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Everything posted by XV1100SE

  1. Was a great get together. Everyone wore shorts, short sleeve shirts and sandals. Was a balmy -18 C. Canadian Spring ! Only kidding....but it was a great get together !
  2. Did you suggest as tweeks adding liquid cooled and two more cylinders?
  3. A member was supposed to get his in December....
  4. Most saw an improvement using the "i" basket which I believe started in the 2009 model year. Correct me if I'm wrong but it was the years before 2009 that experienced the whine. My '09 does not whine.
  5. Just to make sure.... did you see the post by Dingy a few years ago ? Has an Excel chart. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?43407-Valve-adjustment-Excel-spreadsheet
  6. More questions: 1) Is your workspace heated? -Yes 2) Is there coffee on hand? - Always 3) Do you have the proper parts? Yes 4) Do you know what you're doing? - No....that's why I need assistance 5) If I goof up, who pays the bill? - there won't be anyone name "Bill" here. Just me... you can still call me Steve 6) Is this project time sensitive? - completion before Spring 7) Does the bike need to run when we're done? - does it get dark every night? 8) Do you have a first aid kit handy the includes a defibrillator? - I have 120 and 220V outlets in the garage....and wires 9) Will there be watchers and advisors? - Just me 10) Is there an hourly rate, and has it increased with the minimum wage increase? - You don't have to pay me 11) Do I need to bring a lunch or do I need to walk to work? - dinner on me....not on me but I'll pay 12) If there are 12 screws will it be alright just to remove just 10? - as long as 12 screws go back in.... 13) Will you be there if I don't show up and then how will I know? - for now I live here so yes, I'll show up. If I'm not here, you can start without me (might go faster that way) 14) Do I need to bring any tools? caution, the rate doubles when I bring tools. - I don't have any shims. Can make some out of wood 15) Will others be disappointed if they don't get to 'help'? - No one will know but you and I 16) Do you have bleachers or is it standing room only, keep in mind there needs to be room for at least 1 LazyBoy. - Marca can stay inside where it is warm ! I wouldn't make her sit in a cold garage !
  7. So I need some answers to some questions. 1) If you have one, what do you use it for? - only time I use it when I'm getting some action....on the bike I mean....rather....when I'm riding my Venture. I don't ski, don't mountain bike....so I've mounted it on the bike (RamMount) when doing group rides. Thought when I got it (was free for me) I'd use it when touring but haven't done any long distance riding since 2013. - some people use it as a "dash cam" for protection against people that cause an accident with you so you have proof of who is at fault. 2) If you don't have one, why would you want one? - N/A 3) If you have one, do you use it at all? - couple times a year when group riding. Have some nice shots of the line-up in front of me going around sweeping bends, up and down hills.... damn....when is Spring coming? 4) Suggested brand and the benefits or lack thereof. - I've only used the GoPro and am happy with it. When people compare their product against another I take it that the "other" is the leader that people are trying to catch up to 5) How long do batteries last? - no long enough. I got an extended battery but with fairly regular use (you can do still as well as video) you might get 4 hours out of it. Get a second extended battery and charge it while using the other one. Problem with the waterproof housing once you close it up there is no port to plug into the camera available so the only way you could wire it to the bike is to punch a hole in the waterproof housing....making it less than waterproof. 6) Does the data transfer to my computer or do I need to use a cloud? BTW, cloud usage is out of the question for me. - like you I don't use the "cloud". I prefer sunny weather. I copy the videos to my laptop during a trip to free up storage space. Get a couple good size micro SD cards so you don't have to worry about running out of space when on a day ride. 7) Is it necessary to use a specific SD card, or will others do the job as well? - micro SD card "rated" for HD video - there are different speeds rated on cards 8) Any issues with service? - I could use some help with checking my valves over the Winter.... maybe changing out my clutch line to SS braided... - nice thing with GoPro I haven't needed service 9) Or anything else you might find important to share. - turn it off when crossing the border. Border guards won't be too impressed if they see the red light flashing. Think recording them is a no-no - an notice to people wondering about the Ontario rally....we will be having a planning session on Wednesday evening. Announcement on location and time coming
  8. Our condolences to you and your family.
  9. Like any vehicle, there are some quirks to the Venture. In the "Read Only - Technical" section there are common fixes. There is also a thread on common issues, things to look for when buying a used Venture (eg - rear shock for leaks, gear howl) - http://www.venturerider.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?87-Known-Problems-and-things-to-look-for Don't be worried about most of the common issues - they will give you things to barter down the price if you find things. One thing to do to improve handling is tightening the steering head. Other than a few quirks the RSV is a solid bike.
