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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Hal,We will put in our Prayers for your Sister also..Deb and I will do our part in prayers for both of you..Take care my friend..
  2. Thanks to you guys! I read thru all posts and there is no doubt in my mind we are seeing the power of prayer.
  3. Being I am on the road this week I havnt been able to post but have read all the news. My Mom has 2 prayers groups praying for his recovery and for the family. Our family here is doing a great deal of praying and I think it's working. Prayers will continue, David is a wonderful person.
  4. Lonna let me know ASAP about him..CALL ME..I have to go to work in the AM but can get off if needed. Tom
  5. Tom

    Protect All

    Gotta bring my wife. You supply the Margaritas.
  6. They are a vendor on here just look under vendors that offer discounts or look for the banner at top of home page and click on it or Google F4 windshields and when you contact them tell them you are with Venturerider.org and they give a 10% discount. We have a discount code in the vendor area but I didn't need it just told them I am with ventureriders.
  7. Tom

    Protect All

    Man, I thought you knew about women.....I got Deb to come see how good it works and next thing I knew she polished the whole bike but the end result is she wanted ALOT more to shine her appliances and countertops and says it's so easy to use she will keep my bike polished for me! Hey, you gotta remember She bought me a new GoldWing after I bought her an iPad. You guys from Montana gotta talk TEXAN. 2 gallons will last me at least 6 months so now I gotta get a new hammock while I watch her polish the bike.
  8. Tom

    Protect All

    At the Cody Intl Rally I won a can of Protect All cleaner and polish. This stuff is FANTASTIC! I ordered 2 gallons of it. It also makes my chrome wheels VERY SHINY! Thanks for whoever got this stuff to give away.
  9. Thanks for the positive review. I get it tomorrow evening and will put it on. Heard nothing but good about them so far.
  10. Well I ordered a new F4 windshield yesterday and suppose to have it by 530 PM tomorrow the 11th..It is a F4 +2 with vent..I will let you all know how I like it soon.(I ran out of chrome to order so working on other stuff now) Next on the agenda is going to be an Ultimate seat with Black full Inlay Ostrich..Gonna wait a few weeks on that as I need Debby to sit on one and make sure She likes it.
  11. I guess at this point the good thing is YOU are OK..Too bad idiots like the guy in the car are not responsible for their actions .
  12. Tom

    Cody diary

    Jack,glad the vest is working out OK..I hate to recommend things as it may not meet the expectation that some may want but I REALLY love mine and now Debby can handle this extreme heat. Glad all is going well and hope to see you again soon! Tom and Debby
  13. Was really nice to see You and Marilyn again..Glad you are home safe.
  14. We Bad...We Bad!!
  15. It was good to finally lay an eye on you..put a face to the name. Every rally I try and make a point of meeting everyone but I admit I have a bad case of "One Track Mind" and if I have something on my mind I am so focused on it that I fail to remember or socialize a bit more.(Ask Ponch) Anyway Im glad I got to meet alot of you. Tom
  16. An EPIDEMIC!!! Congrats to all When the Venture comes out with upgrades YES,I will buy another but for now I sure love my Wing..Although I will say they are not everyones cup of tea. BTW,I WILL keep my Wing whenever,if ever ,Venture does a few upgrades.
  17. A few of the guys riding up to Beartooth pass with me Left to Right...Shamue,KBran,Me,CaptainJoe and Bubber. Old Faithful of course and a shot or two going up Beartooth pass
  18. Never figured out why they call it Shiner Blonde.....Maybe if you drink enough you will fantasize a 22 year old Blonde is hangin on ya?? Randy I would do it again in a heartbeat..
  19. Thanks to all also. Also thanks to the guys and gals that rode with us. We had several nice rides, no one got in a hurry and we saw FANTASTIC scenery. Wish I could have met everyone but it's hard to get with everyone. I felt right at home.....even on my GOLDWING! Thanks Lowell for sharing our cabin. It was good to see him again. Tom and Debby
  20. OK to the ones in question..I have them ready to go in the AM..Somehow when I loaded them it loaded on a different format and I had trouble converting back so you are going to get "Bonus" pictures of some of our Leaky Texas Meet in April...Deb didnt take as many as I thought and it was set on 640X480 so not the best in the world but puts a smile on your face just looking at me...I know. N/C...Im just glad we could ride together. Tom
  21. OK I know Bubber wanted the pictures Debby took but I cant remeber if anyone else that was with us wanted a CD of them. Somehow I messed up and have some pictures from our Leakey TX meet on there so you will have to delete when you get the CD. EVERYONE PM me your addresses and name and Yes Bubber I lost your card..I should have given it to Debby.Anyway Ive got 6 CDS copied.
  22. Alot of the real tall riders use Mick-o-pegs but if u use mini ergo arms and switchblade kuryakyn Hwy pegs you can adjust to suit you. Risers are 2 kinds. Adjustable and non adjustable like I have. As Eck said many seat options. My favorite is Ultimate seats and they have a king rider but it takes away 1.5 inches from passenger.
  23. For any future reference the last one I replaced I found taking the battery out and then the battery tray along with..I THINK the floorboards It wasnt a very hard job and the top nut is easily seen and access is simple once the battery box and Battery are removed.Also I think I removed the right saddlebag. Hope this helps anyone in the future changing the rear shock.
  24. Glad all are making it without incident! Going back to Cody next year but towards end of August,first of September for me.
  25. Tom

    Survived Cody

    Bubber , we too enjoyed meeting you and the wife. I will get the Pics on a CD as soon as I close on the other house.Probably Thursday. Really enjoyed the company! Tom and Debby
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