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  • Location
    Cambridge. Ontario, Canada


  • City
    Cambridge. Ontario


  • Home Country


  • Bike Year and Model
    1984 Venture XVZ12
  1. Motorcycle video starts at the 1 minute, 20 second mark. [ame=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/43510285#43510285]msnbc.com Video Player[/ame]
  2. I can't speak for motorcyles. But on cars I have cleaned break pads and had no problems. However I would only suggest doing this if you are broke or if the part is not available for a while. If you can afford it and the pads are available, I would put new ones on.
  3. elag


    He is holding the team together. I've been watching the series too. Without him I think Boston would have been out in the first round. We have to give him credit. Still, Go Canucks Go!
  4. Comeon' ..... Tell us how you really feel.
  5. With the forecast here. I should be able to pull the engine and rebuild it. Strip the bike down to it's frame, paint it and reassemble everything. Before it stops raining.
  6. elag

    lights LED

    I like the Venture at the end of the slide show.
  7. Number 24: Hiway 17 South Carolina is cool. Kind of like a ride on the Vomit Comit if you go fast enough.
  8. Please don't involve me in that arguement. But here is what I know about audio equipment. If an amp is driven hard enough to distort it is clipping. ALL amps clip, whether the clipping will damage the speaker or not depends on how much more power the speaker can take over the rated power of the amp. Also it depends on how much clipping the amp is doing, eg if the amp is clipping only 10% of the time it's not going to damage the speakers. If the amp is clipping 90% of the time, there's a good chance of damaging speakers (400W speakers on a 17W amp unlikely). But you have to remember that even the 400W speakers will most likely have tweeters. The clipping may not damage the woofer but the tweeter is always far more delicate then the woofer. Infact the tweeter on a 400W speaker system may actually be rated as low at 30 or 40 watts. Well within the range of a clipping 17 watt amp. You would be surprised how many car stereos there are out there with blown tweeters and the owner doesn't even know it. Now getting to the amp. I believe the amps in our bikes are rated at 17W RMS. This would mean that on peak power, the amp could put out up to 40 watts for a second or two clean, then it'll clip. Remember what I said about the tweeter being much lower power. Long story made short. IF YOU HEAR DISTORTION, TURN IT DOWN A BIT. Answering the ohms question. Almost all car speakers are 4 ohms. Almost all home speakers are 8 ohms, with a couple of excepions like Bose or Yamaha active servo techology. And professional sound re-enforcement speakers can be either 4 or 8 ohms. Now that I drifted way of track. LOL. I'll answer the origional question again. When looking for speakers. Look for the highest decibels at one watt/one meter rating. This is the rating that tells you how loud the speaker is at one watt. The louder the speaker is at 1 watt, the louder it's going to be at the 17 watts our amps put out. This will decrease the need to "crank it up" to begin with. Therefore decreasing your chances of overdriving your amp.
  9. Twigg is absolutely correct. Our amps only put out about 17 or 18 watts. To get more volume you have to look at the "db per watt meter rating" (shown in the specs as ??db/WM) of the speaker. The higher the db at 1 watt meter the louder the speaker wil be with the power we have. To increase the volume by only 3db it requires twice the power from the amp. Therefore if you see 2 speakers on the shelf and one speaker is rated at 87db and the other is 90db. The 90db speaker will be noticeably louder then the other with the same amplifier.
  10. As a couple of people stated above. Mac has been less prone to virus attacks in the past because the vast majority of computers out there are PC. Therefore the virus/malware wrighters would target the largest number of computers possible, this being PC. But Mac is still prone to virus attacks and as they get more popular, so will these attacks. Anyone who would disagree might want to take a look at this link and ask themselves. Would this exist if there were nothing for Mac users to worry about? http://buy.norton.com/estore/mf/productDetails/slotNo/16/sourcePageType/Category/categoryCode/Macintosh_Sub_Category/productShortName/norton-internet-security-mac/productSkuCode/14551955/priceGroupId/1000000/
  11. Go to this site and register (it's free). After registering, you can search band name. It will give you links to sites like Rapidshare, Fileserve etc. Copy these links into another tab and click "free user" and you can get just about anything you can name. As always make sure you virus scan the file before you open it, but I have yet to come across a music file with a virus. www.warez-bb.org[url="http://www.warez-bb.org"] [/url]
  12. Not mine. But the embroidering on the seat is cool. I really like the Venturerider logo on the backrest.
  13. Really simple way to aim your light. Go out at night. Find a nice straight country road with very little traffic. Switch to high beam and adjust the light til' you can see as far a possible (while sitting with most of your weight on the bike. Do it 2up if you usually ride with a passenger). When you switch back to low beam you should then be able to see only a couple of hundred feet ahead. Works for me. I have HID installed and have yet to get flashed.
  14. 1984 Venture for sale in New Hamburg. Owned by someone on this site. Custom embroidering on the seats. Look at the backrest, It has the Venturerider logo. http://kitchener.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-motorcycles-touring-1984-Yamaha-Venture-W0QQAdIdZ276536771
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