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Steve Hamm

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Everything posted by Steve Hamm

  1. Steve Hamm


    From the album: Bikes

  2. there should be some pictures there now
  3. i have a few pictures of the trailer and of building it if any one would like them i could email them to you , email me and i will respond with pictures lilhammer14@hotmail.com
  4. i always heve trouble getting pictures moved around , i think you can see them some where in my profile , but not sure , i will keep triing to post
  5. I built one much the same , tool box wieghs less than 50lbs , only have 3500 miles pulling it , but it worked great
  6. not sure if you got your pin stripe off yet , but napa has a speical wheel for removing pin stripe , fits in any drill , just have to go easy so it does not heat up the plastic too much
  7. Steve Hamm


    Some where in Montana
  8. Steve Hamm

    024 (640x480)

    From the album: Bikes

  9. I am looking to build a trailer hitch for my 1987 Venture Royal. Just wondering if any one has any advise or plans for one. Or even one for sale?? I have no problem building one , just not sure where to bolt it to.
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