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Everything posted by XV1100SE

  1. Sorry to see you go as well but wish you a long and healthy retirement !
  2. Glad you are okay.
  3. Congratulations ! To a long and healthy retirement !
  4. Sorry to see you go Rick but understandable. Enjoyed your posts over the years. Best of luck to you.
  5. https://www.wsaz.com/content/news/Kanawha-County-Deputies-responding-to-double-shooting-441537593.html https://www.apnews.com/884896cb8d364d6488f545b31a05d497
  6. Bump
  7. Was crazy weather for sure. Hope everyone is safe. Things can be replaced but people can't. At one time they would say this type of event was a once in a century storm...but storms are becoming more severe.
  8. Looks very clean ! Doesn't look like anything has been added to it beyond stock. Congratulations !
  9. Bump
  10. Sorry to hear about the bike but glad you are okay. Enjoy the new bike...and as mentioned, no excuse not to see you.
  11. Pretty sure I just plugged my (old) iPod to my computer and it saw it as external storage. Loaded music on it thru Windows File Manager and good to go. I stopped using the iPod on my 2009 (I bought the iSimple separately) when I got my Garmin 660. I have a 64GB card in the Garmin with most of my music and just stream from there to the bike's audio system.
  12. Bump as a reminder
  13. Glad you are alright.
  14. Interesting that the judge wants to see more about the feuding... hopefully the judge lets him off or gives him the minimum.
  15. Congratulations ! Great that he is being recognized for his work.
  16. Don't know which movie star you refer to....but I do like most of Neil Young's music. And a Canadian too ! Oil isn't going to go away anytime soon. Industry and government is pushing EV's (electric vehicles) but how does the energy get produced to recharge the batteries? And in 7 years when it is time to replace those toxic batteries, how do they dispose of the old ones? One thing recently in the news was that oil companies don't clean up after themselves (don't clean up very well or at all in some cases). There is supposed to be a fund that they pay into for returning the environment to what it was but it is underfunded. In Canada they are or have changed it so that if a company goes bankrupt the first payouts go to the clean-up fund, then investors, etc. This is my issue with the oil companies and open pit mining companies....and fracking companies....they need to be held responsible for cleaning up after themselves, not polluting water sources, harming the natural environment. I've seen an ad done about the oil sands that shows a narrow image of an area that was returned to nature. Zoom out to a bigger picture and you'll see all is not rosy. Neil Young was taking the side of the aboriginals. When streams can be lit on fire, drinking water is polluted, animals dying...something needs to be done. Goes back to holding industry accountable.
  17. Unifor (union in Canada) is suggesting that we stop buying "made in Mexico" vehicles (VIN starts with a 3 I believe). Side effect of that though is the supply chain from Canada and the U.S. will also be affected. My opinion is that they go for a stop buying from GM completely. When it hits their bottom line, their stock price will fall, impact on profits....then and only then will they listen. I think it comes down more to corporate responsibility. For Oshawa, autos have been made their for 100 years. One of the founding companies that became GM started in Oshawa. GM is the biggest employer in Oshawa. I lived in Brantford where Massey Ferguson and White Farm Equipment made combines and when they both shut down around the same time it had a major impact on the city and the people. The downtown stores were 80%+ boarded up. I have some idea of what this will do to Oshawa and to the cities in the States when GM "reorganizes". Generations of families have worked for GM. Where do those workers go ? If you have more than 10 years with GM....or not quite there for retirement...good luck finding a job to support your family, and yourself. There is a GM auto plant in Ingersol Ontario that has been threatened with shutdown over the years. Hopefully they will not be impacted by GM's future plans. Maybe @sleepy2 can comment on this.
  18. It is too late for GM in Oshawa. By Christmas they (and several plants in the U.S.) will be shut down. Maybe GM is waiting for a bribe from our governments (like we haven't given them enough money and incentives). I feel sorry for the workers in Oshawa - almost 3,000 plus suppliers, restaurants, stores, etc.. Despite large profits...they say they are reorganizing operations to prepare for future generation vehicles (and increase profits even more for investors). They don't care about the families of the people they are making unemployed. I work in the auto industry (for Toyota in Cambridge and Woodstock in I.T.). Toyota is non-unionized but treats their employees well. When there was the global financial crisis, tsunami in Japan that impacted production, "stuck" gas pedal....Toyota did NOT lay people off but found work for them to do at the plant. There is a lot of investment in Canada and the U.S. by Toyota, by Honda, by Mercedes, etc.... It is a shame the way GM treats their "family".
