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Everything posted by Dooder1

  1. Being a owner of many dogs I found on my door mat what I thought was a possum but turned out to be a smelly gift. All 7 of my dogs had been in the woods and came along a skunk and all of them got sprayed then they brought it home for me lol. Took 3 bottles of skunk be gone to clean them all up. But I did find out if you get the smell on yourself you dont smell it any more but the wife wouldnt come near me for a while lol John
  2. Boast away I know what a great achievement and the hard work he put in and the sacrifices that you as a family made for him to reach this goal. My parents gave up a lot of their time for my Scouting career from Cub Scouts all the way to Explores. I still see the pride in my parents faces when I look at the Pics from my Eagle Court of Honor back in 77 and I'm sure Shane will too at His Eagle Court of Honor. Congrats to Shane for a great accomplishment. John
  3. Took a ride this morning to the Doc's for my 4 month checkup on my hip replacement. X-Rays were excellent, Range of movement was excellent. Still have some pain when I walk on uneven ground and move certain ways but Doc said that was normal. Said things were going so good that he didn't need to see me for another 6 months. Exercise does work lol:banana: John
  4. Drive safe. If your coming thru Missouri and want to go off the beaten path come on by. I will put you up in Lowells guest house . lol Good luck to You and Lonna hope to see yall again soon . John
  5. Back in Nov 78 I got out of the Army. I had bought a full dressed 78 goldwing earlier in July. I rode from Clarksville, Tn to Flagstaff, Az only stopping to get gas and to eat. I was young and dumb then, no way would I try that again. It was a little over 1600 miles in about 31 hrs. 500 miles is all most to much for me now days. Im really in no hurry any more, just go till Im tired. John
  6. He came thru and didn't even call or come by. I feel dissed. Hope his leg is doing better and maybe I will see him next time he comes thru. John
  7. Ok hers is my 5 cents worth. Early May is a good time, cooler but may also be a little wet. I think we need to do another one in the fall also the color change down here then is beautiful and the weather is cool. Ok said my piece. John
  8. Curtis, Sorry to hear this news. Being a 9 year survivor of cancer I know How this can way on your mind. Keep your faith in God and research all the available treatments for this type of cancer, consult with the doc and pick the best treatment for yourself. I learned that a positive attitude really helps the rest of the family deal better with the situation. I will be praying that everything comes out ok for you and the family. John
  9. Went for my first ride today since hip replacement:cool10: The wife is out of town for a few days no car so had to go to town:whistling: It was great feeling the wind in the face after 10 weeks. Had absolutely no probs or pain:banana: Should be good to go for St Judes Run John
  10. and I just sent you a pm calling you an old fart:rotf: glad your coming
  11. Boy does she like PR I saw her eat 2 big slabs and I got pics somewhere to prove it
  12. Just looked at the forcast for next week down here. They are calling for sunny and partly cloudy temps 90 high and 70 low no rain :banana::banana:
  13. Ok Im getting the before the event from Sharon. Depending on what day you need the volunteers I may have to stand in for She is leaving thurs for Arizona to ride with and help drive with our neighbor. She is in her mid 70s and dosnt fly and asked if Sharon would ride with her out there to see her sister who dosnt have long to live. So we said absolutely. Hopefully she might make it back for the wed night dinner but told her not to push it. John
  14. Way to go Lowell Be good to see you again. I should be at the Hub before you so see ya when you get there. John
  15. Bill, Im hanging in there. the therapy is brutal. I go see therapist twice a week and have to go to gym 4 times a week. Its working my muscles are getting stronger. I can get on the bike now but still dont quite have the strength to hold the weight for to long. So Sharon and I are still caging to the Rally next week. We may even drive over to Lamberts ( I need some Liver and onions) and meet you all even though its way out of the way for us. John
  16. Cindy, Sharon said she would volunteer:rotfl::rotfl:I might get the:stickpoke: afterward lol John
  17. Well its been one month since the hip replacement. Went to doc today and Im now full weight bearing on the leg:banana: Have been discharged from in home therpy and will now go to out patient rehab to build up more strength. Doc says everything looks excellent and dont have to go back for 2 months Still no word on when I can ride bike that will be up to theripist when they think IM ready. John
  18. Lowell, Doc said it might be blood circulation prob? I heard that for 10 years on my hip and we know where that lead lol. Now I got a new hip. With your history did they look for a blood clot? If not mention it. Hope all goes well and you can come to visit soon Im going nuts lol John
  19. Well its been 2 weeks since surgery. Went to doc yesterday and got those 23 stinking staples out:rotf: Boy did that make a difference in the surface pain. Have been doing 6 exercises a day and was up to 20 reps each. Doc says 3 more weeks of no wieght bearing on left side. He took xrays and all looks very good. Said what he did should last 30 yrs and that I had very strong and solid bone. Theripist came today and added 3 more exercises:crying: she tried to make me touch the ceiling with my toes or at least it felt that way:crying: leg lifts are the killer. But to be honest the pain is minimal. My hip seemed to hurt alot more before surgery. But could be the pain meds keeping it in check. They took me off the oxycodone and put me on hydrocodone which isnt as strong and I have noticed no difference. Im feeling pretty good just a little cabin fever is all. Should be moving around pretty good by the time the rally starts:banana: John
  20. Kenny Im having same prob with the cumaden level after getting home the nurse just left mine was 1.7 also needs to be higher. Do they have you wearing the ped socks and have the pressure cuffs on your leg. Im wishing you well and hope you get to go home soon. 5 days in hodpital aint fun. Hope to see ya soon John
  21. Wow just heard this from lowell. Kenny is a great guy. His wife just inquired about how I was doing after my surgery to my wife on a gaming site we all are members yesterday morning. Sharon and I are praying for them both that all turns out well. John
  22. Just sent lowell to bed he got here about 4 hrs ago. We been out on the porch drinking coffee and shooting the bull as usual. Got all the scoop from MD at Dons:whistling: since its almost 230 am Im gonna hit the sack cause we have about 4 more hours of bull to shoot we we get up lol. John
  23. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. Got to come home today:banana: but Im not dancing in the street yet:rotfl: so far no real bad pain but they have me on oxycodine 1 pill every 4 hrs and it seems to keep the pain away and not cloud my mind. wish I was up at MD but I needed this for along time. Doc says I may be able to ride bike by ralley time but Im not gonna push it. So everyone have fun at Dons and be safe. Thanks again John
  24. the new hip is in chrome color everything went very well i will try to spoil him as much as I can dooder (john) is in a very very good mood (must be the drugs) feel sorry for the nurses but doc said everything went great no problems thank you everyone for your notes and prayers :stirthepot:cooking up and his first meal:rotf:
  25. Well tomorrow is the big day. I have to report to hospital at 6am for my schedualed hip replacement surgery at 7am. The wife and I had to go to a class friday morning which was very informative of the rehab process. I will be in hospital till thurs or friday. I will bookmark this thread so Sharon can come on and let you all know how it went. All the members going to Dons for MD ride safe and I will see ya there next year. John
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