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  • Name


  • Location
    Rockport, TX, United States


  • City
    Rockport, TX


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1992 Venture Royale
  1. 21. Thou shalt not weigh more than thy refrigerator.
 I might need a bigger refrigerator???
  2. Let me know if u like that new wind shield... btw what u gunna do w the old 1? Will it fit my bike???
  3. I live maybe a mile from the beach. I jump on the bike every chance I get, usually shorts, short sleeved tropical print shirt, and a ball cap. I hv noticed a trip to the post office in a cage takes 15 mins round trip, on the bike 1-4hrs. I rarely stray far from hm, I'm on call 24hrs a day, so I hv 2 stay close 2 hm base. If I ride farther from hm I'll wear jeans, boots, long sleeved shirt, helmit, then gloves n jacket pending on weather. So I'm prob no gear 90-99% o time, minimum gear rest o time. I think I'll go check the PO box now!!!
  4. Where is that list? I would like to see where I am on the list.
  5. Loud pipes, and turn the radio up? I never thought much of it till others complained bout it. Actually I still don't pay it much attention, to busy enjoying the ride. And I was told it is normal, not to worry bout it.
  6. I believe I'll give it a try. Doesn't cost much, so not much to risk.
  7. Anyone here using Magic Jack??
  8. Thank You Dave, that looks like exactly what I was looking for.
  9. You must have had a better teacher and better student than I did, when I was self teaching myself.
  10. Thank you I'll check that out. I'm using Google, and Internet Explorer on a HP with Vista. Q. 2. Should I dump Vista for W7? Q. 3. Should I dump Google, and Internet Explorer for Fire Fox or something else????
  11. Help, I'm self taught on computers, and I did not have a good teacher. ?How do I bookmark a page, and will that do what I think it will (let me quick and easily check latest on a thread I'm interested in)?
  12. Donde

    G1 Android

    We've had the HTC touch (wife calls it touchy screen) for a year now. Wife hates it 99% of the time. I want her to try the Droid (our carrier is Verizon now that Altell sold). She is afraid it will be a repeat of the HTC touch. My work I'm only allowed to carry an Intrinsically safe phone, so I'm looking at the Barrage.
  13. a1bummer said "Me and my better half decided this summer that it was time for her to learn how to ride" That brought back fond memories. Thought I'd share, would love to hear your stories too. To start off I've seen many very accomplished female riders, and I've seen some inept male riders. No gender bashing intent here, just sharing our experience. One day my wife says she would like to learn to ride. I must admit I am excited!!! Not wanting to teach any beginner on a large bike (at the time I rode an 1100 Gold Wing). I purchased a Kawasaki 400. Same reasons a1bummer cited. So after I put several miles on bike to insure safety, my wife gets on the bike. We do this in our two acre empty, unobstructed back yard. Motor is running, bike is in 1st gear. Wife's hand is on clutch. She would not let out on clutch. I start pushing her and the bike around the full two acres, telling her at idle, if she let out on the clutch it would not take off doing a wheelie through the fence as she was convinced it would. 45 minutes later I'm out of breath, friends and family are hanging off the fence holding their sides laughing. We sold the 400 she continues to ride with me, however she never had any desire to learn to ride after that. I'd previously taught several beginners to ride. Looking back though I don't think my wife had a very good teacher.
  14. That's the sound I want. I sat on and fired up a Boss hoss a few weeks ago. WOW WOW WOW!!! If I had $40,000 I could spare, and $$$ were no problem. Ooooh yeeeees I would own a Boss Hoss. Wife already said I could, just that $$$ thing stopping me.
  15. Is there any such thing as to loud??? Just removed some of the baffles out of my stock 1st Gens mufflers. Of course we had to start it up, and rev it up while mufflers removed. WOW that sound nice!!! Maybe to loud. So we put the partially de-baffled mufflers on. Sounds ok at idle, and at cruising speed. However sounds to raspy while going through the gears, hitting the obligatory 6-7,000 rpms. I would like a deeper rumbling sound.
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