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Everything posted by Vonwolf

  1. I thought about using paper, but I thought it might break down quickly when exposed to all the moisture in the air around here so I made my "shims" out of strips I cut from sandwich bags. I know there's a real possibility the plastic will melt and I'll have the same problem, probably even messier. I let it run for a long time and nothing seemed to come apart yet. If it does I think I'll try Teflon tape, I thought of that after I had everything back together. I haven't had a chance to see if it builds more pressure yet, but the ring is tighter and it seems to be stronger, with the age of these compressors you'd probobly have to go through a few before you found one that didn't have the same problem.
  2. Its a Word .Doc on my hard drive now. good stuff
  3. This is a great resource, but it would be kind of hard to talk myself into buying 100 e-clips when I only need 2. It's only 4 bucks so I don't think haveing extras would kill me
  4. 1/8" e-clips work but are a bit too big you have to crush them a little bit to make them tight. I never cold find the exact right ones some metric size just a touch smaller than 1/8th inch doesn't get me very far
  5. My rear shock won't inflate for some reason so my bike has the same problem, on the side stand the bike is almost vertical and the center stand is a pipe dream my bike sits way too low and rides like a boat. I hope a replacement shock fixes the problem only the new shock is about 11 1/2" unsprung, but the best I can tell the spring on the bike's full weight is around 11 1/2" so there might be something else going on with mine
  6. It is strange I'm thinking my original mufflers are the one that have been messed with by a PO, It expect factory welds to be nice and neat like the older end piece and not rusting tac welds at random places like my bike has. There is also no way the newly acquired muffler ends, nice as they are would stay in place for very long. Might be the reason I only have one so my guess is I have yet to see a true unmolested muffler the more I compare the sets the weirder it gets? Mysteries really annoy me, I will not be able to get this out of my head, I have no point of reference I only have the one bike and Ventures aren't exactly falling out of trees here. Might see if I can sift through close-ups of eBay pictures and see if I find a clue, I destroyed my Back a couple days ago and I seem to be immobilized at the moment so I appear to have the time
  7. I only have my one 87 and yep it's held on by 6 tac welds, but the end piece of the MKI "tip?" has a "tang?" that protrudes out the whole circumference of the lip that is held in place by spot welds, there are no grinder, drill or cutting marks of any kind on either of the joining areas of the muffler pieces. That is the source of my confusion the pieces slide together perfectly and somewhat securely, but a good whack from a pothole in the road and it would take flight never to be seen again.That might be what happened to the other piece? <!--url{0}-->[/img]</p><p> <img src=[/img] I know everyone is looking at their MKI'sand MKII ans seeing spot weld of some sort, but unless this thing was done by a Master welder or maybe a Magician (I doubt it) there are no welds holding these two pieces together. I'm not trying to be difficult, but I do know what a drilled out spot weld or a ground off tac weld look like and they and not anywhere to be found on the muffler ends. On the other hand, my hopes of finding a duplicate are quickly vanishing
  8. You were quicker than me, but the "cap" slides right in place and there are no welds or cut marks anywhere. I've never seen another Venture in person so I have no idea how this should go it really looks like it slides into a slot in muffler end that a tab on the cap or end slides into
  9. I bought whole exhaust system pretty much just for the collector, it seemed like a pain to try mine and it was cheap enough so why not. The chrome on the 83's pipes and mufflers are better than mine so I'll use most of it, but the mufflers only have one of the end cap's and from the way it looks on the 83 parts diagram it looks like they're all one piece. I have no idea why they're both off and only one came with the exhaust system, but I doubt there are single caps floating around so I might have to stick with what came on the bike. <a href=http://i1064.photobucket.com/albums/u369/vonwolf1/New%20Set%20Up%20Crop_1.jpg' alt='New%20Set%20Up%20Crop_1.jpg'>
  10. I just noticed the 87's are quite different than the 83 set. the 83 set only has 1 tip, but they are in much better condition than mine so I hope I'll be able to find another tip. I bought it for the collector which is in good shape luckily, the rest is only needed for looks so I still can use the original pipes if I have to
  11. The Mufflers look similar with the with the exception of the top mounting brackets, it there a way to make the 83's mount on the 87? The new Pipes look far superior to my current 87's so I hope it can be done? I also unfortunately noticed the 83's tip's don't have the springs to keep them in place, what keeps the 83's tips from falling off? Title should readCan you get the muffler from an 83 to mount an 87 Venture
  12. The Mufflers look similar with the with the exception of the top mounting brackets, it there a way to make the 83's mount on the 87? The new Pipes look far superior to my current 87's so I hope it can be done Sorry Double Post
  13. I thought it would be off a standard Venture the Schrader Valve's what caught my eye, but can this shock handle the small weight increase of a Royal?