  10. Bets are on that Ben will be early...that's why he made it 6:30 instead of 6. .....well..... Maybe he'll be there by 6:45. Fashionably late.
  11. Happy New Years everyone !
  12. I could always get my username changed to something like 'AAAcme'. That'll fix 'ya !
  13. Giving it a good run with Seafoam in the gas will help a little. Might be some other products that do the same thing. Definitely synching the carbs will help. Good to see you are making progress !
  14. You are looking at the list alphabetically. Look at the time stamps. BIG TOM 12-27-2017 06:10 PM + 8 guests - Taters and I will be there saddlebum 12-27-2017 11:58 PM slowrollwv 12-28-2017 05:51 AM + 1 guest XV1100SE 12-27-2017 07:43 PM + 1 guest - Looking forward to it ! Tom was only first because he created the event. 12-27-2017 06:10 PM (Doesn't count since he created it) I was 12-27-2017 07:43 PM ==> Makes me #1, FIRST Ben was 12-27-2017 11:58 PM ==> SECOND place !!! Charles was 12-28-2017 05:51 AM Sorry Ben...gotta be quicker than that !!!
  15. Can't advise on the price to list your bike (I understand your reasons)....but if you are going to go Mustang... get a GT. Nothing like 8 cylinders under the hood ! I sold my 2007 GT a couple months ago and driving an 8 cylinder (4.6L) was much better than a 6 cylinder. If you are going to "go"....go all the way ! I will add though....be careful !!! The Triton motors have a spark plug design which is different. The OEM/Ford provided plugs are a two piece design. If they seize at all in the head, when you go to take them out it is common for them to break, leaving the bottom end of the plug in the head. There is a special tool you can use (and it works) to get the plug out once it breaks. See my post about this - http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?113606-Ford-spark-plugs-Ford-Triton-motor . There is one or two plugs made which are a one piece design. Before you buy a Mustang, have the owner pull the plugs for you before you buy the car.
  16. I was first !
  17. In October Envoronment Canada gave us the long range Winter forecast - "warmer than normal". Guess what...today was -18C and for the next week at least we have a "polar vortex". Early in December they said that the Great Lakes won't freeze up this year so we'll get lots of lake effect snow.
  18. When does the first date change happen? Is there a theme this year?
  19. Happy birthday Dragonslayer !
  20. Bob....even Christmas can't over shadow you ! Larger than life !! As for the "recognition"....if I saw you on the street I would admit to recognizing you.
  21. Merry Christmas ! May Santa be generous to all the good members of VR.org....and generous to all the "bad" ones as well !
  22. I generally say Merry Christmas to people I talk with. I do try to be sensitive to where people are from or what I think their religion is. I will say "Happy Holidays" in those circumstances. I know many Muslims and people of other faiths and to 99% it doesn't matter if you say "Merry Christmas" to them. "We" are supposed to be sensitive and tolerant of others but "they" are as well.
  23. Eileen said she wanted a white Christmas....he is just doing as requested !
  24. Welcome to the forum !
  25. My measure is the same as yours - 1/2 can before leaving the house to top up the tank. Top up the tank, ride home a couple miles/km and park it. During the Winter I will start the bike on "warm" days (40F) just to move the mix thru the carbs. Stabul....I've had bad experiences with. Going back to my 1100 Virago... read the label, measured everything carefully....would start the bike every once in a while over the winter....come Spring it would NOT start. Had to drain the fuel and put in fresh and it would fire up. I only use Seafoam now.
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