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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Whatever. I reread it again and it was used collectively. "Morons among us".Meaning as a whole in society. We will just have to agree to disagree respectively.
  2. Ok now I will comment. NO ONE was called a "moron". It was used collectively as a whole. Geez guys don't wear your feelings on your sleeve. Reread the post. Come on.
  3. No Comment.
  4. Hate to hear this. Please tell him our prayers are with him for a speedy recovery.
  5. You are dead on Mike. I sure wish we were still there but you know the circumstances. Debs doing better but still in bad shape.
  6. If you get a chance rent a jeep and take the Alpine Loop..NEED A 4WD. Redneck and I were up there and he has some fantastic video..IT IS NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART THOUGH.. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/photo.php?fbid=3964684269901&set=a.3964683909892.2150055.1064216925&type=1&theater for those that can access Facebook here are some pics Mike,(Redneck) took today.
  7. If I ever see ya again I'll bring you some more.
  8. This vacationing is rough work!
  9. VERY VERY CAREFULLY BUT YOU WILL PROBABLE DENT IT UP. On the good side you can rent jeeps or ATVS Worth doing but not for the faint at heart!
  10. Those that know me know how I feel about That. Thats all I can say or Ill get in trouble.
  11. This is sad news. I met him in Arkansas at the International. What a great man. He will be missed. Our prayers are with you Patti.
  12. So True...And the Western group.... Maybe Some of us can meet up in Colorado somewhere,Just sayin.
  13. I doubt its real but LOVE the message..As a CCW holder I pray I never have to use it but if I do have to and I EMPHASIZE HAVE TO, I am VERY WELL TRAINED and expert marksman. Thank God we have the right to defend ourselves.
  14. Cool Job. I bought a Ranger XP 800 EPS last month. So far so good.
  15. Debby and I are so sad to hear this. Our sincere Condolences to you and your family. Tom
  16. Not to worry...it's only Texas size. Love to have ya make it to Leakey, it's quite a get together.
  17. When you get here we will show you TEXAS that not many know of. First stop....Alamo Springs Cafe. I will buy the burger IF you can eat it all! That goes for anyone up to the challenge. Then in November go with us to Leakey, Texas for real scenery and eats and riding.
  18. There are TRUE TEXANS and those that wanna be.Us true TEXANS know where to ride and what to do...those wanna bes well,they try. Then there are those that are set on being true TEXANS , I say WELCOME
  19. Congratulations to both of you.. Have fun in San Antonio,have a few Margaritas for me also.
  20. I have been waiting to see how it's going. I'm glad I didn't try talking you into it and the decision was yours alone. Sounds like you are SOLD! Well on the Wing it is the perfect match however even though I have friends running CT s on a Venture IF I still had my Venture I still would not run a CT on it due to in MY MIND ONLY the high pressure to seat it I FEEL comprimises the integrity of the sidewalls. THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION NOT BASED ON ANY SCIENTIFIC FACT. As far as the Wing, I LOVE it. And my Centramatic Balancers!
  21. Dont feel bad...I can never find anything using Search...I KNOW it is me...... besides i like to get the most up to date info.....
  22. I am guilty to a few things. One is at Rallies when I have been there I am so one track minded I sometimes forget to try and mingle..I do know of a few that didnt feel like part of the group or event and they felt "left out"so I will try to work on that. The thing I notice about anyone asking for Tech advise is SOMETIMES the delivery of the advise seems critical or condescending. I realize that is most often personality but some take it as a "Slam". I have noticed this alot on another board I belong to. Brilliant people mechanical wise... but their delivery of the message is poorly done. Just a thought. Glad to see you back Goose..
  23. Just got back in from a 1500 mile round trip,left out on Saturday morning..I run a Kumho 195/55/16 on the rear of my Gold Wing and I was running legal speed limits up to and mostly 80MPH in as high as 102 degree weather.It sure did stick good and ran cool. I do have to replace my right floor board as I have it so scarred up from dragging it and pinching my big foot in between it and the bike. Im gonna ask Kuryakyn if its warrantied as you are not suppose to be able to lean a car tire wayyyy over..After looking my crash guards need a little love and attention as they must have dragged somewhere.Darn Car Tires! I forgot to mention I guess I will stay with the CT as it has a 1201 lb rating and run flat technology. Im being nice,just sayin...
  24. Our prayers will be with them...
  25. I will second this..I bought 2 sets with extra gel packs. I have no issue with heat now. I have a small cooler I strap to a rack on my trailer hitch and I put the extra gel packs in there with ice water and when my gel packs I wear start thawing I simply switch them out and they refreeze in 20 or so minutes in 65 degree water temp. Expensive? Sure but if you want to stay cool without being soaking wet this is well worth the money.Some worry about the gel packs busting if you lean back on them too hard..It dont happen and if it does they will replace at no charge. Deb abd I rode ALOT in 105 degrees last year and we never got hot.
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