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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 Royal Star tour deluxe
  1. That would be nice except the way they mount to the rear trunk mount on the Venture, which is different than my tour deluxe. The front mounting point is the same but the rear is different. Would be nice if someone else has tried to modifiy that setup???
  2. The bike has a backrest, comes standard with the bike.
  3. Fixed, 2008 Royal Star tour deluxe.
  4. Does anyone have any suggestions for the passenger handgrips?? I am looking for something for the passenger to hang on to. I am changing seats to the Mustang, and the seat strap will be gone. Not that the existing seat strap is a great thing to hang onto. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. My bike is a 2008 Royal Star tour deluxe.
  5. Rick thanks for your info, I looked up the pics on your seat mods and that just might work. I am tempted to just get the mustang seat combo, but am doubtful it will work for her?? Just hate spending over $400 to try, so Rick your set mod just might be the ticket. We are going on a group ride this sunday and I have a airhawk pad for her to use, she just does not like the fact that it moves a bit and she feels unattached to the bike. Rick one more question, the seat you have in your attic is it a new seat off a Royal Star Tour Deluxe? If so would it be possible to have you mod it and send it to me and I send mine to you for less "down time"?? Let me know, Joel.
  6. I have just purchased a 2008 Royal Star tour deluxe, and just love it. I have been riding for 11 years and my wife has recently taken an interest in riding with me. There is just one problem the rear seat, I am pleased so far with the front. What has worked for other people and there wives?? At this point I would like to just change the rear and am looking at the Corbin or the Mustang. I have had both on other bikes and like the Mustang better myself. So any suggestions?? Thanks in advance for you help. Joelmark.
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