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About pod50

  • Birthday 11/18/1954

Personal Information

  • Name
    Rex Lucas


  • Location
    Columbia, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 RSV
  1. I believe he said when shifting to 3rd so I will assume low rpms.
  2. I had a little booboo and layed my bike down on the left side. Banged up a little but getting better. Anyway, the insurance payed off and I sold the bike to my brother. He wanted to fix it up. The damage on the bike was mostly cosmetic like windshield and front fairing scratched, left saddle bag cracked etc. The shifter and the footrest did catch a little of the pavement. The bike will run fine in 1st and 2nd, but going into 3rd it cuts out. Could the kick stand switch have anything to do with this. I know the info is a little vague but he would like some ideas before paying a ton of $$$$ to the stealer.
  3. Uh! What travel log?
  4. This is absolutly a beautiful town. The hills and roads are great. People here are friendly. My only problem was I came from S. Ms through Atlanta. What a mistake! Traffic was terrible. Be heading back tomorrow through Franklin and Murphy to Cleveland. This was a quicky so I'll have to come back to do all the roads around here. Pisgah NF I was told was pretty. Anyway, got some good footage on my gopro. Ride safe all.
  5. I swap my GPS from bike to bike. I did it the cheap way, velcro on the tank cover. On my vtx I mounted a techmount on the handle bars and put velcro on the flat area. I rode 6200 miles out west and did not have a problem. I took off the cheap suction cup mounts and put velcro on the back cover of the gps. Kwik on, Kwik off.
  6. Hello all. New to this site (but not to riding) and love it so far. Aquired a 2007 blue rsv with 7900 miles. Just broke in. Found the site and did a lot of reading. You guys and gals seem to help each other greatly. Got a few little ticks to get worked out on my bike and have already found most of the problem areas have already been discussed, such as bag bolts comming loose, CBERR, and stearing head bearing tightening. Very healpful. Thanks to all that have posted. I also ride a Honda VTX 1800c. Look forward to chating. Rex
  7. Having this problem now. Will check all my connections. Mine will work for a while just starting. After driving a few miles I get the CBERR. I thought it has something to do with heat.
  8. pod50

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