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Red Ryder

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Everything posted by Red Ryder

  1. Happy New Year Everyone!
  2. Congratulations, a special time in life
  3. Our Condolences and Prayers to his family.
  4. Another year I will miss, Grandchildren not out of school until June 7th. Thought I had it set up but plans fell apart. You All have Fun, Later-
  5. Congratulations Eileen & Don, enjoy that beautiful trike.
  6. Very Nice, Congratulations Wiz
  7. Last week we had a 20" snow day, no power for two days, and this morning was -2 at school bus stop. I would say winter is here for a bit, Later-
  8. Merry Christmas Everyone!
  9. Our Prayers
  10. Prayers sent
  11. Our Prayers
  12. Totally Agree! I have had various motorcycles, really like my Harley's, Goldwing is good, V* was also good, but my wife has always Loved the RSV the Best!
  13. Don, our Prayers for your eye sight, and all health issues. I have truly enjoyed this wonderful site you created and all the great people on here.
  14. I miss all my bikes, every bike had a special trip, so those memories are still alive. Hope all goes well, you will ride again my friend.
  15. That would be Awsome.
  16. I would be Interested, love that area, ran Trot lines and caught many Crappie, Fish On, there in Springville.
  17. Nice truck Ronnie, like that blue. I have a 2018 Chevy 1/2 ton now with 114,000 and thought about trading up, but ....
  18. Absolutely Beautiful
  19. Looks Awsome, lots of hard work paid off, Congratulations.
  20. Awsome Herman, your doing a Great Build!
  21. Oh yea, loved my fishtails with 4" baffles, deep loud and proud sound
  22. Same here, it is beautiful, up to 39 today.
  23. Hey Yama Mama, sorry to hear this, but just because your not riding means your not part of this family, Later-
  24. Don, your 2003 Harley Heritage Springer is my Dream Bike. Don't get me wrong, loved my RSV, but that Heritage Springer is just Awsome!
  25. Totally Agree Don. After my accident went from RSV that I Loved to a Harley Heritage,105th anniversary which was great but was not as smooth as RSV. I sat on, test rode Star Venture, but too heavy for me at that time. Felt like Yamaha was just trying to hard to compete with American Bikes and missed the point of Loyal Yamaha Riders that loved their Smooth, Liquid Cooled bikes. Now Riding a Harley trike that has Liquid cooled heads, go figure. But do not see Mother Yamaha coming out with another touring bike unless they compete with a V-max engine and whole new frame. Will always love my Yamaha bikes, but...
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