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About rhamm08

  • Birthday 11/30/1956

Personal Information

  • Name
    Ralph Hammond


  • Location
    Roseville, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 RSV
  1. I just installed the barons star bars on my 2008 rsv. I had to use the barons risers but the stock cables worked with re-routing throttle cables. Seems to be a great mod. I just need to put the stock rubber back in for fairing support!
  2. Thanks for the info:thumbsup2:
  3. Ok is there anybody within a few hundred miles of Sac Ca. that has Barons star bars on their Venture?
  4. Do the RTD bars fit without the barons risers?
  5. I am considering putting The barons star bars on my 2008 rsv. Does anybody near the Sacramento,Ca area have these on their venture. I would like to see them on a bike before I decided to do it. Can anybody help?
  6. I found this one http://www.7jurock.com
  7. I copied the whole html and inserted it in the message portion of my signature next to the map. then i had to move things around. It took me a long time not good on computer. Maybe someone else has more info. Hope this helps Ralph
  8. Here is the link for the weather banner http://www.wunderground.com/weathers...p?ID=KWACAMAN6
  9. I just got it whew! not a computer guy:think:
  10. cant get the map and the weather to stay in signature Thanks Ralph
  11. Checked the carbs today they were right on! Cant believe how easy it was:big-grin-emoticon: Guess The dealer just lost a customer. Hey Condor I also ordered the stock air boxes after our conversation on the phone. Will check the carbs after and see if there is a difference?
  12. Hey Condor there are too many numbers in your phone number? Ralph:7_6_3[1]:
  13. I bought the vacumn guages going to give them a try today. Thanks for your number will give you a call. I found the link on ventureriders.org it looks fairly simple! Cant believe I paid the dealer that much for a carb sync! Thanks Ralph
  14. I have been burning regular! Just had the dealer sync the carbs not sure they did a good job:think:
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