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Everything posted by Dooder1

  1. Yep I will be there may try and drag Sharon along maybe her only chance to ride this year.\ \ John
  2. kenny sorry to hear about your accident dont be surprised they make you use a walker for a bit with the boot dont ask me how I know:whistling: Hope you heal quicker than I did. Sorry I missed you and Beth. Were you planning to come to the International Rally? If so and you cant ride cage on up Sharon and I are caging cause of the hip. Give us some one to visit with while everyone is out riding. John
  3. Well Wild Hair and I got to my place at 2:15 this morning after a 250 mile ride from Snarleys place. What a nice turn out met some new members and reunited with quite a few members from former events. Did 525 miles yesterday going up and back. My last big ride for awhile with my hip surgery scheduled for the first of June. So wont be able to do Don's MD this year:crying: Many thanks to Linda (Snarleys wife) for putting up with us all. Bill for putting on a great a event even though I was only there for the day. Wild Hair just left my place heading south to his. Looks like he may get a little wet going home. Always nice to have Lowell stop in for a visit. Hope everyone has a safe ride home from St Charles. P.S. I saw Cinderella Pig Out Again:stirthepot: John
  4. Ok its 11am here and Lowell just left heading up your way. Sorry Im not riding with him but my nephew is graduating at Great Lakes tomorrow everyone went up there. I got stuck at home because of all the animals. I may try and sneak up sat and come back home sat night. John
  5. Well I wont be greedy since you been buy here just a couple weeks ago. I will share with others:whistling: Still have beer in fridge. So if you up this way Come on by. John
  6. Please do it in may. Im having my surgery June 1st and wont be able to ride for along \ time bad enough Im gonna miss maintenance day this year:crying:
  7. I would think twice on that. I think the tire yamaha puts on at factory different from one you can buy after market. I got 14000 miles on mine then then replaced them twice with d404s both times less than 5000 miles both rears went to dunlop Elll and got 16000 now Im trying a avon to see what I get with it.
  8. Well I hope he gives me the usual call to meet for coffee and breakfast. Would be nice to see Lowell again. John
  9. I dont see this happening either. Dont get your shorts in a bunch yet. I have been trying to get in the system for 2 years. The previous administration in their great wisdom in 2003 stripped allot of vets of being able to get va medical benifits that they were promised. I as a hard working american who was wise and saved money and invested and planned for my retirement was now not eligible for the benifits which I was promised when I enlisted because I have to many assets. Now I went and saw my va rep last week and he said as of june 1st I can apply because this administration is repealing that law. I will be concidered in the lowest class in line for care but thats ok with me because the guys coming home injuried need to be the priority at this time. John
  10. Wow Im sorry I missed this thread Im glad they caught it in time. I need to add a few things for all you guys afraid of going to the doctor. I went to the doc when I was 40 with a hip problem. Had been putting it off for more than a year. My doctor also happened to be my dads doctor before he died, so he new some of the family history so he ordered a psa testand it came back high. Your lucky your doc only did 2 biopses mine did 12 LOL. (hip pain is a symtom of prostate cancer) My test came back postive but still contained to prostate so I also had mine removed. So if some one on your fathers side of family has had it you need to start getting checked way before you reach 50. Been cancer free 9 years now.\ So take the time and get the blood test. John
  11. Im not old enough to have grandkids yet But hey Im glad you are OLD enough:stirthepot:\ enjoy them while they visit and spoil the #### out of them lol \John
  12. I don't feel trapped been here since 3/06 even made it through the crash of 06 let the cat out of the bag
  13. Bill, Sharon and I are planning to make your St. Charles Meet. Will be the only meet that I will be able to ride the bike, will be having my hip surgery 2 weeks later. We will be caging to the International Rally. Will be arriving some time around 6pm on Aug 2nd. So will bring a couple of ice chests to keep the drinks cold, some chairs and maybe a bbq. John
  14. Dan I just had my roof redone on house and garage. The roof on the house probably had another 5 years or so before it needed done but garage was ready So went ahead and had them both done with Metal. It looks so much better than shingles. Took 32 3ft by 22ft sheets to do the house 30 3ft by18ft sheets to do garage. Cost was a little under 4000 dollars for material. I remember doing tar and gravel roof in California on smaller house than mine and it cost more than that.\ \ John
  15. Strat, that was excellent. Dont let Snarley Bill see this, He will have you signed up for the entertainment at the International Rally :clap2:\ John
  16. Boy what a storm. My power was out for 6 days and my dsl just came backup today. It was a experience. Went thru 2 cords of wood keeping both fireplaces going. \ Couldnt get out of yard for 4 days even with 4wheel drive. Spent all weekend supervising my daughters boyfriend cutting up all the trees downed by the ice in my 76 year old neighbors yard. Will start my yard this weekend. I have I bet a 100 trees in bad shape if not 100's havnt been into the woods yet to see. For sure we will have plenty of wood for next year lol. But all in all we made it thru ok have all ready restocked for the next big storm.\ John
  17. How about vinegar thats what I use to clean the lime deposits in my coffee makers should be safe on the vinyl John
  18. I got your back Allen I remember following you from the middle of Kansas to Ft Collins. We didnt get lost. We almost ran out of gas but we didnt Get lost:cool10: actually we beat Eck and the other guys that followed him to Ft Collins and they left before us:stirthepot: John
  19. Glad you got home ok. Sharon I got home about 5. It was good to see everyone again and to meet Bill (Midnight Venture) and his wife Cindy. And for all you members on the Diet Thread better have a talk with Cinderella she Pigged Out All and All it was a great time. Hope to see everyone in St Charles John
  20. Bill, Sharon said I need to get out of the House, been cooped up here except for Doctor appointments. So we should be there. John
  21. WORK Thats a 4 letter word and your arnt allowed to use those on this site:stirthepot:
  22. Thanks for the well wishes. Doctor just called my surgery date is June 1st unless he has a cancellation before then. So hopefully I will get to go to the St Charles meet and eat. But for sure it looks like I will be caging to the International Rally. John
  23. Well 22 years of building Aerial and Underground Cable TV Systems has taken a toll on my hips. My left hip is in the worst shape. After seeing 3 Doctors they they came to the conclusion that I need a Birmingham Hip resurfacing, Not quite a full hip replacement. \ They elected to do this instead of a full replacement because they say Im to young. My question is, has anyone on here had this done and how long was the recovery period.\ From what I have read it is 6 to 12 months. Will have it done sometime between March and May. This means the wife and I will be caging to the International Rally which really sucks since its here right in our back yard. Once the hip is healed then will have my foot done which is another 4 to 6 months recovery. Doc says right hip will probably need to be done also in the next 3 years. So looks like my bike might be sitting for a while John
  24. I put the the Dunlop E III on front and back on my 99 RSV at 23,000 just replaced the rear last month at 37,000 with a Avon Venom. The front still has a little tread left will change it during the winter down time to a Avon. I liked the E IIIs if the venoms dont wear as good as the E IIIs I will go back to them. John
  25. \ Wow you guy"s are getting gouged it"s $2.95 here and going down
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