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Personal Information

  • Name
    stan cook


  • Location
    Barrie, Canada


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  • Interests
    Life is one big hobbie!
  • Bike Year and Model
    1985 Venture
  1. thank;s
  2. Just wondering how often ,the Valve;s should be adjusted ?Is every 40,000 km to long ?it looks like it will be quite a job. Thanks Stan
  3. Can anyone steer me in the right direction,I need a new service manual for my 1985 Venture. It as cone missing over the winter ,and there are no signs of it. All so Iam thinking of changeing out my antifreeze with something better.Like Royal Purple,or some other product that will help keep things a little cooler. Ant suggestions would be appreciated.And last what is the total amount of antifreeze in the bike system... Thank you Stan
  4. Thank you all for your help ,this winter I will jack up the bike and see what;s up with it. Stan
  5. I have noticed a funny rattleing sound ,that I think may be coming from the exhaust.I have been told that these bikes have a problem with the collector box! Is this true and is there a fix? Thanks Stan
  6. Yes it is from Dano ,he has been very helpful,it was just a question I was asked and had no answer.Now I do ! LOL Thanks.......Stan
  7. Just wondering Iam going to replace my R&R on my 85.Have a member sending me up one.My question is if you do not change, or up grade the Stator,then what difference is there to up grade the R&R?................Thanks........Stan
  8. I have contacted a member and he is sending me up a complete kit.To replace the old fuse box. Thanks again ....Stan
  9. This is all new to me,I just bought my 85 three months ago.I really like riding it but now have a problem with one of the clips that holds the head light fuse.It has broken! Iam not to sure what to do with this problem.I have just started to read post from other members about a fuse box up grade.Maybe this is what I should be doing?Were should I look for this ,is there a member that has done this that maybe can help me with some writen directions?............Thanks..........Stan
  10. Hi Bob ,iam looking for the small plastic piece goes around were the key goes!It is held in there by one screw and then a cover ...Thanks..Stan
  11. Thank you for all your help Carl,looks like we have very simalar bike's ! If you are coming up near Barrie please give me a call . Stan
  12. I have now set up myself on this forum,and I all so set you the funds with pay-pal .Did you receive them? Thank you.........Stan
  13. Thanks for all the help ,2nd gear has all ready been done ,Iam told by the brier owner.It seems to act up when the motor is hot! Then the starter will have a klunk and maybe a miss and then maybe start!When the motor is cold no problem? What do you think.Maybe just in case I should get the starter from the earlyer post for $50.00 ? Thanks Stan
  14. Thanks for all your help.........Stan
  15. Sorry for taking so long getting back to you,thank you for the offer.I have run a trickel charger for the past few day;s ,and all seems well .Right now!,starter is turning over pretty good.I did price the brushes and there around $140.00.Is it a big job to get the starter off,and do the brushes? Thanks..........Stan
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