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Everything posted by Dooder1

  1. Don, If you decide to have the rally based out of Mountain Home. I know the VFW has a nice facility down there. Maybe we might be able to set something up with them like we did with the Moose lodge in Ft Collins. Something that can be easily checked. Bill, Im ready and willing, so lets get started. I nominate Cindarella as entertainment chairman ( since she so funny) John
  2. Well thats a good question. I have never swam in it and dont know anyone that has. Now I do know that my son who is 33 did fall in:rotfl: but it was winter so he moved about has fast as I ever saw him getting out :rotf:. Now we do have cooperhead snakes here but I have only seen 2 in the 6 yrs I have lived here and they were real small now if the kids want to swim only thing I ask is that a parent be down there and that they wear a pair of water shoes or old tennis shoes cause I have no Idea what could be on the bottom of the pond John
  3. Sarge, the road is hard packed so when wet it isnt bad at all. They usually wait for a 3 or 4 day rain to even try to grade it its so hard. Wet or dry i ride in second gear at about 25 miles a hour and have no probs. John
  4. \ Just let him win so he feels good:rotf: John
  5. Don, Sharon and I may be willing to host the International Rally out of our place in Gainesville, Mo. We have 85 acres so there in plenty of camping space. We live about 120 miles north east of Eureaka Springs and about 70 miles east of Branson. My town is small we have only 2 Motels for a combine room total of about 30 rooms. Mountain Home Ar is only 25 miles south of me and they have plenty of Motels down there. We sit between 2 lakes (Norfolk Lake and Bull Shoals Lake)we have canoe and tube rentals with in 15 miles of us where you can go down the river. The Laura Ingalls Wilder home site and Museum is 45 miles away http://www.lauraingallswilder.com/ nice place to visit For the members that want to bring their kids I have a pond that they are more than welcome to go fishing (catfish, largemouth bass, hybred bluegill and crappie) and lots of areas to hike. My only concern is that members would have to ride about a mile on a dirt road to the house. They may not be willing to do so. The road is in very good condition not alot of gravel. Eck and Lowell have been on it.\ I have 2 bbqs and can borrow Gunnys next door so we can do some bbqing if they want. I will need to check with the resturants in town to see what the seating compacity is to hold the wrap up dinner and see about setting up some kind of buffet breakfast. So bring on the comments and lets see what we can do. John
  6. Curtis have a save trip. When you get back we need to get together since we only live about 15 or so miles from each other and havnt met yet:doh:. I ride 201 all the time going down to have lunch with the wife she works at wally world there in Mt Home. \ John
  7. I just ordered A rear avon venom 117 +11 dollars shipping SWMOTO wanted 126 +15 shipping\ \ John
  8. Dooder1


    Here in Missouri they have it set up if you are land owner you get free tags and anyone that lives on your property can get free tags. In my area if you own more than 75 acres that equals 4 tags for archary ( 1any deer tag and 3 doe tags) 3 for rifle and muzzel loader (1any deer and 2 doe) with 7 people that equals 49. Im the only one that hunts every year, if its not to cold the wife may go out. I usually get 2 1 for the wife and I and one for my neighbor retired Gunny ( just turned 76 last sat and still gungho Marine) who cant get out into the woods anymore. I process all my own meat so getting more than 2 is just to much work. Wish I could do more, we have alot of deer down here. Thats why I dont ride much a night around here unless I absalutly have to then I dont go over 40 when doing it. John
  9. \ Come Guys dont buy into this She has stock in a watermelon farm:rotf:
  10. Well Wildhair didnt end up in Springfeild today he showed up at my place just put him to bed. He is heading to Springfeild tomorrow and from there who knows:rotf: John
  11. \ No water coming my way gonna be up by St Louis. Even though I do sit between 2 lakes My house is up on a hill so dont have to worry unless we have 40 days and forty nights of rain then we all be swimming:rotf: John
  12. I was born 51 yrs ago in Farmington have not been there since 90. Wife and I are planning on riding out there is Sept after the Eureka Springs Ralley and meet my Mom. So post some good rides if you find some.\ \ John
  13. Wow does that route bring back memories, spent most of my summers camping in that area between hwy 50 and 88. One of the high lights was to take 88 to get over to Grover Hot Springs and take a dip. Wish I was making that ride:crying: Have a safe ride. John
  14. Wow so sorry you got caught in the detour. Coming thru on sunday they said detour ahead and I drove right on thru never got off 70. Never saw where the road had been flooded either. But glad you made it home in one peice Dale:rotfl: It had to be tough:rotf: John
  15. Dooder1

    Im Off

    Im off to Freebirds in about 15 mins. Bike was checked out good yesterday and loaded so all I need to do is giddy up and go. Cant wait to see old freinds and meet new ones. Everyone rideing up ride safe and see you there.:banana:\ \ John
  16. Bill if you go back 160 you will be coming right thru my place. Give me a call we can meet for coffee. 417-712-4053 Im about 75 miles east of Branson in Gainesville. John\
  17. TJ, Sorry to hear about your Mom but You got your priorities right. Spend all the time you can with her you will never regret it. Im praying for you and your mom. John
  18. Ok I got everything worked out so will be coming. Leaving thurs morning should be at your place some time friday before noon. Cant wait to see everyone again. John
  19. I talked with Lowell a little while ago. He is in Oklahoma City leaving some time tommorow heading to meet Roadkill in Springfield Ill by thurs, John
  20. What can I say. I was there for the first record, so will try and be there tonight
  21. Um thought you said it was wed night makeup my mind will ya:stickpoke:
  22. Bill, \ What route you taking to get to Russellville and are you returning home same way John
  23. OK Ette and I are set. Made our reservations at Edelweiss Inn. They still have rooms and she said they were being held till June 30th, so call them and get your room. Cant wait to see everyone again. John
  24. 63 bags aint nothing but since you got the expereince come on down here I need 85 posts set:rotf: I will even supply the jackhammer:whistling: no concrete so should be a peice cake. John
  25. Sailor, Glad you had a good time and for a Great Cause. Being a survior of Prostate Cancer myself (7 years cancer free). The Wife and I went on a Poker Run last weekend for Relay For Life. For a small town of 600 people we had almost 100 bikes. Was a good time by all. Met a former site member Bill Freeman has a 03 said he had only rode his bike about 3 times in 3 years, Hasnt been on site since before the crash. John
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