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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1983 Vanture Royale 1200
  1. Hope you get back on the road soon!
  2. Thank each of you for the tips and ideas. I ended up going with one like Coy55boy has and it will do just fine. I like the idea of the electric model and will explore those as well. Thanks again. Great info and response!!
  3. Any suggestion as to what and where to purchase. Mine is not a Royal and I bought one off Ebay that mounts between the grip and the power switch assembly - Problem is, on my bike the throttle grip and the power switch do not seperate so the bracket cannot fit between them. Thanks in advance. Roger
  4. Thanks !!!!!! Once I knew what to look for I went back to the shop and, after some tedious crawling around on the floor and a few bumps to the head, I found the missing ball bearing. I got the assembly put back together. Bearing is in the down position (bottom hole) and writing is upside down and at the 2:00 o'clock. (with the tops of the letters at 5:00 c"clock) I appreciate your help & advise. Filled the radiator and the reservoir (spelling?) and placed a clean paper towel under the drain plug to check for drips after it sits all night. So far - so good. Thanks Roger
  5. Sorry to intrude on this thread, but from what I read, I think you guys just stopped me from screwing up mine. I just need to confirm before I put my plug back in with new O-ring........That the screw actaully sits in the groove and allows the plug to spin all the way arround. The spring with a bearing sits in the small hole on the underside of the tube when it is RUN posission. Are both these statements correct? (Didn't see any ball bearing when it came out - only the spring - and I was about to reinstall the plug so that the screw fit into the hole where the spring is located. Yeah, I know...... should have checked here before I decided to fix the drip.) Roger
  6. Goldwing - Early morning - dew on the grass - good morning to ride to the office....... I stopped at the end of my long gravel driveway to pick up something lying in the drive. I put the kick stand down and started to dismount when I realized I was already on a downhill slope and the bike started forward a bit. Decided the item in the drive could wait until I returned. I pulled onto the country road (right turn) and began a leisurely cruise to work. My road winds a bit and as I leaned into a lazy left curve I heard the sound of the kick stand grind on the pavement. I immediately came upright and frantically kicked for the stand with my right foot but (you can't see it while riding) I was already on the far right-hand edge of a road that was quickly going left..... Just before I left the road (six inch drop-off) I mannaged to position my big toe directly between the pavement and the kick stand! One broken toe later I was in the ditch at about 40mph on wet grass. Couldn't apply more than the slightest brake without going down on the grass and soft dirt. Popped up over a neighbor's concrete drive and tried to grab a little rear brake on the concrete before going back into the ditch. Looked up and noticed that I had a choice. The big Oak tree or the water meter. Both seemed determined to assist me in bringing the 800 lb beast to a stop. I chose the brakes and just as I suspected, it dived for the ground! I dived for any soft landing I could get. My face sheild plowed a 4-5 inch deep row through the neighbors grass, most of which ended up in my helmet and mouth, and the bike lost a mirror, some shine, and a little of the excitement I felt for it! Only broken bone I ever got! Told the wife at the Dr.'s office, "I don't know, it just left the road! Must have been some gravel or something..." It was at least a year before I (accidentaly) admitted I left the kick stand down...... she said, "I told you when you bought that thing to be carefull. I'm just glad you aren't hurt!" (Her version of "I told you so!" as the Dr. set the bone break.) I tried to explain to her that I was in full control all the way to the scene of the crash! I love the auto-kill kick stand feature on the Venture........
  7. Hi guys, I am coming late to this thread but if I got the jist of it, replacing the cables may eliminate that sinking feeling between the time I hit the starter button and when it actually begins to start? Is that correct? I have a 1983 Royale and I wonder every time if it is gonna start when I hit the go switch. It has a new battery but acts like it is drained every time. So far it has always started but by then I am already getting ready to start cursing. Is this the fix? Thanks Roger
  8. Hey Earl, Just wanted to confirm with you that I got the upgrade kit you sent, installed it this weekend and it went very smooth. Works GREAT and is far better than the stock box my 83 came with. Thanks again! Roger
  9. Thanks. I am def gonna look into this. Thanks for the tips on the pics as well. That helps alot. Roger Nashville
  10. Randy, I love the look and would like to do somthing similar. How did you make the modifications look factory? Thanks Roger
  11. The neutral indicator light comes on as soon as I begin to engage the clutch lever. It remains on in every gear whenever I pull in the clutch lever and stays on until the clutch lever is fully released. No, I have not had or done any work on the bike that would explain this phenom. Shop bled the brakes last week, but this is new. This only happens while the bike is running. When the key is on, the engine is not running, the indicator light works as it should (Light is off when shifted into any gear and "On" only when in neutral) Thanks Roger
  12. My apologies up front if this is an incorrect post....My First. I have a 1983 Venture Royale 1200 that just now started this prob. the neutral light comes on whenever you even slightly pull in the lever - in every gear. It stays on when the lever is pulled and during shifting. the only thing I have noticed is that finding neutral seems to be harder (more touchy) than before. Any ideas? Thanks in advance Roger
  13. Would you have the left and right louvers that sit in the inside fairing? The "L" shaped vent louvers that would allow air up and to the rider. Part#2 26H-2837-00-00 & 26H-2837V-00-00 thanks
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