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Great White

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Everything posted by Great White

  1. If I were to hypothesize, I would say it's mainly related to the velocity of the airflow and the effects the air box has on that velocity. The slides are controlled by pressure differential (related directly to velocity in the throats) above and below the diaphragm. Increasing or decreasing that velocity friggs up the slide actuation. It has to be adjusted for by changing the slide port and/or spring strength. Problem is: it's a very tricky balance. Engineers have done reams of calculations, modeling and testing to get it just right. If the slide doesn't lift enough it's a problem. If it lifts too much, it's a problem. If it lifts too fast or too slow, it's a problem. All of this messes up everything from transient throttle response to jetting. Changing the air box dynamics changes the velocity, which changes the pressure differential across the diaphragms, which changes the carb behavior. That's my story and I'm sticking to it....
  2. Here ya go puc: [video=youtube;KqcL9-6gKDI] Fill yer boots!
  3. Sure, I'm not actively looking but I won't turn down one that's not broken like the one I have.
  4. I'm thinking you just need to do a little more setup work adjusting them. They literally will go 360 Degrees around on the risers and have height and angle adjustments on the bars. If the oem 83-91 Venture bars can't be adjusted to fit you, then there's no bars out there that will....
  5. I wonder if they intentionally tried to make it look like the face of a "Decepticon" or something from those recent "Transformers" movies: http://www.trbimg.com/img-560c7cad/turbine/la-fi-hy-honda-neowing-unveiled-at-tokyo-motor-001/750/750x422 I'd feel like I was riding around on "Megatron's" head or something.... I must be getting just too old because I don't like that "thrown together from a bunch of left over pieces" look at all...yuck. I'd take the look of the 80's/90's bike bodywork over that any day. If that's what's "in" these days, call me an old fogey and out of step. I could care less. YMMV....
  6. A little consideration for others goes a long way, especially if it's your neighbors!
  7. Be careful messing with the airbox. I would advise you to start with small changes first. It's not that it will go lean (although it can), it will mess up the resonance in the box and can cause the CV carbs all manner of fits. My SOHC 650 nighthawk was a beast on pods, when it decided to run that is. Most of the time it was just a big PITA. Temperamental is how I would describe it. I could get it to run great, but it would only last so long until something changed, it seemed like even the humidity changes would mess it up. Just too high strung. EFI cares less about airbox dynamics, since atomization is a function of the nozzles and not the Bernoulli effect...
  8. My 83 is certainly "ok", but for sure doesn't "run like a squealing pig". But, after this winter it will have a VMax top end, a RSV transmission and a VMax final drive. Should be lots of "squealing" after that! http://www.ls1gto.com/forums/images/smilies/burnout.gif I'm even toying with the idea of a stage 7 kit and possibly a 4 into 1... http://www.smileysnetwork.com/fou/fou33.gif
  9. Ah, but you can probably fly with your doors off. I miss that....
  10. Nope. Yammy essentially took the 1200 Venture engine and applied a lot of "old school hot rod" tricks to it to make the VMax engine. Some of the changes: Pop up pistons for compression bump, larger intake/exhaust valves, longer duration cams, larger ports, revised ign curve, larger carbs, etc. About the only real "new" thing they came up with for Mr Max was the V-Boost scheme where one cylinder can draw from two carbs above 6500 rpm. The rest is all old tried and true methods of squeaking more power out of an engine. Like most engines, all the power is mostly hiding in the heads.... A few driveline tricks too such as a lower rear diff gearing helps the 'Max move out with authority. Lower weight than a Venture doesn't hurt either in the 1/4. Interestingly enough, the VMax guys have been known to swap a 1300 block under a set of vmax heads for an easy 100 cc boost. As the old adage goes: there's no replacement for displacement (you forced induction guys don't count!) If anything, the 1300 is just a punched out 1200 with 1mm larger carbs.....punched out by installing bigger cylinder liners that is.
  11. You have my sympathies: http://i.istockimg.com/file_thumbview_approve/17454500/3/stock-photo-17454500-blue-medical-glove-on-hand-index-finger-pointing-upward-left.jpg
  12. Rotor guys all usually have a good sense of humor. We have fun picking at each other. Just part of the jobs description.....
  13. You would think so, but nope. Turn the force trims off and it's more responsive than a Jet ranger. Tail rotor is bigger than a CC130 prop. Tail rotor daisy wheel is essentially the main rotor daisy wheel off the AW139 turned sideways. So much authority, it's actually limited mechanically by interlink. 45 Kts rearward, 65 kts sideways, 150 kts VNE. Blade stall doesn't come in until...well, classified that is. But I've felt it, it's way high for stall! Power is ungodly, for a helo. 4500 SHP continuous, 6000 SHP military power. We can drop an engine in darned near AUW hover and barely droop. I've lost an engine in the hover and we didn't even notice until we saw the gauges winding down. It may look big, but it's stupidly overpowered and the BERP tips do amazing things. Climbs like a homesick angel. Remember: this is originally a tactical helicopter....it will do some things that will make your eyes water and yer guts fall out! It's a big sucker though. 14,600 Kg AUW. It's entering ground effect at 100 ft AGL. I've personally seen it rip 35 foot trees out of the ground and throw them like match sticks in a hurricane. As to looks: at least we're not flying around in something that looks like an aspirin!
  14. Gonna have to change your name to "cowsquid" if you keep that up.....
  15. Lots of fun stuff to be done in a Helo. No real worries about stalling and as long as you can keep some positive G on, you can do some flat out scary stuff. Wifferdales down teh runway at 10' RAD ALT is fun too!
  16. Ah, just read puc's link. "Unlicensed operation of a vehicle" At least that makes a little more sense. No license I'm assuming due to previous DWI and was driving illegally. At least the court had pulled his license. BUt it also means he was probably driving illegally sober as well. Still don't quite get the 6 counts though.....how do you even get to 6 counts? Unless the others were also driving illegally I guess.
  17. Tragic story. There is no defense for what happened and consequence must be paid, but speaking as someone who had to deal with an alcoholic father, the alcoholic very often has little to no control over the addiction once they are deep in it's grip. Because some one has developed that addiction, it doesn't mean they are a "scumbag". But it also doesn't mean they are excused from the consequences of their actions either. It's sad that others must pay the price for that addition. If the guy was "blasted", it's not surprising that he didn't even realize what had happened. I've seen that before. Personally seen it. Again, still not an excuse. 6 DUI's is a failing of the court and legal system. also his friends, family and yes: even the bar he was probably in. How the h-e-double L do you get 6 DUI's? That just doesn't compute for me. I can't help but feel sorry for so many lives ruined: The drunk, the Two killed, the drunks kids, the drinks wife, the two killed Kids, all the brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, the first responders that will carry that vision with them forever, etc... Some many lives ruined by alcohol.....so many. It's just all very sad.
  18. Ah, you seized wing guys: no sense of adventure!
  19. Whatta ya wanna know about landing? My "work ride": http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e235/gr8twhite/lockeddownalbum/Me/DSCN3598.jpg I can show you how to stop fast by standing it on it's tail, but you might be screaming some "religious references" while I do it! I couldn't buy the house down the road either. At the current exchange rate, I couldn't afford it and my pension would only be worth 20 bucks a month....
  20. Yep, the vmax is an honest 150 mph bike. No small feat considering it has the aerodynamics of a 4x8 sheet of plywood...
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