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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Here is the Menu for Thursday Night/Evening for those staying at my place and riding on to Big Bend Friday AM. 1. BBQ Beef Brisket 2. Baked potatoes 3.Salad 4.Pinto Beans 5.Tortillas 6. 5 cheese garlic bread 7. Peach Cobbler 8. Blue Bell Homemda Vanilla Ice Cream 9. All the coffee you can drink! 10. Frozen Margaritas 11. Sweet Ice Tea If you dont like any of this you better get a bite to eat before arriving..Be Safe ALL!!!
  2. I lost a friend 2 years ago that took his own life. You just never know. Prayers are sent your way.
  3. Tom

    HEY GaryN

    Will do Gary. Deb and I are planning on getting a motel in Kerrville to ride a few days with you guys. See ya then, be safe!
  4. Tom

    HEY GaryN

    Gary, since you are already in the Ozarks just head on down to Big Bend with us...At Marathon they have an RV park waiting on you!
  5. I feel your pain..Yes its WINTER again! Tough times ahead for sure.
  6. Get a good set of headsets,I use the J&M elite 584 but they now have the 629s, When using the radio set the ambience to high and it has great sound....Also it has a mute button for the radio....make sure it isnt off..I cussed mine big time as I couldnt hardly hear the music until I said.."What is this button that says mute" I had the volume all the way up and it like to have blew me off the bike when I releaseed the mute button.BTW going thru towns dont even downshift..it has power to pull away smoothly even with a trailer.If you ever need any more info you can get my number from profile although Im not an expert I MIGHT be able to help..Agree about the GL1800 site but its quite different than here...Lots of smarta$$ answers or remarks but there are some good people there that will help you also. This site here is wayyy more friendly.
  7. Bought Debby a Gerbings liner with dual controller for possible addition of pants/gloves.
  8. Mine ran top speed at 247MPH. ...........then I woke up from my nap. Did have it at 117 by GPS Speed trying to outrun a Wing. It would never stay with a 1st GEN though.
  9. Took my first small road trip on it this past weekend..Went to Lawton OK and pulling my Aluma MCT trailer 39MPG at 70MPH (Few times hit 95 to test it out a little) for most of trip then 60-65 in a POURING rain and high winds.Coming home VERY HIGH WINDS gusts at 50+MPH slowed to 55-60 alot 39-40 MPG. Also at the Hard 8 BBQ in Stephenville went thru a HUGE pothole,took in all the MC and trailer 1/2 the MC was in water at one point surprisingly held it up with my other half on it..No I didnt see the hole the entire parking lot was a lake at that time! Very impressed with the bike so far.
  10. Its tough bike season ending.....WAIT a minute,its not ending here..Sorry.
  11. Tom


    Don,Glock is a FANTASTIC gun out the box..You Will enjoy it.I have 3 and like em all.
  12. I never had that problem...I am wondering if all the grommets are in the right place that fasten the cowling on..I tend to overtighten everything and never came close to cracking the cowling?
  13. OH NOOO...The WOMEN better watch out,LA is on the Prowl! Lowell,Glad to see ya doing better,was good to stay in touch as Debby and I really miss ya. Will be In Lawton,OK the 23rd and 24th at the Fairfield Inn if you are over that way. See ya my friend,Tom
  14. Tom


    Ive shot several and never had any problems..I use a Ruger LCP 380 pocket pistol 90% of the time..the other times I am carrying a Glock mid frame 357 SIG. Kel Tec is VERY similar to the Ruger LCP,I just got a better deal on the Ruger.
  15. Id really like to have one of those but I have to have a bigger truck for my mowing business..I pull ALOT of weight so I have to stay with my cummins diesel..but Id still like to have a Toyota Tacoma for pleasure!
  16. Ive had mine over 3 months now but because of a disc/nerve problem no major miles on it BUT the miles I have put on it are awesome..Watch out on countersteering..I am over steering BAD but getting use to it..All I have found I need to do to really get it in the curves is a slight,very slight,twitch of body english. Very well balanced and as you say Power..lots of it and comfortable.BTW I love my ABS..tried it on a wet road,jammed on the brakes and never a skid,just stopped,QUICK.
  17. Congratulations Gary!
  18. I have been there but did not see any accessories for Ventures..mostly GW and HD
  19. Never mind. I figured it out. Don't really care for it,the IPhone seems to view it ok in it's original format. Thanks
  20. Well excuse my Ignorance on this but HOW do you make the App work..Ive installed but do not see anything different..Is there any instructions or is it worth it? I still view VR the same as before and the little window still pops up saying tapatak is availabe,click for info, I do it and it gives a long list but I havnt a clue?
  21. Tom

    Whooot! Score!

    Congrats Owen! We will celebrate at Big Bend!
  22. I can read it without though..I guess Im not sure of its function and I am thinking of deleteing the APP as I do not see any difference.
  23. OK,I got an I Phone 4.When I go to Venturerider.org I get a pop up that says something like "TapaTalk can be used with this sit" or something like that..I loaded the APP byt still do not see what it does and still get the pop up..Question,What the heck is "Tap A Talk"
  24. Does that include being so HANDSOME and DEBONAIRE??
  25. Tom

    Wheel Chock

    Looks OK but In my opinion this is the only one to have for these heavy bikes http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/3/13/134/25708/ITEM/Condor-Trailer-Only-Wheel-Chock-Stand.aspx?SiteID=CSE_Shopping_25708&WT.mc_ID=80001&zmam=88421133&zmas=1&zmac=33&zmap=25708 I could load mine and be rolling in less than 15 minutes and never worry about it. I broke a Pingle mount before I bought this one. I have also now used it on my Wing to try it out..works great!
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