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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Very bottom of box is 40 inches long....center of hub from front is 23 inches
  2. Herb,The TOTAL LENGTH of trailer measured from end of tongue is 86 inches,the box is 46.5 inches from very farthest point to back of trailer where box ends,the torsion AXLE sits at 63.5 inches from very front TONGUE of trailer,and it is 68 inches to the center hub on the trailer. So l;ooking at the trailer the AXLE part of the torsion setup is forwardof center of the box. Im by no means a builder of any sort so if you need specific measurements feel free to call me and I will measure whatever you need....OR If you happen to come down this way,pick up my trailer and take it back with you and copy the design..or I will meet you half way in my pickup.I dont need it till July. Tom
  3. I will measure my Aluma and get back with you later today
  4. It happens alot on this site..Ive had up to 6 at my place at one time.
  5. I had yet another nice visit yesterday..Aimhigh and his lovely wife stopped by and took Debby and I out for lunch..Got to see his new GoldWing..Nice Blue color..I think he is going to put on some accessories..I got that feeling as he wasnt taking pictures of my GW,just each accessorry..The economy surely must be about to pick up..I think I will invest in Wingstuff stock. Thanks Jim and Belinda! Tom and Debby
  6. Merry Christmas Lowell. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Tom and Debby
  7. Dont know how the grips work on the Venture but on my Wing I have been at 38 degreesF and fingerless gloves with my heated grips and just had the grips at #2..I believe I had #3,#4 then Max left on the dial......Plenty warm and not bulky.
  8. But HE was wearing Owls cut off piece of hair!
  9. Im going to do that..I bought a new rim and tire for the GW and putting a CT on that rim for when I do Long trips since its so easy to take the rear tire and wheel off (5 lug nuts)
  10. Midrsv,I am looking at that also..Getting old so I may just have to let the MC shops do it.
  11. Thanks All!
  12. Is this what you guys use to change your tires..Harbor Freight Tire Changer that is? If so I may order one....then solicit help figuring out how the heck it works! http://www.harborfreight.com/portable-tire-changer-34542.html
  13. Im not a story teller nor good with words. In short Brad and Lonna,(Squidley and Sweetnothing) came over for the weekend..I knew they were coming but should have known,knowing Brad and Lonna,that they had more of a reason than "just getting away from the rat race". Thanks to both for helping with a few things I have been unable to do the last few weeks, simple things like not being able to get the Christmas Tree down, Cutting some limbs off of a big oak tree in front, putting light bulbs in where they had been burned out the last few weeks. I want to thank them for everything they did but most of all bringing the Christmas Spirit to our home this year. We went to Johnson City last night to see the lights there..Beautiful site if you have never seen it. Debby couldnt last long because of her health problems but She enjoyed it. Brad,Lonna after you left Debby started looking at the decorations and like I figured She put up the blue lights on the tree and has been looking at the tree most of this afternoon. I was thinking afterwards....sometimes I do things just to help another and never thought about it much but as I was sitting here after they left I remembered I have always heard if you give you will receive 10 fold.....I have. An early Christmas greeting for all..Have a Merry Christmas!
  14. ET !!!! Looks good Owen!
  15. I stand corrected. I will try again on the PDF, I guess it's the flash player? I should ask my wife before I write about it. I have enough trouble using my IPhone.
  16. Got the 64 but I guess it would depend on how much she plans on storing stuff..My wife has very little stored on hers but I guess she has it if She needs it.Can watch you tube on it easy,very fast. One down side and I THINK this is with all Apple stuff forget loading anything with Adobe Acrobat IE PDF files As far as I know it is not compatable;
  17. I bought my wife one and She cant hardly put it down..It is nice,I got the Wi-Fi/3G version..It is pretty neat.
  18. Have a great Day Lonna!
  19. Good Luck! Not any fun at all but you will get better..
  20. Good to see you will be on!
  21. Next time carry my phone # listed in profile..I live here in the hill country and if ever needed I can do what I can for you..yep even tow it back to your home. Hope you liked our part Of TEXAS!
  22. None that I had found Kreg..
  23. Running 65-70 I get42-44mpg. However I have gotten as low as 17 pulling my trailer in West Texas. But so did the RSV behind me. 42 mpg is not hard to get unless you are fighting a lot of winds. One more thing when I go thru towns I am not downshifting even if I drop to 25 so that may make a difference. If you got 44mpg on the RSTD you did better than 99.5% of folks on here. My RSV was around 38 mpg at 70 mph TOPS.
  24. I love the looks of the RSV..Really like my GW though but Im a person that doesnt care what others think..I have found that different bikes fill different needs and IF the RSV makes significant changes I will buy another and have the best of both worlds. I have friends that ride ST1100s,HDs,Victorys,Suzuki Burgmans and I have nothing bad to say about any of them..In fact good for them that they are still riding......It dont matter what you ride as long as you enjoy..... especially as a member here!
  25. Kite..Now all you need to do is bring in down to Texas and we can ride our hill country here..Nice!
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