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Great White

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Everything posted by Great White

  1. Main fuse will kill everything on the bike all at once when it blows....
  2. I'll be buying them from a bike shop. The "crusin" model. However, it's not a done deal. If there's something better for the money, I'm all for it.
  3. I need a new rainsuit. Looking at the frogg togg crusin jacket and pant set. Anyone have them? Any good? If there anything better out there for around the same price?
  4. Probably mostly VMax guts with proper fairings and bags. Oh, how delicious would the new 1700 'max motor be in a full boat touring bike........175 hp and no waiting. I'd buy that! Ah well, it's nice to dream...... (I feel a photochop moment coming on!)
  5. Folded three Canada flags and carried three friends to the ground after that fateful day. Not a good memory...
  6. Well, this week at work has been one Muha of a muthafu....well, you get the idea. My Bp was taken and I'm running somewhere around 145/138. So yeah; I'm stressed out. So I took a week off and I'm heading for the cottage. It's about a 4-5 hour ride. Not doing it in one stint though and I plan to leave around 9 am. First leg leg will be about an hour and then a planned coffee and fuel stop. Then about another hournand a stop in halifax to buy some frog toggs.then it's a nice a remix run up the number 7 highway on the eastern shore. Stopping where ever I bloody please. i had hoped my sj4000 camera (think: go pro) would be here in time, but no dice. Probably snap some iPhone pics on the way though. then a week at the cottage. This is why it's my "place" to get away and relax: http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e235/gr8twhite/lockeddownalbum/cottage/IMG_0219.jpg http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e235/gr8twhite/lockeddownalbum/cottage/IMG_0233.jpg http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e235/gr8twhite/lockeddownalbum/cottage/IMG_0436.jpg i do have one somber duty to perform the second day I get there though. On Saturday i ride up to canso for the 9th anniversary of the 914 crash. Three of my friends died in that crash and each year we do a memorial ride to the monument to pay our respects.
  7. Mmmmmm......bacon........pie......
  8. Touring bike: venture "Swing for the fences" Sport bike: fj1200 Cruiser: VMAX 750 Sport bike: FZ750 600 sport bike: FZ600 2 stroke: RZ350 or the ultimate RZ500 Dirt bike: any of the YZ's There's just not much reason for me to have gone anywhere besides Yamaha in 1986. Was the golden age of Yamaha AFAIC...
  9. You know, I was sitting here thinking about the extra set of mkI saddlebags I picked up last week and find myself wondering if they would work on my fj1200? Shape is about right, the angular look is about right too. Decent capacity and they turn into suitcases easily to carry in to the hotel. The 85 bags even use the same style key as the FJ1200 so I can re-key them. i should go pull them out of the loft and see if they line up decently....
  10. Cool. I have my original 26h and running fine. I have 2 spare 41R's now. I figure one will be a spare, the other I have some...."plans"......for......
  11. Cool, just what I needed to know. My 83 runs a 26H, but I have several spare 41R's. I'm going on a trip and may throw a 41R in the bags just in case. Cheers.
  12. So I know the 26H and the 41R CDI boxes are not swappable "as is". But it seems the major point is the vacuum advance being ported vacuum in the 26H (IE: in the carbs) and manifold vacuum in the 41R (IE:after the carbs). Does anyone know if it is possible to swap the 26H/41R CDI boxes if you move the vacuum advance source? Maybe I should get out the wiring diagrams and have a closer look....
  13. Meh, I dunno. I've ridden a Spyder. It was OK, but didn't float my boat. Felt just a bit too disconnected from the motorcycling experience. Cornering was weird too, just didn't feel right. Felt worse at higher speeds. Handed the key s back at the end of the demo ride and when the salesman asked "what do you think of it" he didn't like what i said about how it felt. He almost attacked me with stats, reasons and opinions. Hey bud, I just said it doesn't feel right, I'm not saying your mom wears army boots! That was two strikes against it right off the bat: felt really weird and high pressure salesman. Third strike was I just couldn't get past the feeling I was on a snowmobile with wheels. It just didn't feel like I should be on the road, more like ripping across a grass or snow covered field. I also never felt like a part of it on the demo ride like I do on a bike. I felt like it didn't matter whether or not I was on it to operate, where a bike and rider has to reach a certain degree of symbiosis or neither are going to be upright for long.... Maybe when I can't stand/walk without assistance (cane, walker, hot nurse, etc) it might make more sense, same reasons for needing as a "traditional" trike I'm thinking. I'm sure those that have them must like them and that's fine. I would hope they like them, they sure cost enough! It's just not for everyone I guess...it just didn't fit for me.
  14. meh, maybe it's a local thing with spyder riders here. Dunno, don't care. All I know is not one has ever thrown the sign or returned it....not one. Maybe it's becuase there's not many compared to "regular" bikes and the few around here just don't wave.
