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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    68 Royal Star Tour Deluxe
  1. Update: I just cut a nice little piece of scrap balsa wood to the exact length it took to span the diameter of the carb bore then measured that piece of wood with a digital caliper. It measured out at about 31.2mm or so. So it would seem that these are indeed the larger 32mm carbs! I hope I am right. Does anyone know which of the aftermarket ignition modules are the one to get? Are there several of them to choose from? Thanks again, Shane Davison MI
  2. Thank you to all of you for your responses to my question! Several days ago I bought a very clean set of carbs from a guy out of Allen Park Michigan (Detroit area). He claims they were from a 2003 Royal Star. I hope that they are indeed the 32mm set and not the 28mm. The carbs have a part number on them (MIKUNI 4XY1 00 E312). I did an internet search but was not able to find any info related to this number. I guess I wont know if the are the bigger carbs until I physically compare them to the 28mm set on my 98 Royal Star. I do not plan to get into the actual swap until late fall when I stop riding for the season. I guess I am just a little apprehensive until I know I have the the right set and didnt accidentally purchase a 28mm set! That would suck. Does this make sense? I should have done more homework prior to parts hunting! Thanks again! Shane Davison MI
  3. I would love a Royal Star gathering here in Michigan. I know where BAJA acres is and would be there in a minute! Great Idea.....life is short.....Do it! Shane in Michigan*
  4. I plan on swapping out the small factory carbs on my 98 Tour Deluxe. I am in the process of gathering parts for the swap. Because of the cost of getting the new carbs I DO NOT want to buy the wrong ones. Does anyone know which year carb set I should buy. And also is the carb set that comes off of the V-MAX or the old GoldWing like Yamaha Venture any more desirable than the 2003 and up Royal Star 32mm carbs/? Thanks for your thoughts... Shane in Michigan
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