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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Living in Deer Country best advise...Do nothing to disturb them,watch closely and if seen soon enough slow down and as you get closer make no changes in noise from vehicle..A deer will run into the woods and just as quick run back to see what it was.I have friends that like them but I see every day during the Rut bikes that have crashed and low and behold..deer whistles. UNPREDICTABLE creatures.
  2. AMEN on that..until youve had good ole southern nana puddin you aint eating!
  3. With a full belly and much to be Thankful for.....Happy Thanksgiving!
  4. THATS JUST WRONG. Bad adv........... Oh that's another topic. Resume
  5. Brad....We in TEXAS are Thankful you moved here..What goes around comes around..Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for the call the other day also. Tom and Debby
  6. Youve said it all....Happy Thanksgiving! See you in Cody!
  7. Bill,Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Family also..Also at this time may I add Happy Thanksgiving also to all of my VR Family! Tom and Debby
  8. JT,Happy Thanksgiving to you also..I was just sitting here and in the last 2 days 3 of my good friends from this site has called to see if I need any help since I am down with my left arm,(Operated on a few days ago). I have declined so far but it is nice to know that I have friends that will drive 200+ miles to give me a hand.Id mention their names but knowing them as I do thet are not in it for that so I will just say "Thanks" to everyone. I know where you are coming from JT.
  9. Get well soon. Kerrville is waiting on you.
  10. Tom

    I Blame Tom

    You are right.....BUT..I wouldnt have complained on either one of those..Both were fine lookin women.
  11. Tom

    I Blame Tom

    Jim, they had to remove 1/2 inch piece of bone and reroute nerve. Probably 3 weeks before I might be able to ride. Right now It's hard to lift a can of coke.
  12. Tom

    I Blame Tom

    Looks good Jim..we will have to go on a little ride when my arm heals!
  13. Tom

    I Blame Tom

    Must have been that Singer sewing machine sound?
  14. Tom

    I Blame Tom

    Ok Jim you know I can't ride at the moment but man I gotta see it!
  15. Thanks for the invite but we are housebound. We all have alot to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
  16. I just arrived at my sisters house up close to DFW Area. Headed the last 189 miles back south to my home in the morning. I want to Again THANK EVERYONE for a great turnout and friendship! Tom
  17. Definitely a must do ! Pee on the cactus restroom, nowhere but TEXAS!
  18. Hope all are getting home safe from Big Bend. We are leaving in the AM. What a great group and THANKS a million to all that came.
  19. Tom

    What a bummer

    We are gonna miss ya..About to hit the bed and break out early in the AM..Kenny we WILL do it again!
  20. I really like mine Gary..I have to keep my volume(Intercom)way down and it is sure nice!
  21. One more thing...DO NOT COUNTERSTEER like you may be use to..It only takes a small twitch in the seat and brother it is laying into the curves big time.I countersteered a few times when mine was new and it will really react.
  22. Maybe it would help if we gave them a daily weather report from Texas??
  23. Enjoy, I love mine! Trial and error but my foot position is great now.
  24. I will fix you up at the International Rally in Cody Wyoming!
  25. i can't hear you dear!
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