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About sheriff1112

  • Birthday 03/24/1955

Personal Information

  • Name
    Thomas Pszonka


  • Location
    Tulalip, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1986 Venture
  1. ok, Total tear down of the carbs - done, no holes in diaphrams everything looks great! fuel tank is fixed - no rust, all fuel lines blown and cleaned, new fuel filter, this morning we started again, first thing was to check out the mixture screws, i set them at 2 turns out, then i went on to do the sync, all carbs upon initial firing where good so dialed them in with the syncer, running much better, and now i can goose the throttle, starts with little or no choke (seattle wa) oh yeah all spark plugs have been replaced, and i cut and inch of each wire, anyways it starts right up, idles no problem and now i can goose it, upon heavy load though iam getting some slight back firing, i have the header pipes tighted on through to the cans, cans are just slid on and not tight, so.... iam thinking once i tighten everything up that may get rid of the back firing, or do you think iam still running lean? the airbox is back on by the way and it helped cleaned up things abit but like i said a slight back fire, do you think 2.5 turns to 3 would get rid of the back firing?
  2. I received my 86 Venture for a christmas present from my family. I have been able to get rid of that rust in the gas tank, rebuild the carbs,now I am on my exhaust. The collector needed to have the baffles taken out. I was successful but the pipes are all rusted. The welder doesn't think he can fix them. I would like to buy a collector that is not all rusted out. Thanks Tom
  3. I am a new member and a new Venture owner,I would really like to thank everyone for all the great information provided. I have a 86 Venture,the fuel tank has rust in it and I need to remove it. What is the easiest way to remove the fuel tank?
  4. Can anyone tell me where I can get a Carb jet kit for my 86 Venture. I just got the bike and want to clean the carbs and replace the jets.
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