  14. I've been trying to find the same measurement myself I have one that I think is off an old standard Venture (83?)with the internal spring. It measures about 11 1/2" center bolt hole to center bolt hole off the bike. I'd like to know the compressed length if anyone knows, A little late I know, but I just found this post, I hope it helps
  15. I really don't know if it is a standard or royal, it just seems tp be setup to manually inflate the shock and I think the spring is more of a year thing as it was advertised to be off an 83 Royal. As in the picture its spring must be internal and not as beefy as the later Ventures, I read something about this here, but I apparently didn't pay close enough attention as I can really remember the details. Basically, the 86 up Ventures had a larger exteriorly mounted spring so it could carry a larger load, again not really sure on this one. I just went with this one because it has the Schrader valve next to the dampener adjuster, I thought this would be a nice backup in case the CLASS goes out. I'm not really sure this shock will be as good as one off an 87
  16. That's what I was hoping for I know these bikes are quite a load, I can't make this thing compress at all, with my 250 pounds anyway. I think I might have messed up as I don't think this shock is as strong as a royal would have been without the spring and the shock on my bike looks to be around 11 inches now so I'm not real confident this will make much difference?
  17. I just got a rear shock off a standard Venture and I need to know what the of the shock should be with no load or air? I'm not real sure the new shock is any good as it doesn't extend any if I try to increase air pressure and I really don't want to switch one dud for another, it might be the shock is extended to full length with no load, I really don't know. Does this look right, the length is at about 11 1/2" and it doesn't change regardless of air pressure? http://i1064.photobucket.com/albums/u369/vonwolf1/Rear%20Shock%20FleBay.jpg
  18. With a broken exhaust collector that I could easily repair, I was watching EBay for a good deal just in case something disasters popped up when I removed it. I came across what looked like a good deal on a complete exhaust system for $105 with shipping, the chrome looked much better than mine so I thought I'd give it a shot. I don't really like selling things, but I've seen parts in much worse condition than mine selling on Ebay so I might be able to get some of my money back and have a better-looking bike out of the deal. I also picked up a rear shock off a standard venture that looked to be in good shape. I liked the idea of having the choice to hook my CLASS up or just air it up manually as it seems 30-year-old electronics have a habit of failing at just the right moment, so now I have a backup plan just in case. I desoldered the net TCI I just got and was surprised to see all 8 diodes looked like new modern diodes might be more reliable, but no way was I going to mess with them. I don't know where this TCI came from, but it was well-maintained that's for sure.