  15. Hell, I even wave to guys on scooters if they want. Gave the hand to a guy on a scooter just today. Maybe the guy wants a "real bike" but can't afford one. Or the guy on the trike may just not be able to get it up anymore, or perhaps he's physically disabled. No sense leaving them out because of their condition or financial standing. To me its about acknowledgement of common ground. Something different than everyone else on the road. Being on two wheels, out in the environment, the vulnerability, Reducing traffic, saving fuel, whatever you want to look at it as. That being said, if a guy doesn't return the "wave/nod/sign" (as long as it is safe to do so), I just say a quiet explicative to myself about him and move on. If he doesn't want that part of the experience then so be it. Got better things to do with my time. *Edit* Actually, now that I think of it, there is one group I've stopped even trying with: Spyder riders. I've yet to run across one who even looks across the lane, let alone wave. I guess they don't consider themselves riders....or maybe they think "something else" about themselves. Dunno. Don't care. All I know is I don't even bother to try with those road going snowmobiles anymore.
  16. sure does!
  17. Dress for the slide, not the ride.
  18. Assuming you fixed the bad solder joints issue, the actual fault code for E4 is "the pressure sensor has no output voltage". But don't start buying/hunting parts yet. The sensor is back on the compressor/valve unit. Head back there and pull the wiring connectors apart and look for signs of corrosion. If any found, clean it up with some contact cleaner and put it back together. See what you get. If it works, bonus. If not, have a look at all the connectors in the system to make sure they are making good contact.
  19. I'm going to say something simple based on your description and it's not meant to be insulting. The key sort of has two "on" positions. One is "ACC" where the CLASS (air controller) comes on, but not much else. If you continue turning it goes to "ON" and everything powers up and the bike will run. The ON position will also turn off the CLASS controller (as long as someone has not messed with the wiring). I'm going to say this is not your problem as you seem to have the dash "computer" powered up in one of your pictures. It does not in ACC, nor does the other items you mentioned (headlights, etc). Saying all the stuff that works on ACC are power up and the things that are not is what leads me to mention it. It's easy to miss if you're not familiar with the venture and the letters are rubbed off the key tumbler. Again, not meant to be insulting, just something worth a mention based on your description. The red light flashes to draw your attention to whichever fault icon is displayed on the dash. I can't exactly say what the Yamaha engineers were thinking when they put it in there, it's more of a nuisance (IMHO) than anything else. Maybe if they had included a "cancel" button for you to push/acknowledge it and turn it off until the next fault triggered it it would be worthwhile. A red led flashing away as I'm driving down the road telling me about a problem I already know about is just a major PITA. The battery one is notorious for the sensor going bad and keeping the darned thing flashing all the time. I just bypassed mine so the light would work for all the other icons but not the battery. Cheers
  20. Meter your spark plug caps and wires....quick, easy and no cost.
  21. Looks like some kind of "road hazard" type damage. I've seen a tire tear/chunk like that before when a buddy of mine tried to show off and did a standing burnout. Got a chunk of metal scrap caught under the tire and tore it right up.....
  22. Oh, they're not all like that. The prices are all over the map most of the time. You can find them from $500 parts bikes to some guy asking 5 grand for an 85 (http://www.kijiji.ca/v-touring/cape-breton/venture-royale-yamaha/1074174222?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true) in the NS kijiji. Gawd help you if you're looking to buy a model that is perceived to have any "desirability" to it. For example: 1995 VMax (20 year old bike), $5000 Says it's "perfect condition" http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NjAwWDgwMA==/z/U4IAAOSw3ydVkeg~/$_27.JPG http://www.kijiji.ca/v-moto-sport-promenade/ville-de-quebec/vmax-show-room/1083851510?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true He may love the paint job, but ti counts against it for me and makes it NOT perfect condition. That's a $2000-3000 bike at best. I had one guy in Moncton adamant his 1985 FJ1100 was worth 3 grand and he was selling it cheap at that. Wouldn't even listen to offers. Sure, it was in nice shape, but high mileage and its his bike so he can ask whatever he wants. Truth of it is that it's was a 1000-1500 bike at best. I ended up buying and 89 FJ1200 (all the updates are done by 89, 41,000 kms) for 850 bucks. Only thing wrong with it is it could use a paint job and a new seat cover. Doesn't need a paint job (someone painted it all pearl white), but could use one. Seat has an itty bitty tear in the top surface. Guy in Moncton still has the bike, still asking over the moon, still looking for a pigeon.... Ya just gotta catch the right guy. Some guys are selling begrudgingly, some are selling based on what the bike is worth to them (instead of market value) and some guys just want that old bike out of the way....right now.
  23. I'd stop pee-ing her off and start doing what she tells you if I were you. All she has to do is blow some pepper in your face and you're down for the count......
  24. How about a 91 for $500 Cdn: http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NTc2WDEwMjQ=/z/2E8AAOSwjVVVjjBD/$_27.JPG http://www.kijiji.ca/v-moto-chopper/laval-rive-nord/yamaha-venture-royale-1991/1083168070?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true Or an 86+ for $500Cdn: http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NTk4WDgwMA==/z/nMgAAOSwBahVCGl-/$_27.JPG http://www.kijiji.ca/v-pieces-accessoires-moto/saint-jean-sur-richelieu/yamaha-venture-1300-royale-star/1057898391?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true Deals to be scooped up in Quebec if you've got some cash and a trailer. Ontario is usually similar....
  25. No problem. I like to help with tech stuff where I can.
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