  19. In one fell swoop : In our day (I'm almost 59) there were good paying full time jobs available. Now...although "they" say unemployment is really low, they don't consider people that went from good paying full time manufacturing jobs to part time and/or minimum wage jobs (with no benefits). No wonder so many people can't afford or dream of owning their own homes let alone afford a motorcycle. Funny though how industry moved to countries with cheap labour but their retail prices didn't go down....but profit reports sored 1- Free market economy. Trade agreements aren't necessarily a bad thing. They do stabilize economies. The issue has been that people in government (notice that most are wealthy) listen to "interest groups" or PAC's and let the companies move production to other countries because of the cheap labour. Several years ago production went to Japan, then Taiwan, Mexico, and China. Did they stop Apple from moving production to China? No...because it would hurt "their" bottom line. Who cares that jobs were lost? And as mentioned previously...when manufacturing costs dropped because of off-shore production, did they lower their prices? No, they made cereal boxes smaller, smaller bags of chips....and still raised prices. 2 - Education - Totally agree. When I went to high school you had to have credits in shop classes. I learned woodworking (a hobby now), electicity (I can wire my own house and during inspections have been asked if I'm an electrician), auto mechanics, welding, and can running printing press, process my own films..... We weren't allowed to use calculators until a certain grade and had to learn cursive writing, doing things in our head and working out answers on paper. Now they use computers from day one, google answers, copy/paste. They don't learn to think on their own. Without a cash register telling them how much change to give they couldn't count it back or figure it out on their own. In Canada we learned not only about our own history but that of the U.S. and of the world. This was an advantage of the education system here. But ask a kid now the provincial/state/country capitals or where on the map they are....good luck. 4 - Ethics - (government, business, and personal). It's everyone for themselves. Handouts, freebies, screw the other person....no sweat equity or putting in a hard days work. Government....like I said... the rich govern and make rules that benefit them. They don't work for the people....but work for "some" of the people. Businesses and special interests giving government bribes and money under the table. The education system now is set up to prepare students for white collar ("computers are the future") jobs and yet the blue collar jobs no one is trained for or wants. Bring back shop classes so people learn to work with their hands and with their brains. Take computers out of the junior grades. Oh wait....can't do that....those that can't have a computer at home are "disadvantaged" and we have to have them in school to level the experience level. I went to University (B.A. in Political Science and Economics) and College (computer programming). I'm glad I did it in this order because University taught me to think on my own, form my own opinions, write essays and convey my thoughts. College was practical (although some instructors were reading out of the book and didn't know the subject matter). They steer people towards education that there are no jobs for (secretarial). Not everyone can become a rocket scientist. Give those that are better with their hands experience in school so they can identify what they want to do in life. Nothing wrong with digging ditches for a life or learning to frame a house. Where would we be without people that can build things. We just need the manufacturing jobs back. Comment on foreign investment though. GM (who received government bailouts) are closing plants. Honda, Toyota are expanding and pay decent wages, good working conditions, benefits. Don't knock foreign owned companies that actually build product here. One final comment....I have tools that I bought 30 years ago that were "Made in Canada" or "Made in the USA" and they lasted a long time. Some I've gone to replace with even the same brand name are "Made in China" and last a couple years as apposed to a couple decades. It is the big companies cheaping out not only on labour costs but in materials and design. Even local souveniers are "Made in China". I have a Black and Decker circular saw that was my fathers that he bought in 1965 and it still works, is solidly built. Today's models are light, cheaply made, and don't last.
  20. Talk with Larry (@CarbonOne) since he makes (or used to make) them. He can probably give you dimensions too. If designing your own consider that you have to have them forward enough to clear the seat back when you open the trunk. Also consider the arm rest height so it is comfortable for your wife. If you need pics I can post some of mine when I get home tonight. Let me know.
  21. Sorry to hear about your father. My condolences to you and your family.
  22. With the GE H7616 bulbs in my passing lights, I went with an LED headlight bulb. The H7616 bulbs are a narrow beam and very bright. Lights up the road better than an ultra headlight bulb so my interest was in getting a bright white headlight so between the passing lights and headlight I'm very visible. LOL - you've been in front of me on rides....what do you think?
  23. Location confirmed! Calendar entry - https://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=512&day=2019-7-18 This will be the fourth annual Ontario VentureRiders rally. First two years were in Minden, Ontario and last year in Niagara Falls. This year, we are returning to Minden. Great roads for riding, very friendly proprietor at the motel/campground (Ray), and of course, amazing hosts in Marca and I.....and Carl. We will be based out of Ray's Place (formerly Southwind Motel and Campground). - map - https://www.google.ca/maps/place/6254+Haliburton+County+Rd+121,+Minden,+ON+K0M+2K0/@44.876095,-78.704515,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x4cd5103bc9179c63:0xb625b 283699f931a!8m2!3d44.876095!4d-78.702321 - web site for motel/camping - http://www.rayzplace.ca/index.html - facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/LetsGoToRaysPlace/ (you'll see he has some highly rated ATV trails) - there is a pool and volleyball court, and a good food trailer (had really good fish 'n chips) - Book your motel room (16 available), RV, cottage, camp site, or trailer site as soon as possible - 75-286-2152 - Ray’s Place Rates : (this is in CDN $.... so much less for the U.S. members when you consider U.S. to CDN exchange rate) Room with 1 queen $80 Room with 2 queens and kitchenette $96 RV is $96 Room with 1 queen and kitchen $84 For camping suggest you ask for the upper field area) No services is $30 15 amp site with water is $35 30 amp site with water is $40 2 bedroom cottage with 4 beds $159 These are daily rates and are plus HST, 13 percent. Member check-in on the Thursday although Carl and I will arrive on Wednesday July 17th so feel free to arrive early. We'll plan local rides for the Friday and Saturday with a group breakfast on the Sunday. Provided there are no fire bans, we'll have a camp fire in the evenings. One other thing....for those that want to celebrate Carl's birthday on Monday July 22nd... you might want to stay an extra day.
  24. If you throw the party.....I'm sure someone will come. Anyone? That's why I suggested that the party is at your house on the Monday....following the rally.
  25. No....won't be extended until July 22nd. Could be a separate party at Carl's on the Monday.
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