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Steve Hamm

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Everything posted by Steve Hamm

  1. that describes most of our roads here in Sk.
  2. If I was pulling the trailer down I would bring it , BUT if you are interested I or I mean we could meet some time later and you could give it a go , will talk next sat.
  3. Not even sure what seat will be on the bike for the ride to P.I.P. LOL
  4. Steve Hamm


    So , I picked up a Road Sofa a little while ago and did not care for it much , but did not give it much of a chance either , LOL , now I think I have picked up a Corbon , and I still have the factory seats too . Guess it will depend what day it is to what seat I use , LOL ,
  5. Looking forward to it , FIRST timer here ,, lol . We are heading out wed. morning , going to take our time getting there , maybe finds some rides to go on while there . Ride safe , see you all there
  6. There is a Boston concert in Benidji the same night as P.I.P. , not sure if we will be able to miss the concert after traveling so far ???? Such a hard decision to make , see Boston in concert or tell lies and innuendoes around a fire ???????
  7. thanks for all the info , see you all there
  8. That's great , as long as it is not hours to get to a room , so here is hoping to meet you all in a couple weeks .
  9. I am pretty sure I will make it to P.I.P. this year , by the sounds of it a friend and I will be heading out wed. morning Aug 27th , from Swift Current , SK. taking our time to get there ,, we were just wondering if there are many places to get rooms near by or are we too late ?????
  10. A friend and I are heading out on yet another adventure , thur noon we head out , first stop Malta Montana , then it just does not matter , have to be home to go back to work tues. morning . it has been realy hard to get away this year with opening a new shop and all , last year I spent 8 weeks on the bike . This year , it will be this week end and I am realy hoping to get to the pig roast !!! And that will be it for the year just do not know where the time has gone ????
  11. might have a buddy from here that wants to come along as well , will keep you posted
  12. Sounds good
  13. Ok cool , I am only 6 hours from you , will not be able to make it for fri am , see what else I can work out , would realy like to make it to this
  14. Do you do the trip in one day , where do you end up for night if not ????
  15. Has any one made their plans for the ride to the pig roast ????
  16. I might have one , give me a day or so and I will search , it is your for the postage
  17. I picked up a wrecked RSTD with 3300km on it that needs a new speedometer ,a new speedometer is $1000.00 a used one with 46,000mi on it is only $200.00 . so I am asking if there is a way to change the odometer to match the bike ?????
  18. My new project is a 2009 RSTD with 3329km on it , to get a deal I have to but a speedo with 48,000miles on it , or spend 1000.00 for a new one ,, is there any way to turn them back ??????? or to just change the mileage ?????
  19. I still have my 2002 midnight rsv , so it is easy to put them side by side , I was just wondering on the handling and stuff like that , if there were any differences ,
  20. How about the frame , forks , and are the motors the same ???
  21. So , I took delivery of my new RSTD the other day , 2009 with 3200km on it , there are a bunch of pieces needed , like head light [ complete assembly ] front brake master cylinder speedometer , gas tank , wind shield [ not needed , but would be nice ] , other than that the handle bars are not bent , the forks are good , I have the start switch on order already . Then I will be able to start it . So now the big question ???? lol What are the biggest differences between the RSTD and the RSV ????
  22. Got the new seat in the mail today , installed and out for a test run , not too bad , will take some breaking in . I looked on their web site and put in all the #s that were on the tags and found nothing , so can not help any one find this seat on line .
  23. That should get some attention LOL , so I have the chance to buy a 2009 RSTD with 3200km on it , it was laid over and scratched up pretty bad , but the sale price is under 2000 ???? what is a bike like this worth ?????
  24. I got a hold of him , all is good , except that he shipped 2 weeks later than he said he would ,,, but it is on its way
  25. i have done some buissness with a company in Beaumont TX , and now they will not pick up thier phone or return my calls . Details are that they sent me 2 right fenders for a 1930 ford , they are paid for ,, thing is i need a left fender ,, lol ,,, ya i ordered a left and a right and he sent my 2 rights ,,, any way i was wondering if there was any one out there near 3830 Hollywood, Beaumont TX , that would mind stopping by and just saying ,,, please just call me ,,, company called Howell's Sheet Metal Co. seemed like a nice guy ,,,, I am sure he will know me ,,, i leave 1 message per day ,, not even rude yet ,, lol ,, i ned that fender
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