is usually no reduction in Social Security Payments due to military retirements. Clicking on this link can provide you with more information and regs. RLTW http://www.ssa.gov/pubs/10017.html
  23. Max weight on an Ultra Classic is 900 some pounds, on the Wing its also 418 pounds. I tend to agree its liability also....
  24. The manual states the maximum weight you can place on an 09 RSV is 418 pounds, including rider, passenger, gear (helmets, etc.) and luggage. Thats not a whole lot. Is this max weight more to do with tire wear and emissions than what the bike frame can safely support? From some of the pics and posts in here, people are loading WAY over 418lbs of trailers, accesories, rider, etc. Heck, I'm 280 of the 418 pounds!
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