  19. I had this problem with my bike for a long time on #2 cylinder. I checked the coils, both for power and resistance, then I checked the #2 coil wire at the TCI, if you run the bike and put a 12v test light on the out to coil side it will look like really fast strobe light, then check the wire and cap resistance and make sure there is spark. I did all this and still no fire on 2 the plug would look like it fired, but it wasn't translating to a running #2. It turned out that the spark plug wires were bleeding out energy and killing the hole so I replaced the cap and wire and it's on all 4 cylinders. If you have access to a Service Manual it gives a good step by step to check you ignition I did check the compression first
  20. It really makes no difference what the dampener is set to it just stays the same old mushy ride, I don't beleave it has any effect on the ride at all. I haven't seen anything broken down, but I can't rule out it might be the wrong centre stand because it isn't even close to any useful angle there is no way it will flip down like a normal center stand. Hell, the bike hardly sits high enough for side stand to work, when it's down the bike is almost straight up vertical, you could push it over with one finger. I'll have to look for the grease fittings, things seem to get kind of tight up in there
  21. I just discovered my left rear nipple broke off I really hope another one turns up reasonably priced like that one. I'm sure they'll discover more gold in them now that I need one. Looking at that picture and where mine broke I doubt I can get it repaired, but I can always hope
  22. That would be great David, but while my CLASS system definitely has some issues I wanted to check the shock because the bike sits so low and is so mushy I knew something had to be wrong. I'm airing the shock directly into the splice before the CLASS compressor it's like a Schrader valve without the part in the middle so the air comes right back out. No matter how long I keep the compressor hooked up the shock doesn't seem to inflate, the bike doesn't raise at all and when I take the air chuck off just a little poof of air is released, its not like I'm discharging a bag full of air just the air that's in the line. I can't figure out how to get to the top bolt off the shock without taking the wheel/gas tank or every other thing in the way, but I haven't had much time to look at it before the sky opened up and drenched me. One other disaster has reared its ugly head as I tried to remove the right muffler, yes the nipple broke off at the collector, a bit of a nightmare I suspected might be the cause of some of my backfire issues. I hope there is enough material left so I can have another nipple welded back in place, but I was too busy throwing tools around to really get a good look at it. Now I have to wrestle the damn bike up on the center stand as the bike lift works right there making it impossible for me to get to the collector, this bike is coming dangerously close to getting buried in the back yard next to my old EX 750
  23. This bike always rode mushy even back when the class would pump the shocks up around 70 -75 lbs (rear) and I never could get the center stand down to an angle where it would catch enough to pull the bike up on it the bike just sat low, it always took 2 of us to get it on the stand and I'm plenty big enough to do it. I always figured the rear shock was shot, but I look at it like if I ignore it then it will go away. I can't ignore it any longer I guess so I checked the rear shock by disconnecting the pressure line and shooting about 110pounds of compressed air from my shop compressor and as I suspected the shock didn't inflate at all. The bike is all apart so I guess I have to shovel my way down to the rear shock so I can figure out why it's not taking any air maybe I'll get lucky and the hose will be blocked somehow, but I really doubt it. The bike has sat for 4 or 5 years, but I really don't think it ever worked. I could always sit flat footed when it was stopped and it never raised higher it didn't matter how much air was in there. I can’t really think of any reasons that the shock won’t inflate like this, it just won’t take any air; it’s not leaking air rather stopping from filling the shock. But I don’t know much about these shocks so maybe this is more common than I’d expect. It won’t kill me if I have to replace it, but with only 36000 miles I think it would be more durable than that
  24. Thanks, Kevin I'll definitely give this a shot I'm sure any 30-year-old pump is going to have the same problem to some degree no matter how well treated. I shot about 110 lbs of air from my shop compressor straight into the rear shock and as I suspected it didn't inflate at all. I've felt the rear shock had a problem since I bought the bike it just never ran well enough for it to be an issue, now it appears I can't ignore it anymore it
  25. I want to thank Droneh8tr for the Desiccant it worked out great, just the right amount I needed. I disassembled the valve body and blew it out with compressed air, all the solenoids are working,but it seems like it takes a lot of pressure to get air trough the valve body itself let alone get pressure enough to inflate the shocks, is this pressure-demand normal at the valve body?The compressor runs good and it looks good on the inside not too worn out, but when I put it all back together and install it in the bike it's the same old problems. It builds a little more pressure only around 5 Lbs to the rear and that's it, after a bit I get E2 error. I have to guess the compressor piston just can't build up pressure and times out. I doubt there are parts to rebuild the piston and I don't like the idea of buying a 30 plus year old part and expect much more out of it, but I doubt there are other options available.
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