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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Yes but has to be Popeyes Beans and rice...Cajun Style!
  2. In the past 40 years at least 16 bazillion cars have not turned in front of me. I attribute that to the fact that I was eating red beans and rice 2 hours before.
  3. Dont know why Honda didnt promote the Valk Interstate..Those were sweet bikes also
  4. Mel he is talking about the 1%ers..Bandido,Hells Angels ETC..I assume thats what you mean by controversy
  5. Im not a fan of them but thats just me...I prefer to make eye contact,wave whatever to see I have their attention THEN proceed with caution. talked to alot of people that do not ride and some even think the flashing is to tell them its OK to pull out..go figure! Anyway always expect the unexpected.People have no common sense anymore.
  6. WRONG,They pay for everything..I had it done
  7. Tom


    Find Condor on here..He knows everybody in California.
  8. I think you just did! WELCOME
  9. I want to also comment on alot of our newer members that have never even met Lowell and have donated or even wished him well. You all are going to fit right in here with our group. You have already figured out that no matter your political views,religious views,whatever, we are a family. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU! Tom
  10. Sure its not Granbury?
  11. Thanks Victor..I couldnt get KOA to let me get a reservation YET but Glad hes working on it..Maybe he can get er done!
  12. Just a side note especially to the lurkers on trial membership...This is the reason I am proud to be on this site..we kid about other makes and what others ride but when it gets down to the brass tacks it dont matter what you ride once you are on here you are family and we take care of each other.Proud of all you guys! Tom....Tupperware boy!
  13. Its a long way from there but I have a friend that has(I think he still has it) a low mileage white 2003.or 2004. Last time I asked him he said he would take 11000 for it USD..If you get interested or anyone else Ill see if he still has it. BTW I went to Houston a few weeks ago running 75-80- most of the time and got 42.4 out of it..normally dont speed at all but I THOUGHT the speedo was off..... they fixed that in 2010 WELCOME to the WING world
  14. Im getting a cabin at the KOA but cannot make reservations until April 2011..They are rather expensive if you go with the cottages but I have to have special needs..I know this isnt the Official campground but with Debs problems I had to go with it BUT Ill be all over the place when I get there..REALLY looking forward to this one!!! We will have a couple xtra bunkbeds in there so Im gonna play it by ear so if anyone needs a bed we will probably be able to accommodate.
  15. Speed Limit from Kerrville,Tx west..... 80MPH most are running 90..not me but I get passed doing 85 often
  16. Sorry I said we have LG but its Samsung..should have asked Debby first..BUT they have been very good machines
  17. We have the LG units which are basically the same..Been a great machine or machines..Note if you get it it only takes about 1/4 the amount of soap you normally use.
  18. http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=123462574368803 Hey Brian..or whoever did it! I like the facebook page you started..Darn good idea.I bet it reaches thousands of folks and maybe gets us some more members!
  19. Eck will be doing the trip over there as I have communicated with him so I willask if he has a PayPal and we can get it directly to Eck
  20. Tom

    "Wingin` It"

    I know Buddy..Im afraid that is what may happen..AND IF they come out with an 8 track player Im gonna commit suicide that I didnt wait!
  21. Tom

    "Wingin` It"

    I bought the ERGO style footpegs and then bought the 1 inch extension instead of the 6 inch that comes with them..GREAT leg position on the fwd pegs now. Also put on floorboards as the pegs arent my thing AND your toes will hang down on the pegs and drag when cornering hard. As you say it is effortless to corner with..scary at times when you realize how far over you are. Its taking me some time on the cornering as I am use to counter steering on my RSV..you countersteer on this it better not be much or you will get in it to quick. Im at the point where a twitch of the body and its cornering big time. I love the way I can go thru towns and even at 25MPH in 5th gear just roll on the throttle and you are gone. I bought a Clearview windshield,4 inch taller than stock,3 inches wider and no wind buffetting on me or the wife.
  22. Glad you two are back safe and sound!
  23. Well you dont live that far from Big Bend Natl Park and we are having a get together Nov 11-15th..This is a personal invite...I bet you will fit right in! http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=43261
  24. You are welcome..BTW IF you are new to the Venture remember HIGH REVS..take it out and hit the rev limiter a few times and you will see where your power is..Also if you get a chance have some members get together in your area and do a carb sync on it..most mechanics at Yamaha do not do it correctly. When I had my Venture trust me it RANNNNN. I saw a post on here earlier about a guy that ran with some HD and I AM NOT BASHING HD, BUT they cannot stay with a Venture IF you rev that baby up and let her go.
  25. If you are talking about the lift that has the flat pieces you usually just put under the bike on the frame you will need one of Carbon Ones adapters..they are in the classifieds,I will try and find the link and paste it here. They are great especially if you order it with the legs. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=2673&title=carbon-one-freestanding-lift-adapter&cat=7
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